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Samsung Galaxy Watch7 AI Smart Watch 44mm Bluetooth Silver $359.49 Delivered @ Amazon AU | Officeworks Price Beat $341.52

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Samsung Galaxy Watch7 AI Smart Watch 44mm Bluetooth Silver $359.49 @ Amazon AU. Price beat at Officeworks for $341.52.

Silver goes well with any third party straps out there.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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  • +1

    This vs FE edition?

  • +7

    Battery on these things is ridiculously poor. When did we start accepting 24 hours was ok for a $350 bargain watch?

    • +3

      Apple Watch is 18 hours for $600. Seems OK for a lot of people?

      • +14

        Its apple. Sheep always sheep

        • -3

          Sheep are a touch brighter

        • -2

          Dismissing that many people's choice without reason shows that you are the sheep. The Apple Watch is awesome, if it worked on Android I'd buy one tomorrow.

          What's wrong with 18 hour battery life? I'm only awake for 16 hours a day, so if I consistently get 18 even on heavier use days, that's totally fine. No problem with taking two seconds to drop it on a charger at night.

          • +4

            @MrMcHairyHead: We need to wear it at night. Its one the feature they advertised, to monitor our sleep.

    • Yeah I had a Galaxy Watch that I bought in 2019 that I was charging every day, but since upgrading to the Galaxy Watch 7 I don't notice a huge difference in terms of battery life because I still have to charge it every day. I could get it to 2 days but I'd have to toggle off features which defeats the purpose of having it.

      • +1

        My ultra gets 4 days.. but my watch 5 44m got 2 days comfortably.

      • My Watch5 does 2 days with regular use and biometrics on.

    • +3

      I took mine off the charger at 6AM, played a quick game of golf and recorded the activity (2 hours), watched/listened to a youtube video through the watch speakers for about half an hour and listened to an audio book on a run for about an hour. Its 15 hours later and I'm at 59% battery. Edit… Maths

      Just note that these cannot wireless charge from your phone like previous Samsung Watches.

    • I had the Galaxy Watch 4 and I would've killed for 24 hours! With LTE off and no exercising, it ran out consistently at 7pm.

  • -4

    Grey import. No thanks

    • -1

      It says shipped and sold by Amazon AU though

    • -1

      Whats wrong with grey import? Still genuine and licenced product.

    • How do you know if this is grey import?

    • +1

      When i originally posted it AU product sold by Amazon AU. I guess the units ran out and a third party grey import deal has be revised by someone.

  • +2

    Ill stick to my watch 5 pro with 590 mAh battery

    • +5

      Ok thanks.

    • +3

      Agreed ! GW5 Pro is the best watch ever made by samsung in terms of battery. I wish they bring that in GWC8

  • Whats the AI does on this thing? Is that just exclusive for gw7? Or gw6 will get software AI update too?

    • Samsung use bigger sensor on watch 7 and watch 7 ultra that has AI in it. So it was hardware changes, not just a software/firmware update. I doubt they will have AI update for watch 6.
      Samsung claim it's 'AI sensor' has better accurate sensor, but some review online report watch 7 less accurate compared to watch 6. While watch 7 ultra sensor is fine but not far better.

  • GW5 Pro holds 3 days with all the necessary functions, including SH and daily working out.

  • +1

    $306.99 via Catch. A further $10 off is also available at time of writing (see website for details).

  • OW may not price match if grey import, the part number will be different as last few letters are the region

    • Jb won't price match as it's a 3rd party seller.

  • I replaced my galaxy watch with Amazfit Balance and man it made a huge difference. Almost all the same functionality but with upto 12 days battery. With smart display always ON I still get 4-5 days.
    Amazfit is Amazing indeed.

    • There's no alarm/Timer or DND syncing though.

      • In Amazfit balance or Galaxy?
        Def in my Balance watch I have alarm, timer, stop watch in the app, plus sleep and theater modes for DND.

        • For Amazfit. You can't sync the DND mode, nor the alarm/timer functions on Zepp. Maybe through Notify for Amazfit though.

          For example, on my Galaxy Watch, if I set DND on my phone, my watch automatically also goes into DND (among other automated features such as power save enable, AOD off, raise to wake off, disconnection alerts off, etc). If I set or edit an alarm on my phone, when it goes off, my watch automatically vibrates/rings as well.

          I had an amazfit bip and an amazfit bip u previously. I also found sometimes notifications wouldn't go through, and there was usually a bit of a delay between notifications on the phone and watch.

    • Agree that Amazfit is great. I used to have one and it was better than my previous garmin and fitbit.
      I still prefer the watch face manager/editor on amazfit compare to samsung.
      The only reason I choose Galaxy watch are for the wireless charging and powershare. And sadly they remove powershare on watch 7 to fit the 'AI sensor'

  • Beware, AI is just a marketing buzzword when it comes to watch 7 with little to no actual use. Samsung using "AI" means lack of hardware upgrades since last generation.

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