• expired

[NSW] Everything Electric 2025 March 7-9 at Sydney Olympic Park: $10 All Tickets @ Everything Electric Show


Launched in 2023 in Sydney with record visitor attendance, our festival of electrification returns to Australia in 2025 and will been even BIGGER and more ELECTRIFYING!

Everything Electric Australia takes place at the fantastic Sydney Showgrounds offering the following exhibits and visitor attractions:

The hottest brand and products showcasing the latest Home Energy & Electric Transport related technologies
LIVE Theaters: with 25+ sessions delivered by your favourite Fully Charged presenters and expert panellists
EVs of all shapes and sizes on Electric Avenue
The latest and greatest electric transport including cars, e-motorbikes, e-bikes, e-boats, e-scooters, e-skateboards and e-boats
EV Test Drives & Rides - test drive the latest EVs in the market
Home Energy Advice Team - expert advice helping you to have a cleaner, greener and cheaper home
Two Wheel Test Track - try out the latest micro mobility products on our test track
Thousands of visitors from across Australia and beyond!
Family entertainment, and much, more!
Friday, 7 March 2025 10:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday, 8 March 2025 10:00am - 5:00pm
Sunday, 9 March 2025 10:00am - 5:00pm

Sydney Showground
1 Showground Road, Sydney Olympic Park NSW 2127

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Everything Electric Show
Everything Electric Show


  • -2

    When will it be free?

    • +2

      Push bike would be more of a statement.

    • +21

      What do people have against electric cars? Are they also against other electrified forms of transportation? A preference for steam trains?

      • +3

        Yeah i reckon EV are very nice!

        • +8

          I don’t have one, nor am I in the market for one. But I don’t understand why people seem to need to be so against them.

          • +2

            @GregRust: Yeah i dont understand the against aswell

            Like i still will have a soft spot for ice

            But ev is very cost effective and the performance is just insane for example the motor on the model s

          • -4

            @GregRust: Because tbey are over hyped for what they deliver, and people are against the superlitives given to EV cars.

            I dont think they are better better for the environment as promoted.

            • +4

              @shegeloaf: They are far better, the bigger problem is people don't realize how bad ICE really is because it's all they have ever known. It's like a smoker who's smoked since they were a teenager, they don't realize how much they stink and how it's effecting their health and hip pocket until they give up.

            • +2

              @shegeloaf: They're better for my environment. Less noisy, less fumes.

      • +2

        I think it's a thing you get as you get older. It's so hard to figure shit out, and then just when you feel you have a handle on things they want to change it.

      • +3

        It's mainly just gullible people who's whole knowledge on the subject comes from a few headlines and images on big oil sponsored media.

      • -2

        Nobody is going to make a Fast and Furious movie with EVs.

    • +22

      Cause most of QLD hasn't discovered electricity yet

      • -2

        Cause most of QLD hasn't discovered electricity yet

        QLD produces the most electricity in the country. Username doesn't check out…

        • +2

          Produce for other states.

          • -3


            Produce it for other states.

            So they've discovered it then…

            Username definitely doesn't check out

            • +2

              @1st-Amendment: Queensland is like a hamster on a spinning wheel, powering the grid for rest of the country. Doesn't mean they know what they are doing.
              Also, you missed the word 'most'.

              • -4

                @CptnObvious: You're proving my point that NSW people are brainless lol.

              • +1


                Queensland is like a hamster on a spinning wheel, powering the grid for rest of the country.

                And why do you think that is? Just stop and think about it for a moment.

                Doesn't mean they know what they are doing.

                If you can't produce enough electricity to run your own state because you foolishly closed down your generators, then have to rely on someone else to feed you and pay them for that privilege, then it's quite obvious who is the smart one in the story.

                But Captain Obvious is missing the obvious…

        • Exactly why NSW people have no brains lol because C.O. didn't use a brain to figure that out lol.

          • @kungfuman: I think he needs to change his name to CptnOblivious…

            • +1

              @1st-Amendment: I find it hilarious you guys are actually taking these comments so much to heart. QLDers, amirite?

              • -1


                I find it hilarious you guys are actually taking these comments seriously

                I find it hilarious you are actually taking these comments seriously

                QLDers, amirite?

                Nah, I just know where electricity comes from, and now you do too. Take it as a win.

              • @CptnObvious: lol stupid people make me laugh, thanks for the laughs cptnObvious :D

                • @kungfuman: Well, it's great you've got a lifetime supply of free comedy then—self-awareness must be optional!

    • +1

      They are scared with barbaric teens

    • Gold Coast isn't even the second best city in Queensland.

    • Because they sell more EVs in NSW, which is likely to continue to be the case?

      Producing energy doesn't reflect on network growth.

      Victoria should be the first but long-term government not very keen in EV infrastructure in spite of much smaller territory to manage and people believing that government has progressive values. It's a shame really…

  • +2

    "EV Test Drives & Rides - test drive the latest EVs in the market"

    Welcome to 1900

  • +4

    For those in Melbourne, they are doing a second event in Melbourne this year in November

    • -8

      they are doing a second event in Melbourne this year in November

      The long wait is because they only have one charger and it will take months to recharge all the EV's to get there 🤣

      • +3

        Don’t give up your day job, those jokes are terrible

        • -1

          Don’t give up your day job, those jokes are terrible

          5 people got triggered by it. I take that as a win.

    • random promo codes dont work yet but perhaps closer to the date you can try exhibitor names

      • Yeah all the discounts come in much closer to the date

  • +1

    Bought 2 tickets thanks op

    • all good save yourself some money.

  • +1

    Get ready for probable EV tax after the election https://youtu.be/0B3YFkAdmfE?si=zLqzPXVu229_8ve2

    • +1

      The funny part is, for EV drivers with a novated lease, the tax will be tax free.

  • +1


    Major manufacturers are phasing out combustion engines and our experts predict 97 per cent of light passenger vehicles in Australia will be electric by 2050 under a rapid decarbonisation pathway.

    • -3

      What do we do with damaged, aged batteries?
      There are no sustainable way to recycle batteries.

      • +1

        Don’t worry. Once critical mass is there then recycling will be the way.

        • Like plastic bags now.

  • -1

    alls I want is something portable on transperth train, and can get me a least 2 clicks to home. Something that wont make me look like a nonce either such as the REM on kickstarter(prob why it failed)

  • Thanks for the code op

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