• expired

Edifier 2.0 Bookshelf Bluetooth Studio Speakers: S1000MKII $299, R1855DB $179 + Del ($0 VIC/SYD/ADL C&C/ In-Store) @ Centre Com


Very good value all rounder speakers at a very nice price! I've had these myself for several years and they are fantastic for music, gaming, movies etc. Will destroy most sound bars on the market for clarity, power, and of course, stereo separation. Highly recommended by many reviews online.

If I had to describe the sound quality from these in 3 words or less: Pure, Gorgeous and Beefy!

And in my humble opinion, they look super snazzy to boot! (with or without the speaker grills) 🤩👍


CONNECTION TYPE: Coaxial, Optical, Bluetooth 5.0


RMS: 25W×2(Treble) 35W×2(Mid-Range Bass)

DIMENSION:(WxHxD)205x270x336 mm


Manufacturer's product page

Also on sale at Centrecom are the Edifier R1855DB bookshelf speakers for $179, basically the junior cousin (so to speak) of the speakers above, and also at a very decent price. Free delivery with account (excl WA, NT & remote areas).

Bonus is that the R1855DB has a subwoofer line out, if you need. But imo, by the time you add a subwoofer to the R1855DB, you may as well just go for the S1000Mkii's, because they are more powerful overall and better quality and would end up costing you less, at least in this deal.

Matching speaker stands available at Zylax, total of $192 including delivery.

Or a bit more at Bunnings for $189 (online order only with $15 delivery, at least for my postcode) total $204.

Centre Com deals available until 14 February at 6pm AEDT or until they run out.

Surcharges: 0% for bank deposit, Afterpay & Zip Money. 1.2% for VISA / Mastercard & PayPal. 2.2% for AMEX.

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  • +4

    Unfortunately too big to put on the desk, in my opinion.

    • +1

      Yeah I agree, for some desks, they would be a bit too chonky. Mine are used for TV atm, but I do have a deep desk that could easily fit them for my PC if I wanted. I guess it just depends.

    • +2

      Sounds like you need a bigger desk.

  • +1

    I'd probably add $100 and go for the 2000 ones

    • +4

      I'm sure they are very nice too, but I prefer these because they have a lot more power in the mid and treble range than the s2000's, which has most of the wattage dedicated to the base.

      These will give a more evenly distributed power across the signal, which for me is generally much more pleasant to the ear. Because I've never been into heavy base setups, as most of what the average person listens to (the audio signal itself) on TV, Movies, Music etc, is not so much in the lower (base) range anyway.

      • +1

        The two models have different kinds of tweeter (titanium dome vs planar diaphragm) which likely have different sensitivity and power handling characteristics. A driver with a high sensitivity will be louder than a driver with lower sensitivity at the same power.

        So simply looking at power ratings tells you nothing about frequency response.

      • +1

        Bass not base

        • Maybe he's talking about the vibe.

        • @sidesw1pe

          Sorry, bad habit

  • Can these be used as front left and right speakers with an AVR ?

    • -3

      Yes, use the rca in. Depending on your avr speaker output, you might need to strip the other end of the cable or get a rca to speaker cable cable.

      • +2

        these are amplified speakers with their own DSP/DAC and as such your AVR would need to have line level signal output for the L/R channels. they will not take speaker level input.

        you would be better off buying passive speakers.

      • +2

        Mate, that is terrible advice!

        Whatever you do, do not try and connect your AVR speaker terminals to the RCA input of these (or any powered speakers). If your AVR has pre-outs for the fronts you can use those, as they'll supply a line level output which the amp in these speakers will accept. You'll likely also need to note the level/volume setting on the speakers that you use when you calibrate the AVR and make sure the speakers are set to that whenever you use the AVR if you want them to run as intended with any other speakers your AVR is driving.

        If your AVR doesn't have front pre-outs then you'll need to look for passive speakers.

  • Bought these during the boxing day sales. No complaints other than they're a little big for a PC desk

  • this 1855 looks like a 1700bt with more input option, wating on the 1700bt or 1700bts to go around 110-120.

    • id just buy the 1700bt now as they are incredibly cheap as is and extremely good value for money.

  • +2

    Got the S1000W (same but with wifi capability) on boxing day, setup with the TV since. Great for the price, can fill a lounge room with sound and I do enjoy the stereo separation a lot more than you would get out of a similar priced soundbar or the built in TV speakers.

    Definitely overkill for most computer desks, they are deceptively large and heavy for bookshelf speakers. Yet they do retain a lot of detail at lower volumes so if you have the space…

    • Agree, these definitely have enough power for a lounge room, and like you say when they are a good distance apart and the stereo separation is more effective, especially compared to a sound bar, they really fill the space effectively 👍

      Yes! I was surprised how good they sound even at low volume, which is what I often use them at. Haha, yep, make the space if you can, because you won't regret it imo 👌

    • +1

      I also have the S1000W hooked up to a turntable in the lounge room. Sound is superb and compares quite well to the some huge vintage speakers in the garage. Very clean organic sound with excellent base for their size.

  • I use the Logitech z263 2.1 system to for movies and listening to music. I feel like the z263's are amazing for movies but I'd like to hear more punch when listening to music.

    How would these speakers compare.

    • +5

      These would be night and day. The issue with the Logitech is it pretty much handles high end and low end with no balance and no mids. Overall most budget bookshelf speakers would run laps around the Logitech, unless bass was your only concern.

      • Great thanks for that!

    • +3

      Worlds better.

      The z263's are honestly some of the worst ive heard. Theres no way to pull enough bass out without also stripping the mids.

      Trebel has an abundance of 8k but almost no 16k sparkle, to me.

      Just a mess imo.

      These are a whole different league.

      • Awesome, I'll grab a set. Thanks.

  • +1

    These are often on special at this price at centrecom if that helps.
    Currently on special for valentines day lol.

    • +2

      Yes, I had my eye on the Edifier S2000MKIII (finally purchased a couple of days ago via Ebay) and noticed all the Edifier go from one sale into the next with a maximum of couple days in between sales, but even than they are not at full price.
      Went from Christmas sale to back to school to Chinese new year to valentines….And all the time there is the FOMO creating count down….

  • +1

    Regarding those speaker stands linked. Could you please confirm the width (logo facing) of the base for me? They might not fit where I want them lol

    • +2

      Sorry! I wish I could help, but I don't have the stands, only the speakers. I have been meaning to get some one day, but at the moment, mine are on the floor 😓

      This manufacturer page seems to offer the best listing for measurements of this stand, including separate base, separate middle and separate top measurement listing. I would be pretty confident these are accurate.


      • Thanks:)

  • There’s no sub out on the S1000MKII, is there? Already got one for my current setup, so would have to probably buy an amplifier or receiver to make use of my existing sub I assume

    • +1

      That's correct, they don't have a sub out.

      • Such is life! Ah well maybe an upgrade for later

  • -1

    Is Audioengine A5+ a noticeable upgrade over S2000mkiii ? I much prefer A5+ look over edifier

    • +1

      Audio engine for the hype beast/ Instagram appeal

    • +1

      I used to have A5s and they're pretty flat sounding and do not have DSP/DAC (mine are the non + version). they definitely need a sub with them imo.

      edifier make great speakers with built in DAC/DSP that does a good job of sounding like what people expect speakers to sound like - good bass response and loud.

      the S series are dog ugly though.

      I have R2750DB edifiers and I Have since turned off my sub.

      edit: to be clear about it, the edifiers vs the audio engines, not really a comparison IMO due to the different price ranges. both good products though.

    • +3

      I've had both the Edifier S2000MKIII and and Audioengine A5+, I wouldn't consider A5+ superior to the Edifier, the Edifier has a lot more detail. The A5+ are very fun sounding speakers though and I enjoyed both.

  • +2

    Has anyone by chance tried these with a turntable? My partner's records are in need of a sounds upgrade

    • Yes, I have the S1000W and use one of the RCA inputs with a turntable. Sound fantastic to me, even with a budget turntable. Audio is always a broad spectrum. $10,000 speakers with a $10,000 turntable obviously sound even better! But I'm more than happy given the price.

      You will just need a separate phono preamp or turntable with one built in but that's easy.

      • +1

        Cool thanks. The turntable has preamp built in, so that like good to go

    • +1

      Mine are connected to a PC and I play music from FLAC files through these (basically same quality as a CD or LP) and the quality of sound they produce is amazingly clear and robust, at either low or high volumes. I would recommend them to anyone who enjoys listening to all kinds of music👍

      Here is a video review that I think you will find very interesting for your use case: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRYibee9RXg&t=604s&ab_channe…

  • I have a pair of Audioengine A2 + their S8 sub.
    How would my setup compare to this S1000W?
    I'm genuinely looking for an upgrade

    • +1

      I'm not familiar with your speakers but just looking at the specs, these Edifiers are going to be much more powerful (I think as much as 4 times). And considering the limitations imposed by the very small size and wireless connectivity of the A2's, I'd imagine the sound quality would be vastly better on the Edifiers too.

      My impression is, that the upgrade to these speakers, would be a very significant one for you.

      • Thanks heaps. I'm just not a fan of the look. Do you think a R2850DB would be a similar choice in term of performance?

        • +1

          I don't think there on the same level of quality at the s1000mkii's. But maybe not that far off. I was actually about to buy R2850DB but they were out of stock everywhere at the time and when I contacted Edifier they said they had been discontinued. So I'm not sure where you might have located some?

          But anyway, then I found the s1000mkii's for roughly the same price on a big special and I was glad I didn't get the R2850DB's because all my research at the time indicated the s1000mkii's where significantly better.

          I know aesthetics is subjective, but if you could hear them for yourself, I think you would fall in love with them like most people and not give a hoot what they looked like! 😅

  • +1

    Still running my Logitech Z623 2.1ch from 8 years ago. How do these compare? Is there a 2.1 model?

      • Perfect thanks. Might do some research and see if there's a 2.1 model. 2 channel might be better, but really need a sub to drive the low frequencies.

        • +2

          No problem 👍

          These don't need a sub woofer in my opinion, there's already tonnes of base as well as lots of strength in the mid and treble too. 70W in the Bass and Mid and 50W in the Treble range (total 120W)

          Honestly if you heard them in person, you would not say they lack bass in any way (unless bass is your primary focus I suppose), but the sound is definitely not lacking at any range.

          But check out some reviews online and you will get a better idea of what I mean.

  • How would these compare to the s360db?

    • Also interested to know!

    • following. Because I already have a s8 audioengine sub so I would love to get something with a sub out port

  • can S1000MKII use for karaoke ?

  • Which is a good model to use as monitor speakers for a DJ mixer?

  • +1

    Will these turn off (go into standby) if left without a signal for a while?

    • +1

      No, I don't think they ever do, mine are on all the time, and I've never had them turn off on me. You can also turn them off via the remote.

  • How are the S360DBs for TV setup. They do come with a sub while S1000MKII does bhee have a Sub out.

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