Howdy all, I'm looking at buying a new bike.
I'm eyeing off a few in the Surly line-up in particular. I was browsing and thinking I was looking at an Aus. site wondering why all of the bikes were so cheap and realised I was looking at a bike shop in Wellington! Some of their Surly's are priced $1000 cheaper then here in Melbourne and that's before I convert from NZD to AUD!
So my question, has anyone successfully or unsuccessfully imported from NZ? If so how did you go about it? Did you have to pay GST and Duty fees? Is there a way to avoid New Zealand's GST or to get it refunded?
And finally what is the go with Australia's awful mark ups of Surly's? Seriously? The cheapest Surly Ogre I could find here is specked at $3300 in NZZ it's $2399!
Surly you can't be serious ???