Alternator and Battery Died after Getting Brakes Fixed - Advice Needed

Hi peeps, would be grateful if someone can guide me please.

I got my brakes and rotors replaced on Toyota Camry 2011, on weekend and took it out on for a drive 3 days later and all the dashboard lights were coming up and going, and finally the battery died completely. I smelled something burning as well, and thinking my alternator has died (as far as I know, car won't start and has no battery charge).

Is it coincidental that the issue occurred after brake/rotor replacement? Or the mechanic caused something unintentionally.

Thanks a lot


  • +22

    I, with absolutely no mechanical knowledge whatsoever, would suggest that it is a coincidence as I have had three Camrys and had to have alternators replaced/reconditioned on each one.

    Have been told it is a Camry thing. Other than that, they are pretty much bulletproof.

    • +6

      Plus its a 2011 car and probably done like 300k

      • Good point!

        • Done 150K recently.

          Thank you appreciate :)

          • @curious101: You try to say my 250k driven Lancer is better than your Camry :P

          • +1

            @curious101: There's your problem. They're not supposed to do that much quickly.

    • -3

      Brakes and car electrics have nothing to do with each other.
      Maybe expect more to fail??????

    • need a better gun

    • Never had altetnator die. What are the tell talr signs btw?

      • Alternator charges the battery and runs the electrics in the car. If the Alternator is dead you'll quickly have a flat battery as the electrics will run from the battery instead. I use a cigarette socket USB charger that has a voltmeter that I use to monitor the voltage. When the alternator is running you'll see 13 to mid 14v. When it's not running you'll see mid 12v.

        • Any links for recommendations for this?

          • @rando88: Heaps of options. Search for '12v usb car voltmeter' and take your pick of brands, USB options and price.

        • I c thanks man

      • Normally very sudden. It's one of those things where you car will just stop working after a while. Battery on full charge will last between 1-2 hours before the electronics use up the battery. Your car probably won't even tell you until your car just randomly slows down and turns off. That was my experience in the holden commodore. They may have sensors to check these days.

        Unless if you've driven 150,000kms, it's probably not something you have to worry about.

        • I c thanks man

  • +25

    100% not related

  • +2

    Likely coincidence but we don’t know what they did exactly. Battery might be able to be trickle charged at home with a cheap charger if you don’t want to splash out for a new one just yet. Though always better you do if life expired.

    • The battery is the cheap part , versus the alternator ⁉️

      • +2

        Worth putting charge into the battery that way the vehicle can be moved if required. Also if you leave the battery at such a low voltage for a few days its guaranteed to fail as the internals of the battery will degrade beyond a serviceable level. Might be an extra $200 you have to spend.

      • +1

        price is comparable

  • +2

    these things happen
    an alternator will inevitably need to be replaced on a car, depending on your driving habits it may fail sooner rather than later

    • -1

      Why? What is complex about an alternator that it is likely to fail sooner rather than later?

      • An alternator can wear out quickly due to issues like a worn or slipping serpentine belt, excessive electrical demands from accessories, damaged wiring, poor electrical connections, oil leaks onto the alternator, faulty voltage regulators, and overheating caused by heavy electrical loads on the system

      • Usually the voltage regulator fails causing either too much or too little voltage.

    • -3

      an alternator will inevitably need to be replaced on a car

      even on a Tesla ?

      • electric car motors act as both a motor and an alternator

      • Yes, and that's my point. Predictions are being made that EVs will have long lives - with the possible exception of batteries - with little servicing required, because electric motors are vastly simpler machines than ICE engines. And that is true. Yet people accept it as somehow normal when the alternator fails long before the engine on their car. It shouldn't. There's nothing in it except a case with windings in it with a voltage regulator connected to them, and a magnetic rotor with bearings at each end. The equivalent, AC electric motors, last literally forever.

        • +2

          with the possible exception of batteries

          Which cost around $20K to replace.

          • +2

            @jv: New battery pack is not always the only option. Refurbishment or 2nd hand is an option.

            Much like it costs 20k to buy a new combustion motor or 15k for a gearbox. You could also purchase a 2nd hand motor or rebuild your current motor.

            • +2

              @hothed: how much is it to replace all the Tesla batteries with refurbished ones?

        • +2

          Yet people accept it as somehow normal when the alternator fails

          I've never had an alternator fail in any of my cars, and that is a very long time…

          • @jv: Confirmation bias. I've had it failed 3 times (albeit using second hand parts) in 2 different cars. Though in all three times, I'd imagine the alternator has seen better days.

            • @teatea:

              I've had it failed 3 times (albeit using second hand parts) in 2 different cars.

              Semmelweis effect ???

        • +3

          They have wearing parts. The brushes and slip rings wear out eventually, as will the bearings. The voltage regulator and diode rectifier degrade with the heat under the bonnet. If they made a brushless AC alternator connected to a well cooled inverter that converts it to DC it would last forever but cost too much.

        • Well, there some carbon brushes that are comsumables and wear out. The enamel coating on wires can only take so much oil and heat. But if I take that alternator out of the hot engine bay, make it a brushless DC motor it becomes much more reliable, much also much more expensive.

        • Many alternators still use brushes. All EV motors are brushless.

      • Yep even on Tesla, according to the dude who drove his Tesla for 1.2+ million miles, he had to replace it 14 times (Averaging around 137k (km) per motor). Which is kind of pretty poor as they aren't as cheap as Toyota Alternate or Engin lol

  • +4

    Is it coincidental that the issue occurred after brake/rotor replacement?

    100% coincidental that your alternator died around the same time. Once this dies, the battery dies/goes flat as the alternator stops charging it.

    Toyota Camry 2011

    Pretty cheap and cheerful to get a new alternator and new battery and you'll be on the road again.

  • +3


    • +11

      Probably didn't tension the timing belt running from left front brake rotor to the alternator gubin. Easily overlooked, cooks the battery every time.

      • +6

        That makes impedance. Cheers

  • +9

    It's not just a coincidence. The brakes power the alternator and, in the older models, also the left windscreen wiper. The new pads are probably too thick, causing the alternator to fail.
    /ignore my made-up bs. lol

    • +1

      The brakes power the alternator

      That is only in the newer Camry models.

      • True that. But on older Toyotas, just opening the bonnet can cause any plastic electrical connector within a 2000 mile radius to spontaneously explode. At any point after that, the connector can separate in service and cause catastrophic failure.

  • sell camry buy new legs

  • I took my car to the Mechanic's last year to get the brakes done and he wrote my car off. Did me a huge favour in the end…

    • how much ya get?

    • that thread doesn't mention the written off part does it?

      • +1

        Once the insurance assessor had a look it was written off. Managed to get my pioneer head out and refunded under warranty too. It was win win.

        • Thats lucky you got it out, I managed to do that once too, the repairer was close by, they gave me a short timeframe to do it.
          Another time I lost everything.
          The things we put in cars like devices etc can really add up!

  • The first sign that your alternator (or voltage regulator) was failing would be the red battery light on your dashboard lighting up. If that light comes on you have only got so much time to drive on the battery alone before it discharges completely.
    If you see a red light on your dashboard, you’re in trouble. Battery light gives you limited travel.
    If the oil light comes on, stop immediately and call for a tow/help

    • +1

      If the oil light comes on

      9 times out of 10 it's too late. The damage has just occurred.

  • +11

    Is it coincidental that the issue occurred after brake/rotor replacement?

    JFC… was it coincidence… they replaced your brakes and now the alternator is fried… yeah, there is a huge nut that holds the steering wheel… I’m pretty sure it’s loose.

    This post literally sums up almost the every day shit I have to deal with at work… Replace gear box, brakes are now squeaky, replace tyres, brake lights stopped working. Replace radiator and rear diff explodes… Every time I hear “ever since I had it to you guys…” I automatically think… “here we (fropanity) go…”

    • +7

      Look, ever since I read your post I ran into my neighbours fence. My car was running fine and I was perfectly sober until I read your post, drank half a bottle of whiskey and went for a drive.

      I may not understand causality, but it's clearly not my fault.

    • +2

      O.P. should have had Uncle Ian do the job. Only issue I've had is ash from his dart getting in the carby.

    • +4

      So right on this.
      Even though I'm an engineer and can diagnose and fix most things, I have a rule that I do not fix things for others.
      It was because of … “Ever since you touched my item … other (unrelated) shit happens …”.
      And there is no real gratitude or appreciation for the (free) effort.

  • Coincidence - possibly battery is fine but only the alternator has died

  • -1

    I had the front door of my house replaced, now my bathroom fan doesn't work. Did the carpenter do something to it?

    See how stupid your question is?

    • +3

      Come on mate, why the aggressive attack? At least OP actually asked.

      Having done my time in an earlier life working IT Service Desk, and knowing that once you fix something, any failure in the next 12 months turns into "It DiDnT dO tHiS bEfOrE yOu FixEd iT", I have nothing but appreciation for OP checking their logic before going off half cocked.

      There's still time to delete your response :)

      • -5

        There's still time to delete your response :)

        No there's not since you have replied, so maybe check comment rules.

        And asking the question means they have gone off half cocked, or maybe they are a complete cock.

      • By fixing it you mean you did a modem reset.

        How about the people that would rather argue with you about not resetting their modem because "it's fine, it's not the problem, it always works" then 20 minutes later after talking them down they reset and everything works.

  • Unrelated. It could be the belt that drives your alternator. On some models it also drives the water pump, so pretty important to stop whenever anything red shows up on your dash

  • Just thank your luck stars you don't have a euro car. Friend of mine has an oldish Audi A3. The ABS pump has died. Quoted $5800 from Audi for a new unit. Reconditioned one is half that from a third party mechanic. Still, that's nearly $3000. It's not the first thing to go wrong.

    • This sounds normal as for an Euro car owner

    • Was it a black Audi with tinted windows? I guess if you want to look lux you better be prepared to pay the lux mechanic bills

  • They're conspiring against you, OP

  • Could the dead battery be linked. Maybe. They might have left the door open (and interior light on) while bleeding the breaks if they do it by pressing the break to pump fluid rather than using a vacuum pump. But that is very unlikely going to lead to a dead alternator.

    My guess is that you alternator has slowly been dying and in turn the battery with it and it is completely coincidental to the breaks being done.

  • It could be a coincidence, or it could be related.
    Is the alternator covered in burnt brake fluid?

    If not, it is probably a coincidence.

    • Actually yes, something similar happens in Toyota Soarer 1JZ motors. It might be coolant though.

  • Look I've done all these over the last 2 years of owning a 2007 Holden.
    And coz it was Holden I got genuine parts and copped it.
    Battery, then Alternator, then Starter Motor.
    Starter motor happened when a lot of leaks had been fixed and was taken off the hoist, click, no more starter.
    But its okay coz those last 2 items were 15 years old and I think that's a good innings?
    But yeah its not good when a Mechanic rings and asks do you want the good news or the bad news…

  • +1

    It is usually the alternator brush, and luckily it is a $2-5 replacement from aliexpress. Depending on your alternator location you dont even need to take the alternator out, you can just remove the cover and replace the brush(considering it is a camry, it should be easily accessible). While doing it give it a good clean with electrical cleaner and high pressure air.

    This is my assumption, you need to check a few things to verify it is the brush.

    1. Did you have blinking battery light before this happened?
    2. Try spraying some electrical contact cleaner into alternator vents and jump start the car to see if the battery light is still on.

    If it works after spraying and jump starting, it will work for a while longer but you really need to replace the alternator brush.

    Here is a random seller from aliexpress for the part you should be looking for.

    If you go to a mechanic, you ll be ripped off harshly. Most will tell you to replace alternator, some will say it needs "rebuild" and ask $$$ for a simple brush change and cleaning that can be done in 20-30mins.

    So you are looking at $5 DIY vs $300-500 mechanic option. Some will even take your old alternator and rebuild themself to be used later if you get a full replacement, and pocket the perfectly fine alternator.

    • +6

      Ahhh, yes, suggesting to the guy who thinks getting his brakes fixed caused his alternator to blow up, to buy a small part for an alternator and install it himself. Hell, I'll buy the part for him on the proviso that I get to watch OP fit it to save $295~$495… :D

    • +2

      That's part of the regulator on a Camry. Usually you'll find the slip rings are worn as well and no one seems to sell the parts for it. You could take your chances ordering random parts of AliExpress but the best option is usually a new alternator. Auto electricians don't bother rebuilding them anymore.

      • Buy a new alternator from aliexpress. Just make sure its the correct one.

    • Thank you so much, grateful - I will ask aboout this one.

      • Ehm, just to clarify, I didn’t mean to imply that it’s related to the brake/rotor replacement. However, it usually doesn’t fail suddenly without early signs. There is always the possibility of a mechanic spilling brake fluid around, which could potentially overload the alternator. Can this happen in 3 days? It’s not impossible if you drove for 10+ hours at night continuously while using other accessories over 3 days. It is hard to tell without any more specific details, could be anything.

  • -2

    This group used to be helpful.
    The OP is asking for advice and not getting much of a useful response.
    Admittedly it's difficult to imagine any connection between the work done and the electrical failure but a competent independent mechanic (or Roadside Assistance) could easily check to see if there was any linkage.

    • Ahhh, yes, let’s just waste an independent mechanics time or the roadside assists guy’s time just to see if there is possibly a linkage that connects the brakes to the alternator, just so it makes someone happy on a forum.

      What do you think this linkage may look like? A metal rod with universal joints? Maybe gear or chain driven? Perhaps it’s hydraulically driven? Rubber coupling? Some sort of fan turbine perhaps?

      Tell you what, they can bring it to me personally and I will happily tell them in person there is no such thing as a “brake to alternator linkage” just so it makes you happy.

  • If your break fluid bottle and alternator are close by y then yeah send like the burning smell could be related in a way. Not sure how you can go by pricing this is unless you go to another mechanic but if go back to them m first and explain the situation and see what happens.

  • Check the fuses, especially for the monitoring system.
    They may have shorted something,
    Worth a look, because it's a coincidence.

  • -1

    reputable mechanic that did the brakes and rotors? There is possibility that they wanted to see you again. Plenty of youtube videos showing shonky mechanics out there.

  • Hey OP, its very likely an isolated and unrelated incident. I drove similar aged car with less ODO than yours and each year some random issues would come up. Mechanic said its quite common due to the age of vehicle. Just get this sorted, not worth losing your sleep over whether it was mechanic fault or not. Happy driving

  • +1

    I would check that the battery terminals are tightened correctly , they probably disconnected the battery while they fixed the brakes and may have just put them back on and not tightened them.
    Are you sure the alternator is not working ? Have you jump started the car and checked with a voltage meter ? Could just be a dead battery .
    Get an auto electrician to check it out. Probably not related to the brake job.

  • Camry issue. Very common. People talk like Toyota's are so cheap to run, but they have issues just like every other car.

  • Just wanted to say thanks to everyone - really appreciate it. Great pointers for me to start with.

  • I drove a Honda for 10 yrs and the only major problem it had was the Alternator.

  • Take it to mycar. They'll do a thorough job and definitely do any services that you pay for

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