3 Cents Remaining Balance on Visa Gift Card. What to Buy or Free Trials to Sign up for?

Got a Visa gift card with 3 cents remaining balance, what to spend it on?

Literally anything?

Too low of a balance to add to Steam wallet or to sign up for free trials, as they would usually charge an authorisation fee to the card.

It has has a year left until expiry and I just can't bring myself to throw it out as it is the equivalent of flushing money down the toilet.


  • +8


    • +3

      All those new members that came via The Today Show story have just deactivated their accounts.

      Who are these people? I'm outta here.

      • I was half expecting there would be enough gift card horror story posts from new members that I’d have to change my username.

        • +3

          On the positive side, there are sure to be more entertaining posts about uninsured car crashes.

  • +3

    Literally anything?

    Physical card? Colesworth split payment!

    • +1

      No split payment required for free infinite free grapes glitch https://imgur.com/a/1mWI33d

      • and what's that got to do with the price of eggs in china ???
        exactly the same as your reply above.

        • Eggcellent reply.

    • i was going to say similar.
      atleast it's a VISA GC.

      some others won't allow split payment (would have to spend the exact 3 cents in this case) … but from experience VISA GC's allow you to split payment … store permitted obviously too !

      my work gives us a VISA GC for christmas each year - so well versed in having $1-$2 leftover on GC + trying to spend.

      • Yep, any Colesworth GC every cent is used!! Not giving them money for free!

        Same applies for other places as well.

  • Got a Visa gift with 3 cents remaining balance, what to spend it on?

    Literally anything?

    Lifetime supply of condoms.

    • +2

      No need, a room full of anime figurines and funko pops does wonders to protect ones virginity.

  • +2

    Next time you shop at Coles or Woolworths, choose a split payment, then specify an amount of $0.03, then put the rest on your other card.

    • This is a good idea. Will do this and see if the cashier gives me a funny look.

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