• expired

Knorr Chicken Powder 1kg $9.25 (Was $18.50) @Woolworths

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Noticed this is half price again at Woolies when doing my shop this evening..

Same price as last time in Dec-24


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  • +7

    Same price as last time in Dec-24

    No inflation in 2 months? Wow I'm feeling nostalgic all of a sudden.

    • +2

      The half price discount is not enough to clear the stocks in last two 2 months. This product is not the one you normally found in the Chinese grocery store. It's made in Turkey, not made in Hong Kong. It's still better than the liquid chicken stock likes Campbell's real chicken stock.

      • -4

        Made in Hong Kong ?

        Most food sold in Australia must be labelled with its country of origin.

        • -3

          Made in China

      • They have different imports, some are made in Thailand, China as well as this one Turkey. Also beware of the Chef collections, the only different are more sodium and MSG, which in turn have a lower ROI… XD.

    • Half price 2 weeks ago as well (29/1-4/2)

    • Price will drop a bit ,a few months after next bird flu outbreak in Europe. Trickle down

  • Made with 2% real chicken meat powder, in Turkey.

    • +7

      That's not confusing at all 🦃

        • +1

          Seems some are resistant to name changes!!

          Türkiye has been known by a few names over the past 5000 years. Such as Anatolia & Asia Minor.
          Maybe they prefer to revert to those names?

          Europeans imposed the name they created for the region, which eventually became the name Turkey.

          Maybe similarly we should call Australia by its old European created names: "Nieuw-Holland" / "New Holland", "Terra Australis" or "New South Wales".
          Or maybe its earlier Indigenous names??

          Since it seems some are triggered by official name changes!

        • +1

          Thanks for presenting facts. Don't understand why people neg facts, maybe they can't handle truth

          • -1

            @cmyk: Thanks. Notice you were swiftly negged😉

            Many countries have changed their names, some recently. Some people stick to the old map & country names they were taught in school (with the British Empire in Pink!)
            But Türkiye seems to cause more problems here than others.

            We're all different.
            Some can't handle change & fiercely resist it. Modern changing life must be unbearable.

            Some reject any change because "I didn't vote for it😖"

            Others have diagnosed conditions that make acceptance of change extremely difficult (eg Autism).
            Something to be aware of when communicating. (Learnt by my mistakes.)

            Animals, babies, etc are usually very wary of change (the aptly named "startle response"), as it may mean danger.
            But change can often be a great opportunity!!

            And there are valid reasons for disliking change of a country's name. There can be a strong association with the old name through family ties.

            My Persian friends strongly insist that they are NOT from Iran!! Despite being born there. (Understandable when you know what they've been through!)

        • +1

          Considering one of those characters doesn't exist in the English alphabet I think I'm going to stick to the translated "Turkey".

          • @tenpercent: What - you can't handle an umlaut??
            Pretty limited outlook!
            Better not go beyond English language countries!! Or buy German products.

            • +1

              @INFIDEL: When I'm speaking or writing in English, I use English letters. Crazy times.

              • @tenpercent: Hope your keyboard doesn't find out of your phobia. There are lots of "foreign" symbols there🤣

                • -1

                  @INFIDEL: But my keyboard is racist too. It only has characters used in English. The software on my computer can make it insert gobbly gook characters though if I press the right combination of square/triangle/circle up/down/left/right at the same time. I don't know the cheat codes and I don't want to know. 26 letters and 10 numbers are enough.

                  • @tenpercent: Stating fact only.. those 10 numbers usually called Hindu-Arabic numbers, otherwise you might need to type XIXIXIXXI

                    • -1

                      @dlovep: Yes.

                      used in English

                    • @dlovep: I only use binary & hexadecimal.
                      Built a hexadecimal keyboard to input data into the first microprocessor I built in 1970's.
                      When you've hexed - mastered the power of 16, you cant go.back😉

                  • +1

                    @tenpercent: Same, happy to write Turkiye myself, but can't be fckd finding out where those dots and dashes are to type them out everytime.

        • I know Turkish ppl in Straya with strong ties home, that still call it Turkey.I doubt they are an outlier.

          PS Wonder what is actually printed on the label? And I'll bet they don't say where the 'chicken' is sourced from,either, as per local food labelling here.

          • @Protractor: My Australia Post delivery driver says he's from Turkey. We chat about his interesting, historic country. Planning to get there.

            Asked why he doesn't call his loved country Türkiye. "No one knows where it is. Much easier just to say Turkey."

            After all, the official name change only happened in 2022.

            Most adapt their use of language to what is accepted by the country they are in. It just makes it easier.

            Travelling overseas for decades, I tone down any Stralian in my accent. A neutral English is easier for most to understand. Especially in non English speaking countries.
            In England, I can pass as a local - avoiding the ribbing in pubs for being a "bloody Ozzy" with references to 'Neighbours'😉
            Trying to speak Japanese after a night out, my Stralian drawl slipped out - causing a group of young Japanese women to laugh. I'd rather avoid that embarrassment.

            Whereas my wonderful neighbour says he is from Persia (a country that hasn't existed for 90 years) rather than Iran.

            He is justifiably proud of Persia's long historical & cultural heritage. Of what it has given the world. But hates the authoritarian 'Government' of Iran (that persecuted his Christian religion & is not liked by many). He escaped Iran.

            But it is difficult for most to understand where he is from, requiring a longer explanation. Meeting Persians overseas, I understand. That makes them very happy.

    • Well… how about the other 98% made with turkey then… so they can label it turkey powder.

      • conglomerate powder would be a more accurate description of the product this post is subject to.

  • +9

    didnt someone here mentioned that this isn't the original Knorr Chicken powder?

    This is the original one

    • +3

      Yeah, it's different. Bought a bunch last time and it was different the good stuff that says 'traditional Hong Kong recipe'.

      • How much better and does it go on sale?

      • +5

        90% of everything in your house is made in China though. How come you're you're still living there?

        • -6

          It is actually probably more like 20%, and only a few specific items like black vinegar are from China. Rest is taiwan, hong kong, japan, europe, USA etc. Even most of my clothes are Italian, Portuguese, Sri Lanka, Vietnam (for sports gear such as Patagonia).

  • +2

    What’s this used for? Pinch to add to sauces or soups? That 1kg is a whole lot. I have a fancy stock powder and it’s probably 100g, I’d normally go through a pack in 6 months.

    • +1

      This is different than stock. It really adds a umami flavour to your cooking without as much salt. Not sure how to explain it but give it a try.

      • Sounds like MSG, just padded out with more stuff.

        624 is monoammonium glutamate, so I guess maybe MAG instead.

      • +1

        Ah ok thanks. Might see about a small pack. My mum used to always have “Maggi sauce” Which she put in a lot of things. Sounds similar.

        • Delicious

  • Only 20 grams..

  • -5

    Garbage food. Look at the ingredients. Avoid if you value your health

    • +1

      Which one that I should worry of? I use this as soup base for fresh/dried noodle quite often.

    • +11

      well there's your problem, you're not supposed to eat it as a main meal. But to sprinkle it like you would with salt or pepper.

    • -3

      I'm amazed at how ppl can be stupid enough to condemn science based vaccinations and then eat this life shortening shit without batting an eyelid.
      Salt, Monosodium Glutamate, Maltodextrin, Corn Flour, Sugar, Chicken Meat (from God knows where and in what health condition,husbandry etc) , Palm Fat, Hydrolysed Vegetable Protein, Permitted Flavourings (say what??) (Contain eggs), Sodium Inosinate And Guanylate, Silicon Dioxide and Spices.


      • +2

        Chicken Meat (from God knows where and in what health condition,husbandry etc)

        you're selectively passing judgement to push your agenda, whatever that is.

        Do you stay away from every product that has egg in it in any form because you aren't sure how those chickens were treated as well?

        Nope. you don't.

        • -1

          What agenda? Not eating unknown origin shit from an unknown OS source? Where poultry diseases are 10 times more than here, and where there is zero oversight ? OK you have me.Gorge on it.Please.

          • @Protractor: So, no evidence whatsoever?

            • @MrMcHairyHead: WTF? Show me where the chicken content comes from and what regulatory oversight ensures the integrity of that chain of custody? The rest is an existential lucky dip. It's your lips, pass whatever you want over them.

      • +1

        Can you provide any evidence that Salt and MSG, in a balanced diet, are bad for your health?

        • -2

          Can you provide any evidence you have a mystical power over me following your orders?? Do your own research, happy in the(BI) knowledge that you have zero idea what the state or source of the components in the food you eat are.
          Also did I even mention the individual impact of salt or MSG?

          TLDR>G'head. Eat as much as you want. No skin off my nosse

          • +1

            @Protractor: So, no. You have no evidence whatsoever. You're just a miserable (profanity).

          • +1

            @Protractor: "You shouldn't eat this."

            "Why not!?"


      • Which one of those do you have a problem with and why?

        You haven't provided a single bit of evidence whatsoever.

        • Would you like a Bex chicken man?

  • Anyone know whats the deal with totole chicken bouillon? I've been to like 10 different Coles within the last 4 months and haven't seen any in stock.

    • Hit up your local asian grocer?

  • This stuff is amazing. I use this instead of salt.

  • +2

    Better than Vegeta? I do love Goku tho

    • @goku-kakarot what do you think?

  • Made in Turkey

    I thought Knorr was from Thailand based on my knowledge

    • -1

      It's a German brand.

      • I see. Wiki says It has been owned by the British company Unilever since 2000. That's why everyone only knows Unilever. I like the taste the made in Thailand one from an Asian grocery store.

        It's cheap in Thailand like $5 and under some sort.

      • Engineered in ……………… (enter preferred marketing spin here)

        Maybe this version should be called Ig-Knorr

        • Yeah, stuff is made wherever nowadays. But the brand is still German, even if the ownership may be British. Different countries will get a version produced in different locations, and quality can vary massively to suit local tastes and budgets.

    • +10

      Yay !!! MSG, that makes everything taste wonderful, I'm buying it on your recommendation.

      Thanks OP :-)

      • +1

        MSG = Make Sh*t Good.

    • +5

      so you're saying, things that make my food taste better. You're doing a good job at making me want to buy it.

    • wondering how many people would shit themselves if they knew the reason chicken salt is so good is due to msg

      • and basically any packet of chips.

    • You remind of the monsters that get the MSG free chicken salt

  • -5

    I cant find made in USA ones anymore

  • one or two tablespoons, it's your choice.

  • can anyone recommend their favourite recipes with these please?

  • Unaustralian

  • Hows this compare to Vegeta?

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