Best Every Day Laptop Sub $1100

Dad's laptop has carked it does anyone have any recs for a laptop under $1100 (or if its slightly over that's fine too)?

He doesn't use any intensive applications and will basically be using it as an everyday laptop to browse the web and watch Netflix/YouTube. I know I can probably get something a bit cheaper, but he will keep using it till it dies so I don't mind spending a bit more $.

  • New laptop (if there's a good deal for a referb. though please post it)
  • Windows
  • At least 1920x1080 res doesn't need to be oled or anything fancy
  • 13" / 14"
  • Storage space not much of a priority but at least 500gb SSD
  • Decent build quality (trying to avoid those cheap feeling plastic laptop bodies that squish)

Thank you! :)


  • the lenovo posted earlier probably ticks all the boxes. Probably want to set him up with ad adblocker if you haven't already.

  • +2…

    you can get 10% off with ultimate giftcards ect to bring it down to 1000

    • @snapper17
      Hey, thanks for the yoga link. what do you think of older model (intel 12th gen, ips screen) all other same, second hand, for $600?

      • they seem well built. I dont like to buy second hand electronics such as laptops only due to the fact that sellers are not honest with whats wrong with it. If they dont have warranty with the purchase receipt its a big red flag. If they spilt somethig on it or dropped it then it may be an uneconomical repair.

        • More than half my personal laptops are secondhand, but that's because I'm in tech and in previous jobs have handled literally hundreds of the things for various organisations (new for corporates, used for NGOs.) Used isn't a thing to be scared of.

  • trying to avoid those cheap feeling plastic laptop bodies that squish

    Lol build in carbon fiber?

    • The better laptops use carbon fiber, and a magnesium chassis.

      • Not titanium or gold?

        • Rose gold laptops are so 2015.

  • +1

    13" / 14"

    Is he hooking it up to an external monitor? Otherwise that's a tiny screen for someone who isn't in their 30s or younger.

  • -2

    I found one for $1101, so sorry, doesn’t meet budget

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