Getting New Car Insurance after Last Car Was Stolen and Written off

Hi, I had my house broken into and car stolen two months ago.

The burglars went through the drawers and found the keys as I was sleeping inside upstairs. My car was stolen by a 14 year old teen in Melbourne as many have heard similar stories in the news recently.

I received an insurance payout as the car was a write off. I am now struggling to get new insurance on the new car I've purchased. Some insurances will not insure me after I list my recent theft experience and others premium is extremely high.

Is car theft an at fault claim? Can I insure the new car in my partners name and then and then pay the non driver $600 excess if something happens? Is there a restriciton on sharing insurances between partners who live at the same adress?

Can anyone help out?



  • Some insurance don’t even need to list drivers

    • Anyone I borrow a car from a mate they tell me it's the car that has the insurance and anyone who drives it legally is covered automatically.

      • Not always. Some have age exclusions, others require anyone in the household driving to be listed or they aren't covered. etc

  • +1

    as a curiousity, where were the keys? So i dont store them in a similar location.

    • +1

      Dont worry about the key, how did they get in?.

      • +3

        probably the cat door

        • +11

          This is why I refuse to add a cat door to my car.

      • Locks keep honest people honest. It's not difficult to pick a lock or kick a door in if it's a wooden door jamb.

        Alternatively, your house has windows right?

        If someone wants to get into your house, they will. All you can do is make it harder by having lights, cameras, alarms, deadbolts etc.

    • +7

      I put my car keys in random locations around the house, and sometimes have to search for five minutes or more to find them. If I have trouble finding them, then surely a thief will too.

    • +1

      Some would prefer that they find the keys quickly and not come snooping around the house to threaten people for them.

      • +2

        That was what happened just the other day. Burglars broke into the house and searched for the car keys for an hour. When they couldn't find them they went into the bedroom and woke up the owner and threatened them with knives until they said where the keys were.

    • +5

      In a can of tomatoes from Aldi.

  • insure under wife's name or parents.

  • +2

    My car was stolen by a 14 year old teen

    This is what happens when you pay people to breed. You can thank John Howard's baby bonus.

    • -1

      What a well thought out statement. You come across as a real thinker.

    • +1

      They never said where they were from /s

      • Haha. True, however most of them are locals.

  • Now insurance knows that your local hooligans know where your keys are, how to get them, how to get access to your car. How to make your car go and you slept through the whole thing.

    I'd say your house is considered high risk now.
    Was your car parked in a locked garage when it was stolen?
    Did you have a steering wheel lock engaged?
    Any CCTV cameras or deterrents?

    These might be things you could suggest to insurers to encourage them to insure you again.

    All of us can drive each other's cars, we just have to give insurer a quick ring to cover an under 25 driver.

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