• expired

[PC, Epic] Free DLC - Apex Legends: Loba Free Unlock Bundle @ Epic Games


The base game is required to claim: Apex Legends.

Apex Legends™: Loba Free Unlock Bundle

The bundle includes:

  • Loba Unlocked
  • "Torrent" Epic Skin

The Loba free unlock bundle promotional offer is valid from Feb 13/25 to Feb 20/25 on the Epic Games Store only. Limit one offer per person. Eligible players must redeem offer through the Epic Games Store before 8:00 am PST on February 20, 2025. Requires Apex Legends™ on Epic Games Store (available separately) and internet access to claim. Offer has no cash value and may not be substituted, exchanged, or sold for cash, goods, or services. May not be combined with other offers or prepaid card redeemable for the applicable content unless expressly authorized by EA. Customer is responsible for applicable sales tax. Void where prohibited, taxed, or restricted by law.

Also available: [PC, Epic] Free - F1 Manager 2024 @ Epic Games.

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  • +1

    Is Apex still full of hackers these days?

    • +1


    • +1

      Not as much anymore. It's gotten much better recently with EA/Respawn working on the anit-cheat a lot and also banning Linux, which most of the cheaters were on. I personally havnen't seen any lately, but I used to. So there are still some, but not as many.

    • +1

      Defs not as much. It's actually playable nowdays!
      Haven't seen any in pubs for ages, ranked has an occasional (but not enough to throw the controller and call it a night lmao)

      • I cant even get into a game, that's how dead the game is

        • +1

          got to do the Singapore servers (better for ranked) or Japan servers (personally, I like the Japan ones). My queue pops in under a minute. The Sydney servers been dead since like Season3, all the Aussie's have migrated to the asian servers. Game population has remained pretty consistent since S11ish according to Steam stats.
          It's not what it was at release, but it's FAR from dead!

  • +2

    That's this weeks "free game"?


  • +1

    I thought Trump was banning Apex and making PUBG great again?

  • Anyone else repeatedly failing Captcha?

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