• out of stock

Bestway 3.05m Fast Set Fall and Rise Pool $45 + $9 Delivery @ Target via Catch


Found the pool on Catch for $45 with free delivery if you have a OnePass subscription. Free delivery is not available on this item for OnePass members, as this is sold and delivered by a marketplace seller (Target).

All other places seems to be around $150. Mine got shipped today so will report back if its not as advertised.

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Target Australia


  • doesn't look 3m deep, maybe setup a no diving sign for the kids

    • 3m wide. Think its like 65cm deep

  • +3
    • -1

      oos online.
      oos most stores.

      • Available to order online in Qld - depends on your location.
        Local store shows in stock.
        10kg - easier to get delivered FREE.

        • -1

          was referring to kmart directly.
          lucky you. still shows oos online for me.
          oos MOST stores was assumed

          • +1

            @ShireBarrrgainnns: Still available to place order @Kmart in Qld for delivery.

            Ordered late 4/2. Received 7/2.
            Free OnePass delivery from Gold Coast to Brisbane.

    • With FREE OnePass delivery!!

    • Thanks!
      Mine's already shipped by Kmart for $45 delivered with OnePass.

  • I've had this pool before and it was terrible because my backyard was on a slight slope. Might be ok if completely flat ground but the fact that its the floatie on top that balances it makes it not stable for me. I'd rather the other bestway pools with the metal frame.

    • +8

      Totally disagree..

      Had one of these up for 2 years and it was awesome.

      Yep, I levelled the ground and covered it with free scrap carpet. Then blew up the ring, connected the basic hoses added water.

      Get a cover, made it super easy to keep crystal clear.

      Made a vac out of PVC, an old home vac head and a garden hose. Just used it as a syphon. 2 mins before getting in. Perfect.

      Used floaty chlorine tablets from Clarke Rubber (they have copper in them, never went green in 2 years).

      Chuck half a cup of $2 Coles bleach in at night after kids have flogged it.

      Put chux cloths over the pump inlets. After an hour pull em out and you will see the filthy human scum oils in them. Rinse / return.

      Lastly, I hooked mine up to an old Solahart collector, and connected it to the pump. Had to cover the panel once (got to 50C).

      Got it consistent at 30C. Little one learnt to swim and snorkel in it. Now competently snorkels with me offshore at age 4. No floaties…just swims.

      Then in the arvo, unleash the heater panel and get it to around 42C. Chuck in a bath spa mat (it's basically a hairdryer pump with
      a hose that creates bubbles in the mat) .

      Relax back on the inflated ring in your make shift spa. Look up and watch Elon's Starlinks flying over.

      It's still in perfect nick and I'm giving it away as we upgraded to a 5m x 2m pool. The cover died/ is rubbish though. Get one cheap from Catch. Absolutely crucial for making it super easy to keep clean / algae free.

      • +1

        I do a similar process for keeping mine clean. Chlorine dispenser and running the filter 3 hours each night. Covered when not in use, always crystal clear. Is the bleach bit worthwhile for me if the pool is clear?

        • +1

          Nah, I just put a splash in there occasionally <$2 a bottle.

          If you see a hint of cloud or colour…bleach in over night.

    • +1

      I've had this pool before and it was terrible

      The pool wasn't terrible!
      You didnt follow the Instructions: "select a level surface"!

  • Yeah. Any kind of slope on the ground, this becomes very unstable

    • +1

      Anything with water will be unstable if the ground isn't level.

      • Its a basic intelligence test. Unfortunately some fail🤔

    • Instructions state "select a level surface"!

  • +1

    Note the pool fencing laws warning:
    Please contact your local council for pool fencing laws and water restrictions.

    660mm deep, 200L??, with filter

    Note error in listing!
    Kmart lists correct as 3,200 litres!
    (Small bath capacity is 200L)

    Doesn't meet Qld pool fencing regs & likely doesn't in other areas.
    Portable pools exemption criteria: Must not be able to be filled to more than 300mm deep X
    have a volume less than 2,000 litres X
    and lack a filtration system. X

    • +1

      Penalties in Brisbane range from $161 - $1129!!!
      Could be a very expensive bargain!

      • -1

        Still a bargain

  • +1

    Great price! Very tempted…

    Pool fencing regs mean only viable location for me is in secured, out of sight, level courtyard. Has powerpoint for pump.
    But at 10' wide… that's same width as pool diameter!

    No one could then access front door, except walking through pool! Or have to construct path to side door.
    Rest of yard is not secured, requiring pool fencing around pool area!!

    Have a smaller Bestway rectangular pool ($15 in Deal, 778L, 2.6m x 1.75m x 51cm deep, no filter).

    Only used by me (1 adult, comfortably fits a friend as well) in height of Summer. Not even used this Summer, due to rains. Packed away most of year.

    It's a suitable size for me to keep cool, relax, lie in & still allow access to house. But without filter, requires changing water regularly.

    To avoid Pool Police - removed plug from top ring of that pool wall - resulting in max 255mm depth. So can't be filled beyond regulation height of 300mm.

    This pool would make things much more enjoyable, but more complex!

    Ordered from Kmart with free OnePass delivery.
    And 365d easy return - handy for this indecisive pool purchaser😉

    • Funny isn't it. Hasn't rained here since October. Really feeling it now.

      • I'm not laughing😢
        Cooler day (29C) & rain again.

        The plants are loving it🌱
        Have to machete back the monstera & bananas so can see out the windows!
        Invasive weed has taken over yard. Requires spraying. But that requires no rain to have effect.

        • +1

          My banana just died :(. Got one left. There is too much chlorine now in our water supply and plants start going brown… and its hot +dry+windy …without rain…place starts looking like the landscape of idiotcracy! Enjoy it!

          • @tunzafun001: Had a moment silence for your nana🍌

            Its raining again🌧
            Never needed to water bananas! Grow like weeds here🍌 So no experience with chlorine issue.

            Designed gardens in Adelaide long ago. A hot dry place in Summer.
            (Put gardens inside houses. What's a lounge without a garden? Or crossing a wooden bridge to your bed, surrounded by a garden… Architects loved it.)

            Visited gardens there growing bananas. Its a challenge!
            The secret was to improve soil to retain water (organic matter like compost, water storage crystals that swell with moisture), lots of mulch, and create a micro-climate around bananas with planting - to stop drying wind.

            Ventured into furthest corner of my small suburban block in cool @7am today, to a patch of bananas. It was a mess after half a huge tree had fallen in recent storm.

            Had removed part of that tree overhanging house to prevent damage. Its grown!! Never got back to finish removal. Luckily fell into overgrown garden.
            A big job with only a hand tree saw. I've felled trees with it on small rural property I lived on. More tricky when it's against my home.

            Like a lot of local trees - grown from seed dropped by birds. From huge trees along creek 500m away.

            Now to decide whether to buy chainsaw etc + train up, or pay professionals.
            My first thought was to sell up & leave problem for someone else.
            Silly me! Have a friend with bush experience & equipment. Provide a room in my home for his visits, & he helps out.

            • @INFIDEL: Yeah, last year was the polar opposite. Rained heaps. Got a cracker micro habitat for the nana. Grew my first bunch of bananas last year. Then the thing snapped in half from the weight! I think I probably should have removed the flower.

              But this year the mint died and the roses look shot…speaks volumes… yes…mint…died!

              As for farm land near Pirie..nothing…nada…red sand and stones out there now. Never seen that.

  • +1

    All other places seems to be around $150.

    Kmart sell for $59, now reduced to $49 on clearance with FREE OnePass delivery & 365d return

    • Expected a cancellation email…
      Ready for delivery by Kmart🏊

      • +1

        things seem to be going swimmingly for you

        • Wish I could dive in right now.
          Might arrive tomorrow.

          Got so many deliveries…
          Living my best Kmart Clearance life😂

        • Swimmingly… until order went to wrong address today😜
          (Coincidentally just after you commented!)

          Strange looking at my package at someone else's front door!
          Walked the entire street looking for it. House shown is not in this street!

          Package in morning arrived correctly. So they can compare photos of different houses - they think are at exact same address.

          Hope that doesn't happen to my pool!

          Expect kmart refund is all I can expect.

  • Pool delivered free today from Kmart on Gold Coast to Brisbane.

    Was lying around in 2.6m x 1.75m x 51cm deep Bestway rectangular pool
    Only can half fill it - hoping to avoid pool fencing fines. Used inside locked courtyard, so not visible from street. Under shade cloth sail.

    Advantage of only 20-25 cm deep water is it warms quickly. Deep enough to lay in.
    Even with cloud cover, within 30 min water was 30C @11am. 24C @6pm.

    Put up the retractable shade cloth.
    Listening to music on $5 Kmart Bluetooth speaker
    Totally relaxing & enjoyable🌴

    Now to find a place for the bigger, deeper extension to my water park 🏊😂

    • 25cm?? What you using this for; soaking your feet?

      • Well, you can't do laps in these wading pools as an adult! Even when full, about only thing to do is floating or soaking.

        While only ankle deep, it's enough to relax & lie in. Keep cool on these hot days here. Cheaper than aircon. Enjoying a little sun, through the shade cloth sail. Often start to doze off💤 So is a safe depth😉

        It is my favourite thing to do, when going to beach - relaxing, lying in the water.

        Soaked in so many bath-houses & Onsen over many travels in Japan… From islands North of Hokkaido to outdoor rock baths by the ocean on island South of Kyushu! (All shallow water. No swimming allowed!)

        Just got out - water is 35C - like a hot bath🛁
        Thinking of adding Epsom salts for more relaxation next time.

        Today added a solar powered fountain, bath pillow, cover & rubber ducks🐥

        Who says Adults can't play like a kid!
        Not doing the same old things - is good for you!

        I ran my own CBD corporate consultancy & workshops, training adults to play like kids - to create new ideas & thinking.
        Had a State Manager of a Multinational playing with kids toys on the floor - created a new lucrative market for his business. Estimated value of $350M/yr💰

        Gone back for another few laps 💤

  • All other places seems to be around $150.

    Was $59

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