1/2 Price 30-Day Prepaid Mobile for The First 3 Months: $9.95 8GB, $12.25 25GB, $14.95 40GB, $19.95 75GB, $24.95 100GB @ Yomojo


Join Yomojo and enjoy 50% off our mobile services for the first three months regardless of plan allowance.

Bundle in multiple Yomojo mobile plans and take advantage of our family discounts, and $20.00 per member referral.

Use OzBargain to get one free month when porting your number until the 28th of Feb, or the first and fourth months free if you are coming from Exetel/Superloop.

Referral Links

Referral: random (48)

Referrer gets $20, Referee gets $20.

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  • Your family bundle page is 404

    • https://yomojo.com.au/family/

      The page works fine, but we did not update it with the new pricing.

      If you do add services, your bill will be reduced by

      2 SIMS/services = 5%
      3 SIMS/services = 7.5%
      4 SIMS/services = 10%
      5 SIMS/services = 12.5%
      6 SIMS/services = 15%

      • +3
      • +3

        Do you have any competitive 12 month plans (including talk & text & low data usage)?
        Do you have any offers for international roaming?

        • We are hoping to have a 180 day plan around April, and also will offer 5G plans at the same time with the higher spend ones including international minutes.

          • @Yomojo: Any 365 day plans coming?

            • @Trishool: Only 180 days are planned at the moment.

  • +1

    Using Optus network! Similar to Amaysim, Dodo, TPG, and Coles Mobile.

    • Yes we use Optus.

      None of the providers you mention give a free month.

  • Can I buy now and activate in mid march?

    • If you don't activate until mid-March, you will miss out on the first free month unless you're coming from Exetel/Superloop.

      • +1

        Not really, you can buy on the 28th, and we would ship the SIM, or send you the eSIM to activate in March, the free month would apply.

        • Awesome, good to know.

    • Yes that's fine.

  • I couldn't sign up for a plan. I've had an account in the past so it asks me to sign in, but when I do it says "Add new service" which leads to a broken page.

    • Try using another email address.

      How recently were you a customer?

      Feel free to email [email protected] with more details.

      • Sent though an email cheers. I am hoping to use the credit on my amount.

  • +2

    Hi, it looks like you guys don't have a secure way to validate my ID without sending a copy of the ID in email or chat. Why is this the case? If you do not have a secure way of verifying your customer ID and store customer IDs in emails and chat histories, that means you don't value your customer's sensitive information.

    • All communication, calls/emails/social media chat goes through our Genesys CX3 platform.

      "All customer data is encrypted both in transit and at rest: AES 256 key encryption for data at rest and HTTPS with TLS 1.2 or higher encryption for data in transit. Beyond platform-level encryption, we use unique encryption keys for each organisation for sensitive data like call recordings."

      We take security very seriously.

      • +1

        Thanks for explaining your encryption setup, but that's not really addressing my main concern.

        The real issue here is why you're storing customer ID documents in the first place. Even with fancy encryption, keeping copies of our IDs creates unnecessary risk. It's pretty basic security practice - if you don't absolutely need to store sensitive stuff, then don't.

        I'm curious:
        - How long do you actually keep these ID copies after you've verified who I am?
        - How many of your staff can access that [email protected] mailbox where all these IDs end up?
        - Why haven't you developed a better way to verify identity that doesn't involve customers sending ID copies through email or chat?

        The point isn't just about encryption - it's about not hoarding sensitive personal documents when there's no ongoing need for them. That's what real security-conscious companies do.

        • -1

          I'm not sure why you felt the need to post a negative review and the same comment on all three current posts….

          Yomojo has strict security, privacy and confidentiality processes.

          There is no mailbox in which emails are stored, with Genesys emails are attached to a customers profile, and ID data is purged frequently as required by the Privacy Act 1988.

          • +1

            @Yomojo: Thanks for your reply, but I've just reviewed your privacy policy at yomojo.com.au/privacy-policy/, and it doesn't align with what you're claiming.

            Your policy has no mention of the "frequent purging" you're claiming is required by the Privacy Act 1988. In fact, the Privacy Act doesn't specify any required frequency for purging - it only states you should destroy or de-identify information when no longer needed. Your own policy only vaguely mentions keeping information "more than 6 months but less than 2 years" without any specific timeline for purging ID documents.

            Other concerning issues in your policy:
            - You state you keep information "for as long as we need it" which is extremely vague
            - There's no mention of how quickly ID documents are deleted after verification
            - Your policy mentions sharing data with numerous "suppliers and business partners, agents, consultants and advisers"
            - You only state information is "accessed directly only by Yomojo staff or our nominated agents" without explaining what controls limit which staff can access sensitive documents

            So again, my original question stands: Why are you collecting and storing copies of customer IDs in a system where they're "attached to customer profiles" rather than simply verifying identity and immediately purging this highly sensitive information?

            I'd appreciate specific answers about:
            1. The exact timeline for purging ID documents after verification
            2. How many staff members can access these customer profiles containing ID documents
            3. Why you don't have a more secure verification method that doesn't involve storing copies of IDs

            • -1

              @croccer: Are you a customer Croccer, or just a troll?

              Yomojo is audited each year on our policies, and sensitive information is stored securely. However with a new billing system going live in the next two months verification will be done through a third party such as Australia Post to fast track this.

              • +2

                @Yomojo: It's great that you're moving to a new system. However, my points regarding the privacy policy and the questions that I have raised still stand unaddressed. I am an information systems auditor (CISA, ISO 27001 LA) myself, btw. Can you please tell me what standard/control framework Yomojo was audited against and did that control framework have controls specific to PII/privacy e.g. ISO/IEC 27701? And was Yomojo audited by an independent third party? Why do you think I am a troll? Just because most customers don't go this deep doesn't mean I am a troll.

                • +2

                  @croccer: Haha good one. I'm guessing it takes effort to implement ID APIs (say IDMatch/DVS), and they can be fined for not verifying customers, so they hold an image of the ID instead as mitigation. For how long is not an easy answer if my guess of the situation is correct.

              • +2

                @Yomojo: So, it's safe to say the way you handle customer IDs was and is not safe and all if not most of the customer support staff had access to all customer IDs provided via these insecure methods?

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