• out of stock

Lacoste T-Shirt $25 + Shipping ($0 with One Pass) @ Catch


6 models to choose from. Plenty of sizes still available

Blue M, L, XL. (Plenty of stock)

White. XXL Only. 5 left.

Green. Medium Only, 2 left.

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  • +17

    are there any options for dyslexics who are lactose intolerant?

  • Showing as $49 save $41

    • Checkout should show as 50% off. Just got myself one.

  • Thanks OP, got a few.

  • +2

    Cue the guy who says the $8 Target shirts are the same and better value

    • +2

      Welp they found me

  • -1

    Not for those who are lacoste intolerant

  • +1

    Thanks, snagged one of the white ones! Btw I have one of these shirts, these really are slim fit so I would suggest going a size up if you don't want it to be really fitted.

  • Loads of clearance items that are down by 50% in cart too.

  • I'll try one. Thanks

  • +1

    I've had quite a few of these Lacsote tees before, can recommend.

    In terms of quality they're on par with the similarly-priced, single colour T-shirts from either Levis, Gant, Unison, Superdry or Uniqlo (all of which all come down to around $30 each at their very cheapest) and they're definitely a step above your basic Big W/Target cotton shirts imo.

    • +1

      Uniqlo supima shirts go down to like $9.90 though?

      • True, I forgot that but excluding Uniqlo though, all of those other brands are selling their basic single colour tees at around $25-30 at their very lowest when they're heavily discounted.

  • le’-coste
    low -coste’
    law -coste’

  • If anyone is interested in size S, I have one blue and one grey in the round neck that are a bit small and happy to sell for cost plus $10 postage

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