1.99% p.a. Interest Rate (2.99% p.a. CR) on Tesla Model 3 RWD and Long Range AWD Finance Purchase @ Tesla


Plenti article: https://www.plenti.com.au/newsroom/tesla2.99

QLD Model 3 RWD $58,535 Drive Away
NSW Model 3 RWD $59,874 Drive Away
ACT Model 3 RWD $57,718 Drive Away
NT Model 3 RWD $59,150 Drive Away
SA Model 3 RWD $59,851 Drive Away
VIC Model 3 RWD $60,179 Drive Away
WA Model 3 RWD $61,461 Drive Away
TAS Model 3 RWD $59,609 Drive Away

1.99% p.a. Interest Rate | 2.99% p.a. Comparison Rate
Order an eligible Tesla vehicle and apply for finance by 27 March 2025 and take delivery by 31 March 2025 to qualify. Valid only for eligible purchases of new Model 3 Rear-Wheel Drive and Model 3 Long Range All-Wheel Drive with finance loan terms up to five years. Not eligible with balloon repayments. Credit subject to financier's approval. Interest rates are subject to change.​

$3,500 Novated Lease Incentive for Tesla Model 3 @ Tesla also still available. Offers cannot be combined.

Referral Links

Referral: random (909)

Referee gets $350 off Model Y & 3 purchase.

Referrer gets $150 credit toward Supercharging, software upgrades, merchandise, service payments or a new vehicle. Limit of 10 referral benefits per calendar year.

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Plenti (Previously RateSetter)
Plenti (Previously RateSetter)


  • What's wrong with WA?

    • I don't like sand.

    • +7

      you dropped this "/s" king

    • -8

      The left ( which is the majority of ozb ) have been told to hate Musk. This is shown in the deals voting numbers

      • +1


        By who?

        Perhaps people don't like Elon because of what people see?

        Plus Tesla's being overpriced old models with crappy build quality.

        • -4

          If you don’t know the answers to those questions you fall into the category of being told.

          • +2

            @Danstar: Lol, that reeks of "I know you are but what am I"

    • +1

      The truth no longer matters in the mainstream press but X is shining a light on their deceit and lies.

      You would think free speech matters but his detractors, read the press and believe everything they read and think they are rebels. They are sheep.

  • +1

    Come on… a couple percent more down to 0.99 and I might pull the trigger ;D

      • i mean it used to be 14.88%

        • that's a theft lol

          • -1

            @Filayq: charging more that (-$1 trillion) for this racist poo poo kaa kaa product is theft

  • +4

    Never go full Nazi.

    • Always go full Monty

      • Or at least half way Kanye to keep things interesting.

  • Fuk this company share is like yo yo.

  • +3

    Lol at these woke people having a sook.

    • Liberal tears at their most salty 😍

      • I've been loving thr meltdowns. So good.

        • -1

          It’s quite funny how only a few years ago the lefties were in awe of Elon and Tesla’s

          Kinda like how they loved the Covid vax, boosters and lockdowns.

          • @Danstar:

            a few years ago the lefties were in awe of Elon

            This again. Please present just one reference of a demonstrably "left" spokesperson who ever said anything positive about Elon, ever. (You may be surprised).

  • All these Elon haters should go buy their cars from Jaguar. I hear they're pretty woke these days and have values more aligned with them.

    • How do you define "woke"?

      • +1

        Any reply about woke - "dEfiNe wOkE"

      • +1

        What is a woman?

      • +1

        Q: How do you know when someone is woke?
        A: They pretend not to know what "woke" means.

        • +1

          Oh I know what it means. It means be considerate of others and don't treat them like an (profanity).

          Its just fun to seeing people say they are against that.

          • @nedski: You just proved my point (pretending in "How do you define woke" question), thank you.

            • @Jef Tino: You arent as clever as you think you are.

              But if being woke is not being an (profanity) to others, then I guess I'm woke then.

  • +2

    Came here for the comments. Did not disappoint!

    • -2


  • +4

    Regardless of recent event he was a … di … a bad person already.
    Nah. Thanks.

  • So many sheep 😂😂

  • +3

    We have to boycott tesla and Elon the idiot.

    • Why?

      • -2

        Because he's advocating for the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people.

        • +2


        • +1

          That is an outrageous claim to make.

        • Still waiting on a source, champ!!!

          • @Mike Nolan: Sorry was on my honeymoon. If you keep an eye on his X account you'll see that the second he met with Bibi and did a tour in Israel and Bubi did a tour in a Tesla factory, you'll see how his tone changed about innocent children in Gaza being killed.

            Bring them back he says, when 500,000 people have died since the start of the war.

            He's a joke, Israel is a joke and Bibi is a criminal and Trump is a flop and a puppet.

  • +2

    I got 252 upvotes and 2 downvotes for this deal.

    What horrible things did Elon Musk do in last 4 weeks!

    • +1

      Elon was hailed as the real life Ironman, now he is seen as a Bond Movie villain 😂

    • The uneducated believe he is a Nazi. Must be a closeted Nazi.

      • He's not a Nazi, he's been bought my Israel and is controlled by them and so is Trump.

        • That’s a new one lol.

          • @zubzub: Why would a foreign prime minister go for a tour at Tesla? Which other prime minister has done that?

            • @itsmoe: How do you buy a guy that has all the money in the world?

              • @zubzub: You have shit on him and you use it against him, you now own them. X was pro Palestine prior to the Israel visit, now it's full Zionist propaganda.

        • How much did they pay? Lol

          • @Danstar: You'll be surprised how much influence and control they have.

  • +2

    Elon aside, 1.99% p.a. Interest Rate on a car is a bloody good deal.

    Tesla is a software company that sells cars. Legacy car manufacturers can't compete with Tesla on the software and updates front and this is a big lead for Tesla.

    Model Y is the world's best selling car for a reason.
    Let's revisit Tesla sales figures at the end of the year. The sales figures will speak for themselves. Let the people decide if they will go for idealogy vs Value for money… Interesting times ahead.

    • +3

      I'd prefer a car that is built by a car company. Give me good hardware over good software any day of the week for a car

    • Best selling because there wasn't any real competition. But now I think Telsa is in trouble honestly - Musk has made himself a mascot for being a right wing nut job, and that really is not going down well with the target market for EVs.

      There is an onslaught of so many SUV type EV models in the Australian market - which means people don't NEED Tesla, and if they don't LIKE Telsa (or Musk), then they'll buy any of the alternatives. I predict it'll probably still be the Number 1 EV in Australia, but it will have lost volume considerably.

  • -3

    Lots of sheep here. Shows how much news can brainwash

  • +1

    Looks like the latest NPC programming has an even stronger "electric car man bad" directive.

  • -1

    Thank you OZB for showing the latest software update media installed on the masses.

    • I think the media was exceptionally kind to him.

      • +1

        Why wouldn’t they be? He hasn’t done anything wrong. If you’re talking about the ‘salute’ … I mean he’s basically denied it, even the Anti-Defimation league said it wasn’t a salute. People who are stupid and/or disingenuous will say otherwise.

        • -1

          People with eyeballs can see what he did.

        • he’s basically denied it,

          So…he hasn't "actually" denied it?

          Dunno, if for some reason I threw out a hand signal that for some reason a bunch of people thought was a nazi salute, and a bunch of rather extreme far right nazi adjacent people took to be an actual Nazi salute, I'm pretty sure I'd be pretty vocal in clarifying that it wasn't one. That any similarity as a definite accident, and i sincerely oppose any kind of behaviour associated with such salutes.

          I assume Elon would, with one of the largest soap boxes in the world, and being the richest (so clearly one of the best people in the world as I'm pretty sure that's how it works) make similar kind of clear clarifications and statements?

          • @SBOB: He mocked and joked about it because it's so stupid, but he didn't bow down and apologise because of other peoples interpretations which is 100% the right move. They want him to beg and grovel and say sorry for something he didn't do. Any man who isn't a weak (profanity) is not going to apologise for something he didn't do. It's a them problem not a him problem. If he yelled out 'Heil Hitler' then I would be agreeing with you. If the ADL itself said it wasn't a salute, this is the same ADL who criticised Musk for saying George Soros was a turd, what more do you want for proof?

  • -3

    Imagine copping a loan from a Nazi for a car

    • +2

      A loan is the only way you’ll ever be able to afford anything.

      • Haha think you’ve got the wrong guy champ

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