[Used, VIC] Black Task Chairs $5 (Normally $70) Pickup Only (Sunshine West) @ Sustainable Office Furniture


Last week I posted ex-showroom Aeron chairs for $1356 and even though they sold out quickly there were lots of people moaning about how out of touch I am with the cost of living crisis and that $1300 chairs aren't a good deal…

So today when I came across this deal I thought I would post it. The chairs in the photo look in great condition and as a cheap and cheerful chair they might do well.

52 North View Drive, Sunshine West Vic 3020 - Mon-Fri: 7:30am - 4pm

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Sustainable Office Solutions
Sustainable Office Solutions


  • +81

    Upvote for being petty lol.

    • -2

      I think this OP is associated with the Business as the like-hood of a newly minted (December 24) OzBargain account is just too suspicious: always recommending chairs from the one store and a sssuper active account..
      No L plates or nothing.
      Perhaps @WatchNerd has something to say about this?

      • You are confused. Where else did I recommend chairs or anything else from this store, exactly?

        I think the chair you have has had such a high fart count that you are hallucinating on the gases.

      • -1

        Hello? Are you still there?

        • -1

          Hi, "kaybrr"-who is not connected to this company, can you please check how many of these chairs are still available?
          The website seems to be stuck on "500 units" from a few days ago.
          As to high fart count or otherwise causing hallucinations, I prefer to follow the advice of a qualified gastroenterologist.
          But for your hearty and healthful consumption, I recommend eating lots of raw onion, cabbage, broccoli and a decent serve of brussel sprouts.
          Let me know how you get on…I am sure you can increase the "count" of many of those chairs that are still for sale.

          • -1

            @marcozmitch: Please, get some help. If not for yourself but for the people around you who need you to be better.

            "can you please check how many of these chairs are still available?
            The website seems to be stuck on "500 units" from a few days ago."
            Were you going to buy 500? 1 chair is $5 which seems to be more than you have to spend.

    • +3

      A $5 chair is a pretty decent bargain whether or not it is a rep posting the deal

  • +46

    Buyer beware, this store has a history of gaslighting & pretending to be the victim.

    And last post got caught out lying about the 2 company names.

    I'm guessing if the rep posted another poorly received ad on here they would have gone to the penalty box.

    • +5

      How is this company not banned yet?

    • +1

      Geez.. talk about deceptive practices and then shamelessly being petty. Negging the post for visibility to the same (I'm surprised nobody else has done so already).

      • -5

        I get the vote for shamelessly being petty, but not for deceptive practices as I don't own, work for, know anyone that works for or ever been in the store…

    • +11

      Always great to read your comments @WatchNerd I really appreciate what a valuable member you are. Not just this post but plenty of others. You really do keep watch. Thanks.very much.

      • +7

        Not all heros wear capes… Some just wear watches…

  • +16

    What’s the fart count

    • +40

      What a stupid question. Why would a count matter where volume is of most importance? A petite lady doing 10 petite, polite farts a day wouldn't compare to Bertha with ulceritive colitis and a big appetite blowing through 100 litres a day.

      TLDR; Volume is a usable statistic and fart counts are just for marketing to uninformed consumers

      • +5

        That is before we even discuss gas density and associated particles

        • +2

          Or the length of skidmark

    • +1

      For every 1 cent discounted off equals to 1 fart added. So the more you save. The more farts you will get.

  • +8

    Are they lightly shat?

    • +5

      Your comment tells us more about you than you planned.

    • +1

      They are pre-queefed on by the local Karen before shipment.

  • get ya task chairs

  • +12

    Valentines Day sorted πŸ’“

    • +4

      I like it how you make life hard for yourself.


    • +1

      genuinely chuckled at this

  • Is there a sniff guarantee on these chairs. Meaning they are pre-sniffed before shipment. If the sniffer survives it passes the test.

    • +10

      Troy Buswell, is that you?

      • +2

        I sniff your pardon

  • +1

    I don't think it's appropriate to delegate duties to people based on skin colour

  • +8

    OP states that:

    The chairs in the photo look in great condition

    but site states:

    reduced to clear due to wear/tear

    so they may not be quite as good as what is shown, i fear.

    • +1

      Yeah, I was confused, too. The photo looks good but the description doesn't inspire confidence.

    • Torn and worn?

      • Queefed and skid marked?

      • It is not good to talk about the OP that way!

    • FOWAT: Fear Of Wear And Tear

      Another acronym for the OzBargainers dictionary

    • +1

      The business is also located in a very dank and isolated industrial estate with very heavy truck traffic.

  • +1

    Must be shit one for $5

    • +10

      Must be shit on for $5

      • +1

        No, that actually costs extra

  • +1

    Skid marks or no deal.

    • So you take your own chair to the restaurants, pubs and most importantly in flights ? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

      Where last time i witnessed a family changing nappies on tray table 🀒

  • +2

    My lumbar hurts just looking at this chair

    • +1

      Yeah my timber also hurts

  • What would you currently recommend for an ex display aeron?

  • +6

    Do you have any with the seat missing at additional discount?

    I need an additional chair as my mother-in-law is coming to stay.

  • +10

    Sorry OP, and you may not have anything to do with them, and this is not against you personally, but against the company that is posted here.

    I have serious reservations over this company and the conduct of their rep over previous posts, sock puppeting and the link. Also that they failed to disclose that they may be in some form of liquidation phase as it appears on the ASIC profile that as "outside administrator" has been appointed at some stage recently in what appears to be a wind up of the company.

    Do NOT buy anything from these traders unless you are handing over cash and taking the item. There is a possibility that if you "pre-pay" or expect delivery, your money may very well end up in the liquidation pool… One chair, $5, ok, but if you bought 50 chairs…

    And again, it's nothing personal OP, I am negging to highlight the issues with the company, not your post. People need to be aware of trading with this company.

  • +1

    Okay Ozbarginers we know you have a fetish for a good sniff of a used corporate bum chair with fart stains

    not me…

    • +1

      Us ozbargainers always enjoy a complimentary skid mark

  • This is in Sunshine West, not Sunshine North. Over 2kms away.

    Has to be in one of the worst industrial areas in Melbourne.

  • +6

    Negging to let others know about issues with the merchant who has been untrustworthy in the past.

  • nice deal. haters gonna hate

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