• expired

1TB Cloud Storage Lifetime US$199 (~A$323) @ pCloud, Switzerland


$323 AUD for 1TB so that $66 per year over a three year period.

Lifetime = Whenever they decide to close down, BUT they have been around since 2013 so you decide.

Speed is great when select US Data Centre.

This is part of Valentine's Day Sales for 2025.

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pCloud, Switzerland
pCloud, Switzerland


    • +8

      completely different use case not worth a downvote for your opinion

      • +1

        the neg is cause i personally think that its not a good deal and to those neggers that negged me, I did acknowledge the fact that there are different use cases and am just providing my suggestions.

      • +1

        It's not a good deal speed, too much risk of shutting down.
        Go with a tier 1 provider….

    • +6

      there isn't the risk of the provider just closing down

      because singular hard drives are famously everlasting..

    • +2

      Have you considered the risk of data loss due to the mechanical hard drive or even an ssd?

      I understand this may not be for you. I personally have two copies of my data with two different cloud storage providers, one being pcloud and the other is a frozen/glacier storage which I pay monthly. For my use case, this is a good deal.

  • +9

    Lifetime storage is an impossible business model.

    Not a deal. Better off with a reputable company like One Drive 1TB for $179/year.

    BUT they have been around since 2013

    BUT have they been offering 1TB storage at lifetime pricing that whole time? Or are they just offering that recently to cash in before an impending closure?

    clearly it will be around for at least 3 years

    lol based on what exactly?

    • +2

      I wouldn't say it's impossible. Of the people who bought since 2013, some of those will have died, stopped using, not logged in and hence pCloud has their money and no longer needs to provide a service. Many others may only use a few GB.

      I kind of see it like an all you can eat place; it relies heavily on most not fully utilising the deal.

      Having said that, there are absolutely no guarantees going forward and it should be treated as a backup only.

      • I kind of see it like an all you can eat place; it relies heavily on most not fully utilising the deal.

        Not an accurate analogy at all.

        More accurate would be ‘all you can eat everyday until you die’.

      • yeah they hope

        1) That you're not going to use it all
        2) That you tell world + dog and get them subscribers
        3) Maybe they'll mine your data for whatever purpose (presumably AI training data these days(.

        It'd be handy as a second backup. But personally I steer clear of anyone but the big boys (MS, Google, Apple, Amazon) because trying to move a couple of terabytes of data because they're closing down is probably not feasible because their bandwidth will be swamped. If it was a copy of your Linux ISO collect then no probs.

    • +3

      1989 days or 5 years, 2 months and 9 days ago in a galaxy far far away


      PainToad on 25/11/2019 - 21:51
      Completely unsustainable business model. Don’t trust your data with this deal

      good one Chicken Little. One day you'll be right and can say I told you so

      • -1

        Only a matter of time.

        • Hey clown, that's 2TB for $275 permanently.
          People who took that deal have already gotten 5.5 years worth and counting, and you're trying to claim people are better off paying Microsoft $180 a year for One Drive. If anyone was foolish enough to do that, they would be $1K out of pocket.

          You are utterly hopeless.

    • They have been offering 2TB since 2017.
      I personally hate lifetie models that require maintanance on the provider end (as oppose to one time SW /media purchase) as I too beleive it is not sustainble model, but It has worked quite well for me since 2016.

    • They have been offering this for years now. I'm with them for I want to say 4 years now or so, bought 500 GB lifetime

    • They have been offering permanent plans for over 10 years and counting.

      They only need to retain data for 1.2 years to get the equivalent money's worth compared to your "One Drive" suggestion.

      You are a fool, and you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

  • +1

    Im with them since around 2018 on 2TB lifetime
    Worth my money spent i reckon.
    No issues notice…
    Used daily..
    Was $300ish back then

    • Yes! Same here, also "with them since around 2018 on 2TB lifetime"
      More than made my money 'back' and I seriously doubt pCloud will fold anytime soon, as the 'lifetime' payment is only one of the many plans they offer.

  • +4

    If it's too good to be true, it usually is. Lifetime cloud storage for a one time payment is simply unsustainable business model.

  • -2

    Not a sustainable business model therefore is a scam

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