Exetel Discontinuing Exemail Email Services

Just got an email below. To say that I am shocked is an understatement. After twenty+ years with Exetel, they have given us two months to cut over everything under the sun to another email provider. Not staying around to wait for their next backstabbing move.

We’re reaching out to let you know that we’ll be discontinuing our Exetel exemail email services. This wasn’t an easy decision, and we understand that you rely on this service to send and receive emails.

Here at Exetel, we always strive to deliver our best and bring you better internet. This change gives us the chance to focus on giving you the best internet experience possible.

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  • +11

    There's a lot of upkeep and maintenance required to host mail servers these days than how it was 5+ years ago. Especially now with all the security requirements and filtering. It makes sense for them to urge people to go elsewhere due to costs associated with upkeep and services like Outlook.com and Gmail are going to handle all the technical stuff a lot better.

    It's always a good idea to have emails elsewhere incase you move ISPs and lose access.

    • -1

      Exetel, they DON'T host email servers.

      Exetel have had their email servers hosted for many years by a secure third party that specialised in email security

      So, whoever spread this rumour should be banned.

      OZ Bargain, what a joke to not fact check it!

  • +3

    TIL that some people still use ISP provided email addresses.

    They have given us two months to cut over everything

    That's good. It should only take 15 minutes to open a Gmail account and import your old shit.

    • +1

      I noticed that small businesses tend to be using these emails. They start the business decades ago and just keep using the same one. Some of their ISPs have stopped supplying email and have referred them to some provider that takes care of people in that situation, can't remember what it is called. Costs a bit of money though, not a great deal. If keeping that old email address lands them one more client then it pays for itself.

    • +3

      It would take me a lot longer than that to update all the on-line accounts that use my email address as the login.

      • I would want at least six months to be sure I didn't miss anything. I haven't used ISP mail for.. 15 to 20 years now. I own a domain name and pay for email hosting every year.

        It's like using a P.O. box or parcel locker when everyone else leaves their mail in a box on their street.

  • +4

    The issue is how time consuming updating all of your account details on other websites to a new email address. Can it be done in two months?

    • +3

      Had a look at my password safe and need to update my details on 385 sites

      • +3

        Divide and conquer. Make 7 changes per day for the next 60 days. 10-15 minutes per day. You probably spend more time per day doom scrolling Facebook.

    • I switched to Fastmail from Gmail two years ago. I'm still updating stuff. i don't think I'll ever really be rid of Gmail. I have a neighbour who runs a small business from home which relies heavily on her optusnet email address, I've started her on the process of migrating stuff to another provider as I have a weird feeling Optus might one day do the same thing.

      • How is Fastmail? I have also stupidly relied on my Optus address for like 20 years and going to change, was thinking of gmail but all the names I want would be taken but I've just signed up with the one I want with Fastmail.
        Optus email have been steadily getting worse so I did think they would be shutting it down but their webmail page suggests they are in the process of upgrading it.

        • Fastmail is awesome. I am using multiple domains for my email (I don't even use the fastmail address directly), setup masked email addresses to services like forums, banks, and so on, so that if any particular one is involved in a databreach only that address is compromised. You can import your Gmail etc if you have it as well. You can use it for contacts/calendar and so on also if you want. It's not the cheapest but it's a great service and very flexible.

  • Didn't even realise they offered something so archaic

  • +8

    I'm sure you and the other 12 users are livid.

  • -1

    Bargain !!!

    • I guess that is why it was posted in the forums and not as a deal.

      • -1

        Exetel, they DON'T host email servers.

        Exetel have had their email servers hosted for many years by a secure third party that specialised in email security

        So, whoever spread this rumour should be banned.

        OZ Bargain, what a joke to not fact check it!

  • +1

    I share the pain as an internode user, but at least internode allowed the old dinosaurs like us to pay a 3rd party to continue using the same email address.

  • +11

    Future proof your life and go through some short term pain.

    • get yourself a domain name (cloudflare, namecheap, porkbun etc, avoid godaddy)
    • get yourself a gmail account, any name is fine.
    • Set up wildcard email forwarding from your domain to your gmail/outlook account. People will say wildcard is bad but I like using a different email address for each service I sign up with ([email protected], [email protected], etc) and they all come to my one free mailbox. Easy to spot who's leaking my address as well, easy to cut off if they start spamming.
    • Set up a new sender address in your gmail account, so your emails go out as [email protected])
    • Migrate all your 385 accounts to use your new address or one address per service. 2 months is plenty of time to get this done.
    • This is the correct and well detailed answer.

    • Be a sad day when bots start exploiting my wildcard. I've already started receiving emails on random addresses I've never used.

      • Gmail is pretty good for spam protection, I’ve not had a problem for 19 years

    • I do this but I pay for email hosting. I have found that over the last decade or so I get very very little spam when I use nospam@DomainName,com. Most sites get their own email address, login and password.

      I went with Tera-Byte about 20 years ago and stayed because it just works. I have no idea if there's any good reason to change my provider.

      My email host has always been slow, but cheap VentraIP.

  • -4

    Who cares, exetel are dog sh!te

  • Gmail/Outlook/Yahoo is free.

    Today, if I were to open a new email today, I'd go with Yahoo for its free 1TB of storage.

  • I left Exetel years ago. I could still access the email for a long time afterwards. Maybe 2 months is not a hard cut off.

    • +4

      You would think they would offer a forwarding service for at least 12 months.

      • +1

        They used to offer 6 months for $50. I never bothered with it but the forwarding service continued to work.

      • This.
        Takes bugger all effort on Exetels part and keeps the punters happy.

      • -1

        Exetel Are NOT Stopping email.

        Exetel, they DON'T host email servers.

        Exetel have had their email servers hosted for many years by a secure third party that specialised in email security

        So, whoever spread this rumour should be banned.

        OZ Bargain, what a joke to not fact check it!

  • +1

    I would agree, two months is really not enough time. However, I would imagine that that is probably some bluffery from them, and that they have given such a short timeline to incentivise users to start the process now…

    Plenty of actual helpful suggestions above.

    • -1

      Exetel Are NOT Stopping email.

      Exetel, they DON'T host email servers.

      Exetel have had their email servers hosted for many years by a secure third party that specialised in email security

      So, whoever spread this rumour should be banned.

      OZ Bargain, what a joke to not fact check it!

  • After twenty+ years with Exetel

    Technically you've been 3 years with Superloop. Writing was on the wall when that acquisition occurred. You could have made plans then.

    • +1

      Writing was on the wall when TPG, iiNet and Internode all dumped e-mail a few years ago. I'd be very surprised if any ISPs are offering an e-mail services by the end of this year. If you are still using an ISP e-mail address, NOW is the time to migrate.

      • -1

        Exetel Are NOT Stopping email.

        Exetel, they DON'T host email servers.

        Exetel have had their email servers hosted for many years by a secure third party that specialised in email security

        So, whoever spread this rumour should be banned.

        OZ Bargain, what a joke to not fact check it!

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