Hi all,
Our old evaporative coolers' filters got damaged and caused a leak that collapsed a section of the ceiling when we ran it unknowingly. Thinking that it was overdue for a service, I got a guy to come out and service only to be told that the filters need to be replaced but recommended against it due to the age of the unit (15-20 years, they think). He recommended getting the unit replaced and was preparing a quote for a similar equivalent, estimated at 4-5k.
The house was built in the 1980s and is in ok shape but would be looking to knockdown rebuild in the next 10-15 years.
With that in mind, I've considered a couple of options and want to know what would be the best option in your opinion.
- Replace existing unit (4.5k)
- Install new pads ($900)
- Install 2 new splits in the living areas and have the air through to the bedrooms ($4-5k+)
Location is in Melbourne and we were happy with the performance of the unit on most days, struggled on humid days.
Despite the majority view support of RC AC, if there's limited humid days where you live I'd stick with EC and go new.But shop around for the best bang for buck,better brand. The flexibility of flushing the entire house, windows open etc on the worst hot days is a more natural way to cool big areas (and ppl) quickly.Running costs cheaper.It will certainly last till the rebuild and save $$ on energy
I know,I know everyone says solar +RC, but each to their own.