32.6cc full crank, 2-stroke engine, 6 interchangeable attachments included:
- Pole Saw: 254mm cutting length
- Edger: 226mm maximum cutting diameter
- Line Trimmer: 430mm wide, twin-bump feed spool
- Hedge Trimmer: 400mm cutting length
- Brush Cutter: 255mm diameter, 3-tooth blade
- Blower: 270km/h air speed
- Weight: 18kg
- 5 Year Warranty
Ferrex 2-Stroke Petrol 6-in-1 Multi Head Garden Tool $199 @ ALDI

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Ferrex is ALDI's home brand.
The 5 year warranty is pretty reassuring too.
will it outlast my 10 year old Ryobi though? :D
I have this one. Works perfectly fine. The motor and attachments are all well built. Amazing value for money imo.
in 2025 do people still want to go to the trouble of petrol with the fumes, refuelling, smell, starting, etc? electric is start and forget
Even worse, this is a 2 stroke (hehe he said 2 stroke) so have to deal with oil too.
… 18KG too!
18KG too!
I suspect that'd be the weight of the box including all the attachments.
Yep box weight is 18, motor with brush cutter head attached is 7.2kg
@nocure: Bought previously - was too heavy for me to use as Pole Saw at height.
Returned after 1 use.
I'd argue the biggest advantage to an electric whipper snipper is the weight. Battery powered are just so much lighter. To the point that I can even operate it one handed at a stretch occasionally to reach awkward places.
Sure, if you don't have much work to do. Got one of these last time. There is no way you could run an electric one for the durations I do without having 6+ batteries and chargers.
I think people are used to having tiny yards now with limited stuff to do.
If you have 2000 sqm with proper vegetation, most electric ones are useless.
for something that needs a lot of power, 4 stroke is the way to go (like a brushcutter). 4 stroke is less messing around & more control over the power (2 stroke is all or nothing)
But pretty much all these "tools" battery is lighter & quieter. The neighbours 2 stroke blower is the bane of my early Sunday mornings.
Some people have more than 100 square meters of greenery.
I love my electric, but unless you spend good money on a powerful one, most are like toys for anything but basic tasks.
I've owned the Ferrex electric version previously. I absolutely loved it until it died recently after 3yrs; the motor completely failed. ALDI gave me a full refund.
I picked up this petrol version on Marketplace to keep me going until I can buy another electric version.
After owning both, the petrol version is much higher build quality. The attachments are more robust and well built. I'm hoping that ALDI release a "Ferrex Pro" version of the electric, because I agree with you that it's much easier to use.
Infact I prefer to have both.
My brother in law however (chippy by trade), can't be trusted with even a lawnmower of any type and prefers electric.
18kg is not feasible for sustained use on your body but the motor can probably run for 48h non stop. You cannot operate it for an overgrown 1/4 acre property.
An 8ah battery will set you back $250+
I need three for the electric to be reliable because all it takes is one bad cell or a dry contact to ruin it.
Anyway. Case use is most important.
Just service your equipment, batteries included.
I've never been upset about replacing a filter or other maintenance on an ICE because I do it before it happens.
Battery problems are harder to diagnose and maintain.
I can just buy a portable spot welder and replace a bad cell but I may have another appointment. So I need another battery or ICE *powered tool
*If they make it, I'll buy (electric delivery trucks are a thing but have problems, replace battery instead of refueling it)
Sorry for the rant, I feel like it's difficult to convey how much the infrastructure isn't reliable yet but needs to be guinea pigged on consumer markets like DPF & EGR was for diesel)
That’s a lot of bang for buck though, but again worth the petrol, 2 stoke even, headache?
Love the 5 year warranty.
Used it return.Avoid at any cost, too heavy .. bad experience on even trying to put it together anything other than line trimmer !!
Father-in-law has a petrol Aldi line trimmer. Thing is heavy. He refuses to acknowledge my EGO battery line trimmer which destroys the Aldi.
I currently own this. It was tricky to put together, but only because I wasn't reading the manual carefully. After having trouble, I did a deep dive into it. It actually works very well after understanding exactly how it's meant to work.
Got one last time. Its fantastic. Runs at max rpm for hours at a time. Starts easy. May be heavier than some but does have a heap of power.
For clarity - the 18kg referred to in the post is the total box weight.Bought a few years ago, lots of kit for the money but have moved to the battery range which is lighter, smoother, quieter, dont have to fuel and mix oil or burn yourself on the exhaust. this 2 stroke is much more powerful but probably not needed for most ppl
I bought one of these a few cycles ago - likely very similar. For the $$$ it's overall good value. BUT it's something that will be hard if not impossible to get parts for (should something break), it's heavy as can be and munches the fuel towards the high end of things.
I ended up taking mine back within the 60 days - but it's reasonable if you're up for the extra weight of it (as stated 18kg is not the unit's weight BUT the unit itself is well above it's peers in mass and vibrations etc).
You could do worse, but can also do better but will cost a tad more.
Better bringing the electric version back! Missed out last sale.
https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/870677i've got that one. works well around the yard. petrol would have more grunt though, with the slasher for example
Bought this during the last time it was on sale.
I have used it few times with multiple attachments and it works well.
I agree these petrol powered ones are noisy but noise blocking headphone help.Need a edger.. Here comes the jokes
This is a really good deal for all in one.
Have this and works fine. My only gripe would be that its pretty heavy and bloody loud compared to more expensive brands. Earplugs a must.
super heavy.
and it didn’t start after used once, lucky I was able to return itIm almost positive it would've started but thing is bloody heavy.
I would've been knackered getting it out of the box.
2lt milk - 2kg
18kg of milk
4 bags of groceries if you're a bad ass
You need a trolley for that much weight and that's what this bloody thing weighs.I had this, didn’t rate it. It’s sooo heavy!
Mostly used it as a whipper snipper replaced it with a dedicated one that was way way lighter.
Might be ok if you need all the tools and are space poor, never even put on the leaf blower bit, it looked shit!
Man it's ridiculous
I'm a builder and made an impulse purchase of this a few years ago.
It's a piece of crap, don't buy it.I mainly got it for the edger and polesaw, it was cheap and I thought it could be handy for those niche uses however it is heavy and clunky and totally unenjoyable to use.
I have a 4 stroke Honda whipper snipper with a few different heads/blades so didn't need it for the brushcutter/whipper snipper.We also have a company Milwaukee 18v Polesaw which is gun but its usually on site or with one of our guys so I wanted something on hand for those random slots where I've successfully begged the missus to squeeze some gardening in but eff me, once you've used a good cordless tool I think its impossible to go back to something like this.
Mine ended up in landfill with some of the attachments unused.
I ended up buying my first Ozito cordless tool, the cordless edger and I use it with a converter from Aliexpress with my Metabo batts and it adequately satisfies that requirement. Quite a good tool for home use.
I'm still lacking a powered polesaw for home use but I'd rather get up on a ladder and use a hand saw or cordless sabre saw than use this hunk of junk.
I want to eventually punt my petrol mower and whipper snipper for cordless but I'll keep them for now. My Honda whipper snipper is 17 years old and still runs well with absolutely bare minimal maintenance over those years.
I bought one about 4 years ago, last about 3 years. The engine gave up and could not fix. The engine side is very heavy and unbalanced. I used it for Line timer, chainsaw, and hedger. Moved onto stand alone battery versions.
Any reviews on youtube? Cant find much on this at all in terms of reviews anywhere
Even reviews here are mixed.
Aldi's business strategy:
Little stock in stores, meaning it won't be available long
Plus usually only sold once a year.
- Both creating FOMO.
5 year Warranty with money back.
60d easy return
- Both to reassure customers to buyNote 18kg
"ˇProduct can potentially cause a manual handling injury due to its gross weight."So why not buy & see for yourself.
Am on way to Aldi.
Not expecting a great product, but garden is overgrown…
Went to local Aldi minutes after opening
Trolleys with 2 of these were leaving. None left.
Next store had 2 left. Other person grabbed last 1Now to figure out how to put it together…
Garden is very overgrown due to almost constant rain for months. Trees have appeared!
So will start with brush cutter on weeds & pole saw on high (not too thick) tree limbs.Have no need for Edger, Hedge Trimmer, Blower, or Line Trimmer (have electric). My gardens are never that neat. So they're back in box.
(Council regularly mows & edges footpath.)Should save purchase price by not engaging professionals to do that work.
I don't know man its not a brand I know or trust.