Introducing Price Watcher – Track Prices across Multiple Stores

Hey everyone,

Happy Sunday!

I've been working on a new project called Price Watcher. It is new, and there are some things to improve, but I want to get traction to ensure it is really worth pursuing.

Price Watcher is a tool that tracks the price of specific products across multiple retailers, making it easier to find the best deal. Unlike CamelCamelCamel, which focuses on Amazon, or Price Hipster, which covers select stores like Bunnings, Price Watcher monitors products across multiple retailers at the same time. Also tracking the All Time Low (ATL) pricing.

How It Works

If you're looking for a specific product—like engine oil, car wash, or a security camera—Price Watcher checks the price across different stores where it's available, so you can see where it's cheapest.

Stores We Track

We also include some specialty retailers that other trackers don’t:

  • 4WD Supacentre (camping and off-road gear)
  • Reolink (security cameras)
  • iTechWorld (portable power – coming soon)

Some of the core stores already set up for tracking:

  • BCF
  • Autobarn
  • Supercheap Auto
  • Repco
  • Sparesbox
  • Auto One
Missing a Product?

More stores will be added over time, and suggestions are always welcome.

If a product isn't listed yet (which is likely as I have only added some for testing), you can submit it here and we’ll add it.

I'm not looking to reinvent the wheel or compete with existing price trackers—I just want to fill the gaps and track prices where other tools don’t. I suggested Supercheap to PriceHipster ages ago and never got a response. I also found this forum, and it seems like there's demand for this kind of tracking.

I will eventually add account registration to track pricing and get alerts when there is a price drop. But for now, it is only manual monitoring.

Let me know what you think or if there's anything you'd like to see added!

Visit Price Watcher

Please don't be a smart ass or post stupid stuff, open to genuine feedback and thoughts. I am looking at how to add more value and finding great deals for OzBargain

Related Stores


  • how do you source your data ???
    "screen-scrape" ? or VIA some sort of API ?

    just saying … as that determines - how "trustworthy" your website is … compared to others already doing similar to you.

    • Without giving it away to the stores directly on how and then they change/block me. I am scraping the HTML via a Proxy Solution.

      Currently, no APIs are being used directly to the stores.

  • -1

    why .AU only and not … .COM.AU ???

    • +1

      Shorter the better and was already taken.

    • Because you need an ABN to get a

      • and you still need an ABN for .au.

        • Did not realise, appreciate the clarification.

        • +1

          You don't need an ABN for .au, just an Australian presence (eg, simply be an Australian citizen/resident).

  • after having look at website … seems very "cookie cutter" style.
    best of luck on your ventures though.

    • 100% agree. But as I said:

      It is new, and there are some things to improve, but I want to get traction to ensure it is really worth pursuing.

      If it does take off and has a lot of interest, then it will definitely get improvements. I think the key though is getting the price tracking right. If that isn't right, it could look amazing but mean nothing.

      • OK.
        my take on the website +++ your initial scope/idea …

        it "almost" reminds me - of the sort of project that I had to do in uni (back in early 2000's).
        some thought has gone into it (will give you that) … but you really haven't thought things through (goals/etc).

        Anyway, that is my take.
        I've been a coder/website designer for 20+ years (hence why I also hit up about domain names).

        • Yeah, I am a Developer but terrible at Design.

          Thanks for the feedback, it will get better, just need to give it time and get other feedback on what people want which aligns with what you mean about goals. I have some goals, but I don't want it all to be about me.

          hence why I also hit up about domain names

          I always go .au now since it has been released. Converted most of my stuff/projects to .au, the shorter the better.

          • @geekcohen: as to .AU domain name space …it has been a "balls up".

            with the 3 main websites I run … (I own .com. + + .au) … ALL of which then redirect to the .com
            .AU has less than 3% reach (/hits) … == where most of traffic is generated from (but then I'm targeting an AU audience).

            just saying.

            • @simplystu: Each to their own and we all have our opinions. One of my websites/business brands has been very successful with .au.

  • +2

    Love the idea, for sure.

    I think the big issue with CCC and PH is that you do have to use both of them if the product you want is across the various stores they each cover. Appreciate you’re bridging the gap in what those stores don’t currently cover, and I’m sure there’s reasons for not including the stores they do cover. But at the moment you’re just a third site to visit on top of CCC and PH - if you covered the stores they do, you’d be a one stop shop.

    I only clicked on a few products so obviously it depends on each product, but it wasn’t clear where the products had been listed for the various prices. I may have only clicked on products that can only be found at one store, but would be good to maybe have a heading that says “available at” with the list of stores/links. As opposed to “buy from BCF” which doesn’t necessarily confirm it’s not available elsewhere.

    On mobile (iPhone 14 (not pro, so smaller screen), iOS, safari), the home page image takes up a lot of initial space before scrolling to the text below, and then it’s a lot of text (ironically, like my comment).

    Basically, I think it could benefit from a punchy one liner that is visible straight away (below the logo, above the header image) that says what the site is. It’s in mostly the wall of text below (bolded is what you already have): “stay informed about the latest product price changes”.

    You should also probably put the product search more front and centre - are you expecting people to come here for a specific product, or to browse? You need to make it easy for them.

    The category and product images also take up a lot of screen real estate, which feels more annoying when there’s no product image.

    These are all very nitpicky, but I genuinely see the potential in something like this and think that the UI is key to having people want to use it.

    • Thanks for the feedback, I will take it onboard and make some adjustments.

  • +1

    Price Hipster lost its way when Colesworth blocked whatever method he used to track proces. If you can support those two without functionality breaking then you've got my vote.

    • I did think about this. Supermarket Price tracking is something you would like?

      I haven't tried it yet to see if it is achievable, but happy to investigate if it a popular choice. It just seems there are some other solutions out there for Supermarkets. Not sure who good they are, but a quick google showed some options.

  • Firstly @geekcohen - nice work. I like the premise

    A couple of random thoughts:

    • I like the concept - I could imagine this being a “Wishlist of every non essential thing I want to buy”, and it tells me when something’s on sale, or available at the “buy price” I set
    • the ui; on mobile (your main audience I assume), the first thing you see is an off centre logo and a decent chunk of text describing 3+ value props. I would try to simplify this (and the product messaging) as much as possible. If the value prop is simple and clear, you won’t need to explain it
    • i tried a few different search terms and it kept returning nothing… ended up just navigating through the 4wd supa category. Expect your largest search to be expensive products like “iPhone x” - and make sure you solve for that (which will be harder) rather than building out a catalog of retailer specific items (which is easy). If it’s not technically feasible, genuinely reconsider the idea. Understand a lot of this will be due to your currently limited catalog so far, but focus on solving key user demands first even if they’re hard

    Again, well done getting this far. Bravo

    • +1

      Thanks for the UI, I will definitely work on it and have updated some of it already but will need to do more. Its just tweaking elements for mobile vs desktop.

      i tried a few different search terms and it kept returning nothing… ended up just navigating through the 4wd supa category.

      As more search data is built, I'll be able to modify this. Its trying to find the balance between the right results, a lot of results that are pointless or very specific. Working on tweaks at the moment.

      I like the concept - I could imagine this being a “Wishlist of every non essential thing I want to buy”, and it tells me when something’s on sale, or available at the “buy price” I set

      Exactly what I hope it can become.

      • Awesome - good luck with it all!

        Just in this;

        As more search data is built, I'll be able to modify this. Its trying to find the balance between the right results, a lot of results that are pointless or very specific. Working on tweaks at the moment.

        Understand that you can add more and more and tweak the search. My recommendation is not to both with any of that until you can prove that this basic concept can be done for a specific and popular product that is available across many multiple retailers - my example was a iPhone. Trust me when I say that it could save you heaps of time proving/disproving the viability of the website

  • -1

    Does it price track security camera installation quotes?

    • No.

  • Would be nice if you could track things that Google Shopping won't show, like video game backup devices, medicinal herb instruments, and electronic nicotine quitting aides.

  • very few people will care about price tracking autobahn and supercheap auto compared to those that want coles/woolworths.

    you've picked the niche of the niche and if you want traction, you'll have to go after groceries.

    It's been tried before, and they get blocked etc because of the amount of money in it.

    • -1

      I can add Groceries and see how it goes. Others might've failed because of the solutions they were using to get the data and then never bothered to look for alternatives.

      • As soon as they work out how you are scraping the data and where the requests come from they will start to work on blocking you as they want traffic to their site so we don't know that we could find cheaper elsewhere, not to mention the "if you like this, then you will want that" results.

        Good luck with your venture, I personally go to Amazon, eBay, big names like OW, JB, HN and Aliexpress to check price comparisons of most items, with groceries I tend to buy all that I can from a specialist asian vegetable place (or grow them) and then one supermarket for everything else - so the value of supermarket price comparison for my use case would not be something I would bother with.

        Yes Aliexpress is not your target here, simply giving my process of purchasing decisions.

      • Others might've failed because of the solutions they were using to get the data and then never bothered to look for alternatives.

        Lol. Someone thinks highly of themselves. Are you a recent uni grad by chance?

        You're up against two companies that are worth billions of dollars and have thousands of highly skilled engineers working against you and your HTML scraping code. Who do you think is going to give up first?

        • +1

          Are you a recent uni grad by chance?


          Lol. Someone thinks highly of themselves.

          No, just willing to give something a shot.

          You're up against two companies that are worth billions of dollars and have thousands of highly skilled engineers working against you and your HTML scraping code. Who do you think is going to give up first?

          Who says I am not a highly skilled engineer? I was referring to the cost and effort to find solutions. Some might not be willing to fund it and just go, "its all too hard".

          • @geekcohen:

            Who says I am not a highly skilled engineer?

            Looking at the website mate.

            It's a good first stab as a junior or someone testing things out.

            • +1


              someone testing things out

              Exactly this and I am no designer either.

              As I said above:

              Please don't be a smart ass or post stupid stuff, open to genuine feedback and thoughts. I am looking at how to add more value and finding great deals for OzBargain.

        • you obviously haven't worked with either of their it depts have you, cause they're as bad as banks

          • @warkolm: "IT department" is not the same as the ones doing product development and loss prevention for online scanners like this one.

    • Ask and you shall receive. Lets see how quickly it is blocked.……

      I will add more products, welcome suggestions.

  • Looks interesting. I tried searching for "5w-30" and got no hits. Then I tried searching for "5w-30 oil" and got many types of oil. Maybe there's a good way to refine searches to get more accurate hits?

    • Fixed. Hyphens and dashes was set to removed.

      5W-30 now works, only issue is we only have one product at the moment. I will add more. If there are specifics you want to track, either PM or comment a link and I will add them in for the stores available.

      • Cool thanks.

        Also, maybe there's a way for users to dump some web links to the same product on other sites?

        Also might be useful to see price history from all these different stores together on a single page or a single graph?

        • Also, maybe there's a way for users to dump some web links to the same product on other sites?

          What other sites would you be interested in? You can submit them here if that is easier.

          Also might be useful to see price history from all these different stores together on a single page or a single graph?

          The bottom has a graph showing the stores. If you hover over the graph, it will combine the stores with the same price. I can expand this and grow it over time. This product probably shows a slightly better example. If there are multiple stores available, it'll show. If there is only one store of data, that is all it will show.

          • @geekcohen: Oh cool yeah i see now. That works nicely.

            The suggestion page is probably good for products that your site doesn't already cover. But wouldnt it be good for users to be able to dump a link to a competitor's identical product directly on thr product's page? Or am i missing something?

            • +1

              @OBEY YOUR MASTERS: Yeah, I do have that one my ideas list for "missing a store for this product?" form. I will add it in shortly.

              • @geekcohen: Next thing… I tried to type a store name in to the search to see what was available but it didnt work.

                • @OBEY YOUR MASTERS: I'll have to work on that one, I might need to make specific pages for that. Just with the way its developed, search won't work for store specific at this stage. But I should be able to make pages easily enough.

  • -1

    Just typed into your search

    Vittoria Organic Espresso Coffee Beans

    Nothing found…

    So no good to me.

  • +2

    Updates so far:

    • Got Coles & Woolies Tracking
    • Added CentreCom, Scorptec, Mwave, Umart, MSY, 4Cabling
    • Added more products

    Next are:

    • Adding Road Team Marine, Radio Parts, Jaycar, Altronics, Bunnings, Mitre10
    • More and More products

    Still open to suggestions on products to add which can be submitted here.

  • +1

    Been working a fair bit, got the below stores:
    - Jaycar
    - BCF
    - Supercheap Auto
    - Coles
    - Woolworths
    - Repco
    - Officeworks
    - Reolink
    - Autobarn
    - Sparesbox
    - Aliexpress
    - Anaconda
    - JB Hi Fi
    - Harvey Norman
    - The Good Guys
    - iTechWorld
    - CentreCom
    - Mwave
    - MSY
    - 4Cabling
    - Umart
    - Scorptec
    - Bunnings
    - Chemist Warehouse
    - Big W

    Road Tech Marine is a bit of a tricky one at the moment.

    Got some better proxy implemented and working well. 4WD SupaCentre is working the best at the moment, I am building other products with some other stores. I saw some Pet Product searches in the log, so I will be adding some Pet Stores as well.

    Open to additional feedback and product suggestions, need more and more product suggestions.

    • 3d printing companies like bambu, creality, sovol would be good. They often have good specials.

      • I can look at adding those sites as well.

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