6 Weeks Free Eligible Hospital & Extras Health Insurance Policies after 4 Weeks, 4 Weeks Free after 13 Months @ see-u by hbf


Terms and conditions

  1. Offer is only available to new see-u policyholders who purchase an eligible combined Hospital & Extra’s policy via the see-u contact centre or see-u website in a single transaction, health insurance issued by HBF Health Limited trading as see-u by HBF (ABN 11 126 884 786) (see-u) between 9:00 am (AEST) on 20 January 2025 and 5.00 pm (AEST) on 31 May 2025:
    Eligible Products
    a. Premium Hospital Non-Obstetrics (Silver+) combined with an Extras cover
    b. Secure Hospital (Silver) combined with an Extras cover
    c. Smart Hospital (Bronze+) combined with an Extras cover
    d. Saver Hospital (Bronze+) combined with an Extras cover.
    e. Starter Hospital (Basic) + combined with an Extras cover.

  2. Offer does not apply to:
    f. employees of see-u, QCHF & HBF; or any agents or its related entities;
    g. current or former members who have previously received a promotional offer for a see-u by HBF branded cover in the last 18 months; or
    h. a person with coverage under any see-u by HBF branded cover either as a spouse or defacto, purchasing a policy in their own right;
    i. Members who have held see-u hospital and/or extras cover in the previous 30 days;
    j. a current member of a see-u by HBF branded cover; when upgrading or downgrading their see-u by HBF branded cover; adding a spouse or dependant to an existing see-u by HBF branded cover or making any other policy changes.

  3. The policy must be set up on direct debit, and the first 4 weeks' premium must be paid before the offer can be applied. The offer of 10 weeks of free private health insurance cover with see-u by HBF will be applied to the first 6 weeks of premiums, starting after the initial 4 weeks of cover. An additional 4 weeks of free cover will be applied after 13 months of continuous cover.

  4. Not available in conjunction with any other see-u offers, including other incentives, campaigns, or weeks free offers.

  5. see-u by HBF reserves the right to amend or remove the Ten Weeks Free offer and any qualifying criteria at any time.

Direct link to see-u by HBF Ten Weeks Free Terms and Conditions and Internet Archive of the Terms.

Some notes and thoughts:

About the promotion
  • Having reviewed current promotions from all insurers, this is the only non-restricted fund I identified as offering the industry-typical 'pay 1 month, get 6 weeks free' (approximately 58% discount) offer.
  • In my view, this promotion is more accurately described as 'pay 4 weeks, get 6 weeks free' (60% discount).
  • As anything could happen between now and 13 months, eg, you could leave this insurer, the '4 weeks of free cover … applied after 13 months of continuous cover' element of this promotion is not included in the discount calculation.
Annual health fund price increases coming soon = more promotions
  • By the time the 10-week initial period (4 weeks paid followed by 6 weeks free) nears completion, there will almost certainly be other health fund promotions available.
  • We are approaching the time of year where the funds will all announce their annual price increases, which usually prompts policyholders into looking for cheaper alternatives.
  • The funds know this and scramble to both retain customers and steal (gain) customers from each other (by running promotions around this time).
Limited extras
  • The see-u website says 'we’re all about keeping health insurance simple'.
  • In reality this means that the extras (general treatment) insurance component covers less treatments than other providers.
  • If you're looking for wide extras coverage, I would suggest that see-u isn't for you.
  • Hospital cover is standardised into product tiers and therefore much easier to compare.
Waiting periods and industry portability rules
  • For those who are transferring from another insurer, you do not have to re-serve waiting periods already served. See The right to change.
  • It is therefore of no consequence to you that this promotion does not waive waiting periods as part of the promotion, as they will be waived for you under health insurance portability rules (hospital) or industry standard practice (extras).
Information about this insurer
  • See the Performance tab on this page for various metrics about this insurer.
If you have previously been a policyholder of a related fund or brand (QCHF, THF, QBF)
  • Funds sometimes exclude previous policyholders of related brands from promotions.
  • I suspect they do this because of a legislative restriction limiting the maximum discount that can be offered - see clause 6 in Private Health Insurance (Complying Product) Rules 2015: '(1) For subparagraph 66‑5 (1) (c) (ii) of the Act, the maximum percentage discount allowed is 12% per annum'.
  • The promotion terms, currently, do not exclude previous members of Queensland Country Health Fund (QCHF) and Territory Health Fund (THF) (brands of HBF) or HBF (the parent brand of see-u).
  • HBF may change the terms to exclude previous members of these funds, just as silently it did for a Territory Health Fund promotion.
  • Therefore, if you are a previous member of QCHF, THF, or HBF and want to take advantage of the see-u promotion, I would suggest that you join without delay.
If a better deal materialises
  • If prior to the commencement of your see-u policy, a better promotion comes along, you can always cancel the commencement of your see-u policy to take up the other offer.

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see-u by hbf Health Insurance
see-u by hbf Health Insurance


  • +3

    Realistically 6 weeks free after paying 4 weeks for churners.

    • -4

      Plus need to factor the waiting period when switching over.

      • +4

        need to factor the waiting period when switching over

        What waiting period?

        When you transfer from another fund, there is no need to re-serve waiting periods. See The right to change.

        • How do waiting periods work for extras when churning? They are not covered under the right to change.
          See U product summary for simple 50 says:

          any waiting periods you’ve already served with your previous health fund for the same services will be recognised on an equivalent see-u cover.

          Some extras policies are not directly comparable (fixed vs percentage rebate). Do you find this matters (i.e. must be directly equivalent), or is it usually good as long as the waiting period is already served for the previous insurer?

          • @Uphill:

            Some extras policies are not directly comparable (fixed vs percentage rebate). Do you find this matters (i.e. must be directly equivalent)


            The right to change brochure states:

            How general treatment (extras) waiting periods apply

            If you change to another insurer
            If you are changing your general treatment policy to another insurer, most insurers will not need you to serve waiting periods again for the benefits you had on your previous policy. You should ask the insurer to confirm, in writing or via a recorded phone call, which waiting periods will apply to you, if any.

            • @YesPleaseThankYou: Thanks. Hoping to go to a higher level of extras cover for this churn, so I should be good then. Sorry, above I meant they are not covered under the Private Health Insurance Act 2007, not the right to change brochure.

              • @Uphill:

                Sorry, above I meant they are not covered under the Private Health Insurance Act 2007

                In reality, despite there being no legislative requirement to recognise waiting periods for extras cover, all the funds recognise time served with previous funds. I guess they do this:

                • for competitive reasons, as they might be the beneficiary of a transfer in
                • to keep it relatively consistent with hospital cover, and
                • they have the existing mechanism by which to share relevant information (the transfer certificate).
    • Yes, see my notes at the foot of the post.

  • I think this one has 12 weeks free ( 6+6) after completing 28days/14 months

    • A little better than the HCF, but I think doesn't matter for churners anyway

      • I don't see any current HCF deal.

        My recollection from past HCF promotions is that it requires holding the policy for 60 or 90 days before becoming eligible for any free period. This has the effect of diminishing the discount. Due to this, I have never taken up an HCF promotion.

        This promotion by see-u requires holding the policy for a mere 4 weeks before becoming eligible.

        • Ah yeah I was cooked, I read HBF as HCF.

    • +3

      There is no way I'm sticking around for part 2 of these 2-part deals.

  • +7

    Is See-U available in the NT?

    • +1

      All health funds operate across Australia.

      • +2


    • -1


    • -2

      C U in the NT.

  • @YesPleaseThankYou do you have any recommended strategies on churning? Is 12 months optimal? And any tips for sticking with a particular extras provider (Medibank Essential Extras 75% gives me great value for example) while still swapping hospital cover providers?

    • Churning only works for hospotal and exteas combined

      • You are mostly correct. There are sometimes 'free weeks' promotions for hospital-only cover but these are not common.

    • +2

      do you have any recommended strategies on churning? Is 12 months optimal? And any tips for sticking with a particular extras provider (Medibank Essential Extras 75% gives me great value for example) while still swapping hospital cover providers?

      No. I don't have a strategy for this because I don't do it. I don't do it because it's not a great idea. You would save much more by churning than by being beholden to one provider for perceived extras benefits. About once a month I have someone ask me similar whether in these forums or via private message.

      To quickly determine how much you are being ripped off and how much you could save by churning: a simple calculation of 58% of your current annual premium will give you an approximation of how much you would save by churning through 'pay 1 month, get 6 weeks free' offers. Guaranteed this would be more than the 'great value' you perceive you get from Medibank.

      As for timeframes, you churn as soon as the benefit obtained from that churn is exhausted—for me it's 5 to 6 times per annum.

      • +1

        5-6 tomes a year.. wow you are a legend mate. I do around 3

        • +1

          Gotta maximise my savings :)

          Insurance is a huge expense, and churning is 100% certain to save a lot of money.

          As an aside, I've had 9 electricity retailers in the last 9 months.

          • +1

            @YesPleaseThankYou: I agree. It is a very costly affair. Wth energy i only churn electricity as ga takes 3 months. Currently with origin wanting for 28th feb for the $200 bonus.

            • +1


              as [gas] takes 3 months

              I hear you.

              I'm currently using the Jemena Gas Meter Mate app which allows you to submit customer reads, to see whether that helps with speeding up the gas churn.

              • +1

                @YesPleaseThankYou: Thats clever. Will have a look.

              • @YesPleaseThankYou: I can confirm that submitting meter reads via the Jemena Gas Meter Mate app was sufficient to trigger a bill and churn to the new provider outside of the usual bill cycle.

          • @YesPleaseThankYou: Can I ask who the 9 are? I'm trying to identify as many free credit electricity providers as possible like you

            • @Gowrie29: There is no point.

              You check for available offers at the time you need to churn, switch retailer/insurer, get credit, or whatever your need might be.

      • Awesome, thanks for the feedback! I manage to extract about $1000pa value from my policy costing around $400pa, hence the reason for wanting to stay, but the 58% discount is compelling! I'll start off with either this or Medibank, even if I only churn annually it is atleast 11.5% off.

        Have you ever been caught out by the "new member" timeouts over your 5-6 churns? See-U seems to have an 18 month lockout period to be considered eligible

        • Have you ever been caught out by the "new member" timeouts over your 5-6 churns? See-U seems to have an 18 month lockout period to be considered eligible

          No. There's always a promotion to churn to. The level of discount isn't always the theoretical maximum, but there's always something available.

          At the very worst, if there was no promotion (highly unlikely), you would just pay the regular rate until a promotion came along.

          Note that the promotion exclusion periods vary by promotion and seem to be mostly influenced by the level of discount offered. For simplicity, some funds may have standardised the exclusion periods.

        • my policy costing around $400pa

          $400 or $4,000?

          • @YesPleaseThankYou: Extras only policy, comes to about $40/m and you also end up with $100 in cashback through the year.

            • @deadhurricane:

              Extras only policy, comes to about $40/m and you also end up with $100 in cashback through the year.

              Ah right. Those cash backs will stop at some point.

              The churning benefit that I am discussing is typically only available with combined hospital and extras policies, as almost all of the promotions require both types to be taken out.

  • Can I just use Medi$care?

    • +3

      Yes you can, but if you need to pay the extra medicare fee (such as 1% or 1.25%) these offers make sense.

      I just churn every 8-10 weeks approximately to maximise my savings. It costs me less than paying the 1% Medicare surcharge. And I get the extras included as well.

      • +2

        how does it work with used extras? and Churn?

        • +1

          Usually if there is offers with no waiting times I can use new fund straight away. Otherwise I just email my previous health funds transfer certificates and get them applied.

      • +2

        How long have you been churning like this? Is it much effort, and is it worth the effort? Have you encountered any problems / downside?

        • +2

          I have been churning for just over a year. Just a bit painful as you need to do it fairly often to maximise saving. However, most of the time I just let new fund do cancellation for me. The fund I cancel from tries to call and let me stay but they don’t succeed :)
          You also have to keep the transfer certificates so they can apply correct waiting time. (You’ll need to email to new fund)
          You should also try to stick to similar packages (for example bronze/silver etc)

          • @fozzie: I am still confused. If I used up 75% of my $100 optical limit completely with one provider , how does it work when I switch providers. Since, the offerings for extras is different for each provider

            • @Aap Ke Papa: Not sure 100%, but my understanding is they detract what you have used already, matching previous fund until you have saved enough time with them. Usually I pick similar extra to avoid too many different allowances. So far I have been able to do Nogaps check ups with all funds (2 a year), one major claim for husband’s periodontist and 3 sets of glasses with 3 different funds from December 2023 (new glasses will be due soon). Also remedial and acupuncture occasionally.

            • @Aap Ke Papa:

              If I used up 75% of my $100 optical limit completely with one provider , how does it work when I switch providers.

              This isn't rocket science.

              Then you used $75 and the new fund would deduct that from your available limit for that treatment.

              • @YesPleaseThankYou: Thank you! I thought there was a way to game the system and get endless optical

                • @Aap Ke Papa: Not endless, but you can certainly take advantage of funds with different extras limits reset dates:

                  • 1 January
                  • 1 July
                  • Anniversary Date (Date of joining)

                  Join a fund with a different reset date to yours and you can claim extras again.

                  Search for health fund reset dates.

        • +1

          27 consecutive policies since mid-2019.

          • +1

            @YesPleaseThankYou: Thanks a lot for your input and comments on this subject. Very helpful. Another Master I have to learn from.

  • Good deal, but it's only available for Silver+ covers, making it somewhat "targeted." 😃
    Are there any other good deals besides Medibank and Bupa with a paid period of less than 60 days?

    • +1

      Yes, the lack of Gold-level 🥇 cover is annoying but the restricted extras makes it worse (see my notes in the post).

      I prefer to churn to Gold Hospital and Top Extras. However, I will churn to this current deal (even in the absence of Gold Hospital and Top Extras) as there is no better deal at the moment.

      If a better deal comes up between now and when I my current policy is up, I'll cancel the transfer to see-u. For now, I'll take the 6 weeks free.

      • But if you downgrade, I guess you lose all the progress in waiting periods of gold?

        • +1

          Yes, I'll lose:

          • Assisted reproductive services
          • Pregnancy and birth
          • Weight loss surgery

          But I would never be making a claim under those clinical categories, so it doesn't matter.

  • +7

    Appreciate the in-depth notes for context @YesPleaseThankYou. Saved me some of the same calcs and gave me quick context to determine if this provider's worth a look for my situation.

  • -2

    if you churn again during the free weeks do you get a refund for the remaining cover?

    • -1

      Is this a joke post?

      You will get a refund of $0, equal to the $0 you paid.

      • -1

        i got a refund for the weeks i was in credit from gmhba with the covid deal. no joke.

  • I'm looking at a dental implant this year and wondering if there is anything to watch out for when churning? Most providers only list Crowns and Dentures under their Major Dental so I'm wary about making the churn. Currently with Bupa that does cover dental implants.

    Also can anyone confirm if I were to choose a higher limit extras, is it true I need to wait out the relevant waiting periods before I can claim the extra limit above my existing one?


    • I'm looking at a dental implant this year and wondering if there is anything to watch out for when churning? Most providers only list Crowns and Dentures under their Major Dental

      Well, you better make sure that you're switching from an extras policy that covers crowns and dentures to one that also covers crowns and dentures. Unlike hospital policies (which are standardised with set clinical categories in defined product tiers, extras policies are all over the place.

      If you are going to churn, I would be asking the new fund to confirm that it will cover your proposed procedure. In Australia, a fund cannot prevent you from joining on the basis of your heath or health condition. You don't have to fear that you will be denied cover by disclosing your proposed treatment. By making the enquiry in writing, you can rely on that in the event of dispute.

      Also can anyone confirm if I were to choose a higher limit extras, is it true I need to wait out the relevant waiting periods before I can claim the extra limit above my existing one?

      Correct, you may be required to serve a waiting period for the increased benefit, particularly for costly procedures. This is to prevent so-called hit and run claims, where people join then immediately claim the higher benefit.

      • Correct, you may be required to serve a waiting period for the increased benefit, particularly for costly procedures. This is to prevent so-called hit and run claims(smh.com.au), where people join then immediately claim the higher benefit.

        Thanks. So, for example, if I signed up to a $750 limit cover (current limit of $600), am I only able to claim up to $600 or is this not necessarily always the case?

        Also, my current cover has separate limits for General and Major Dentals. There are some covers with a combined limit (some with higher limit than my limits combined). How will joining such cover impact me in the future if I were to churn to another with separate limits?

        • my current cover has separate limits for General and Major Dentals

          See under the heading Major Dental:

          Significant dental services, such as complex fillings, tooth extractions, crowns and bridges. Whether specific items are classified as general or major dental depends on each insurer’s rules, so check with your insurer for details.

          As I said above:

          If you are going to churn, I would be asking the new fund to confirm that it will cover your proposed procedure [and the extent to which it will be covered]. … By making the enquiry in writing, you can rely on that in the event of dispute.

  • Anyone knows if I shift from GHMBA, will I get prorated refund? Or should I keep the start date as end date of ghmba monthly cycle date?

    • If you paid for that period with your own dollars, you'll likely get a refund. If you didn't pay for the relevant period, you likely won't get a refund. Ask GMHBA.

      Personally, I set the start date to be the day after my previous policy ends. This way, I don't have to worry about chasing up refunds.

    • whenever you're churning, give them your old fund details when you sign up to a new fund and they contact the old fund and cancel. they need to contact them anyway to get the transfer certificate.

    • C7.2: Refund of Premiums
      If you cancel the Membership before the date on which the next Premium is due, GMHBA Health Insurance will reimburse any Premiums paid in advance of the termination date.

      Source: GMHBA Fund Rules

  • When do the limits reset? I am with BUPA, and my limits were reset on January 1. Will they carry forward to this policy if I join them

    • +1

      When do the limits reset?

      See-u by HBF says:

      Annual Limits
      An annual limit is the maximum amount of benefits payable towards services, items or groups of services/and or items within a calendar year. Annual limits are calculated for a calendar year i.e. 1 January to 31 December each year.

      If you have changed your cover (or insurer), limits that have been used under your previous level of cover will be carried over and considered when determining the first year limit on your see-u policy.

      Source: https://www.seeuhealthinsurance.com.au/siteassets/brochures-…

      Will they carry forward to this policy if I join them

      As with all funds, you will be subject to the limits of the policy you hold. Any usage from your previous fund will be carried across via a Transfer Certificate.

  • +1

    See-u customer service leaves a lot to be desired.

    It's like having a conversation with an angry toddler. Going around in circles with no clear answers.

    I don't know if See-u has had a bunch of new staff join recently or this is the usual low standard.

    If you there are other promotional offers available to you, I would take those before considering purchase of a policy from See-u.

  • +2

    One of the worst health insurers I’ve ever encountered. I agree with the comment above; their customer service agent is incredibly unprofessional. It took me a few weeks to update the waiting period and receive my claim back for extras. It took another month to get my clearance certificate and refund. I will never consider taking insurance from them, even though they’re offering a free coverage promotion.

    • +1

      Thanks for sharing your experience.

      Yes, in my case, See-u staff are very confused by transfer certificates. I'm not sure why they would be, as the certificates are part of the agreed industry transfer process.

      I spoke with them on the phone this week. It sounded like I had just woken the person up. They made all sorts of wild claims about the delays and errors when a simple apology and promise to fix the issue would have sufficed.

      If they don't fix the remaining issues with my policy, I'll forego the free weeks and churn to another insurer. If that happens, this will be the shortest duration I will have stayed with a health insurer (just over a week).

      Bunch of clowns.

  • I have a fairly basic question about health insurance in general.
    My perception has been "Medicare covers most, if not all, that private health insurance covers. The main benefit of private health is reduction in waiting for treatment when needed. The downside is paying premiums and still having to pay an excess if you dare make a claim".
    I don't have to worry about medicare levy or surcharge, but I do need to pay over 50% lifetime health loading, so it's hard to see value, and harder to see any with every passing year. Of course, eventually I'll be suffering with something, and then the reduction/elimination of waiting time to avoid pain/death will be well worth it. This is the only reason I am considering joining a system which is otherwise (in my opinion) obviously a scam.
    Is that correct? Close to the mark? Wildly inaccurate?

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