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[OnePass] 2x 12pk LifeStyles Ultra Thin Condoms $2 Delivered @ Catch


Finish Powerball Power All In One Dishwashing Tablets Lemon Sparkle 63pk $10.71.

Dettol Hospital Grade Disinfectant Surface Wipes Value Pack 240pk $5.

2 x 50-Pack Nano 3 Ply Disposable Protective Face Masks - Black $4.

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  • +11

    Being on ozbargain 24/7 protects me from ever needing these.

    • You don't use protection?

      • The are talking about the Finish Powerball Power All In One Dishwashing Tablets.

        • +2

          who are the

          • -2

            @HolyCr4p: Illuminati

            • @jv: why illuminati got anything to do with protection or dishwashing ?

              • -1

                @HolyCr4p: Tell us you are clueless without telling us you are clueless…

                • @jv: "Hi, I'm jv"

      • +1

        Don't make me explain the joke.

        • please explain it to @jv

      • -2

        Your credit card does

      • I am the protection

      • +1

        I have medicare

  • +1

    These are perfect for me. The ladies always tell me that it's ultra thin

      • +1

        that is not what they said

      • Yeah but your mum would say that

  • +8

    Expiry Date: 01/11/2025

    Will be a shame to waste the other 23.

    • you can give these during ozbargain meeting setup :P

      • +1

        ozbargain meeting setup

        For premium VIP OzBargain members only?

        • if it is not enough :P

        • With lounge access

      • +1

        They were needed after the last meetup.

    • +2

      I'd somehow end up with 25 leftover

  • +4

    Even for 2 bucks, The chances of me using them are ultra thin.

    • Okay, this one got me

    • +1

      For about tree fiddy we can change that 😘

  • my 144 pack still unused

  • can vouch for their packing standard, still opened from last 10 years 😭

  • +1

    Way cheaper to just rawdog

    • Vasectomy does not prevent sexually transmitted infections.

      • Medicare treats them

        • More than 70,000 people in Australia have not received Medicare.

      • You're assuming he has had a vasectomy done why?

        I don't use condoms (literally used 2 my entire life, and both were when I was a teen) and I am not snipped and have never had a STI (and yes, I test regularly or when necessary). I don't have kids (knowingly), either.

        The risks are literally all the fun of having sex if you ask me. Take it away and it's not fun.

        For what it's worth because I'm sure someone reading is thinking it; I respect women's decision to require men to wear a condom. I just don't have sex with those women.

  • Got Expiry Date: 01/11/2025

    • +1

      Once you calculate the savings vs how many you'll actually use in that time I'm calling no bargain

  • -1

    Got any deals on penis enlargement pills to go with this?

    • Buy a magnifying glass at $2 shop.

  • “OnePass” could be one too much in a condom.

  • received today, and disappointed as the expiry date to: 10/ 2025

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