Need to Get an Item Printed on a 3D Printer

Hi All,

I am not sure if I am in the right forum but please point to the right one and I am happy to move this post there.

I recently purchased a Ryobi power scrubber ( and after the purchase I realised that the connector is a triangle one only. I wanted the option to have both triangle and hex however this was not the case. On further investigation, I found that someone had already created a template to make a connector convertor (from triangle to hex) so you have the option to use hex attachments too. The link for the template is:…

I need help to print this convertor and am happy to pay for the materials. I am based in Sydney so would prefer anyone locally to do this so I can pick it up.

Thanks again for the help.



  • -1

    I am not sure if I am in the right forum

    Do you want it to be a bargain?

    • I meant the 'Home & Garden' option :)

  • +1
    • Thanks - wil check them out

  • +1

    Our local library has 3D printing available. I haven’t looked into it so I’m not sure if it’s helpful but might be worth checking your library?

  • +4

    Yeah sure… What colour do you want it in? Cant take more than an hour to print by the look of it.

    Oh, I'm not local though. Happy to print you one and send it though if you get no joy from your local library.

    Throw up a request on your local Fartbook community page and there will 100% be someone there that will print it for you.

    • Thanks for the offer; I will definitely check on FB marketplace first. Might reach out to you if no luck.

  • +1

    I'm up on the central coast. Happy to do it for the cost of plastic for you, which isn't much.

    • Do you come down to the CBD by any chance?

  • +1

    Go on facebook marketplace, there will be plenty of local 3d printer services at a very cheap price.

    I would recommend going to them first before going to these large businesses as they make a huge profit of 3D prints.

    For example, a 20g print I needed, a few businesses online where you upload your file, select filament etc… charged me more than $30 + shipping.

    A local 3D printer 10 minutes away charged me $5 and I picked it up.

    • Good point. SInce FB marketplace has been mentioned before, that is my first avenue if I don't see anything here. Personally, I'd trust OzB than FB so my first preference is here.

  • Is that hood thing even necessary. What does it actually do, just provide more stability?

    • Not sure if your comment was directed at me but I will try and explain. The triangle connector is Ryobi specific so not a not of options available and most of them are really big (15 cm dia). I wanted one that can be used on corners of the room so these ones are not great. However I had seen online options like… which only has the hex bit option so a convertor will give me more attachments that I can use.

      • Why does it even use the hex adaptor, and why can't you just buy one already. Did Ryobi invent the triangle adaptor and patent it or whatever?

  • +3

    On my A1-Mini it's an hour print and uses about 30g of filament. 1kg of PLA is between $10 and $30~ so this print is $0.30-$1 worth of materials.

    Likely an OzB'er around Sydney who could do it for an Eneloop or two. But maybe this is the catalyst you need to jump on the next 3d printer deal.

    • Haha, I did think about getting a 3D printer but it did not pass the WAF :( So, next best option is to ask others for help.

  • +2

    I would recommend PETG or ABS?

    • +1

      Thanks for that; I'll ask the person who prints to get that material.

      • Most printers can do PETG, but not ABS.

        If you have some spare cash, grab a Bambu A1 Mini. $349, or $579 with AMS, ATM. It won't do ABS though.

  • +1

    I'm in Sydney and happy to print for you if you're still looking.

    • Yes please. I'll DM you.

  • +1

    Second checking with your local libraries, I know parramatta library does.

  • +1

    Happy to print for you. In North Western Sydney and can have it ready for you to get Sunday night

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