I need to select an ISP from an approved list, i was recommended to research which one was the best for my area. Are there any metrics published re: dropouts or speeds / reliability? Thanks.
How Do I Judge an ISP's Reliability in My Area?
Last edited 30/01/2025 - 13:41 by 1 other user
Its pretty much between belong (telstra owned) and superloop/exetel (telstra network). Aussie broadband is an option, but I hear bad things.
Most dropouts are caused by the type of nbn at your property and in-home Wi-Fi problems. What type of nbn do you have?
Aussie BB, Superloop and Exetel all built their own network to provide nbn services and they don't use Telstra for nbn. Superloop and Exetel only use Telstra for 4G and 5G mobile services.
Aussie BB charges a premium at RRP so I'd wait for their $20/m off promos. Apart from that there is nothing particularly bad about them.
Leaptel is another OzBargain favourite.
Aussie BB, Superloop and Exetel all built their own network to provide nbn services and they don't use Telstra for nbn
Where is your source for this? Also NBN network is owned by NBN Co., not Telstra.
I agree with the rest of the post that dropouts are caused by NBN tech type and Wi-Fi issues. But another thing to consider is CVC. If an ISP has not bought enough CVC, you will experience slow speeds due to congestion
@hmac: I don't think they are talking about the last mile (which is owned by NBNco), but rather the backhaul from the POIs (which has to be provided by the ISP, either directly by building their own network or by contracting with someone else like Telstra).
CVC is on the way out and isn't really a concern for most connections any more.
@hmac: I was referring to the ISPs backhaul network. Run a traceroute or check the ISPs looking glass and you will see the path that the connection goes.
Superloop and Aussie BB ASN peering details.
CVC isn't really a problem anymore. CVC only applies to 12, 25 and 50Mbps and CVC is being removed for those speed tiers in 2026. CVC was removed for 100Mbps and faster speed tiers in late 2023 and most ISPs have plenty of capacity.
But another thing to consider is CVC.
Not for speeds of 100Mbps or over… NBN stopped that ages ago…
No CVC on slower plans from next year too…https://www.itnews.com.au/news/nbn-co-gets-green-light-for-n…
@shroomish The ACCC does performance reports testing ISPs, nbn and Starlink.
Someone called?
try and find out. most don't have locking contracts anymore.
How Do I Judge an ISP's Reliability in My Area?
Just use a Magistrate.
Do not pass go, do not collect $200
Launtel by far. Especially international
Too expensive.
check which POI you would connect to, and then jump on Whirlpool and search for it (or put your POI https://members.leaptel.com.au/metrics/nbn-pois-stats
You can also check CVC graphs for your POI, e.g. for AussieBB and Superloop
Trial and Error by using the Discounts on OzBargain and switching all the time. However, in some cases, it isn't the provider that it is the issue, its the technology/cabling etc getting to your house.
I was with AussieBB in one house, 500m from the node via FTTN and got 100/40, no problem. Worked throughout COVID. Moved to the next town over, 700m from the node and only got 60/30 with drop outs. Ended up bailing on the NBN completely.
I've used AussieBB for multiple houses and always had a good experience.
Is your nbn FTTP upgrade ready yet?
Yeah, but I've got a private PtP connection 400/400 with like 6 to 9ms ping for about $90 a month. I could go NBN, but to get 1000/400 is about $250 a month.
What is a private PtP connection?
@frondono: Point to Point. Through a Private Wireless Internet Provider using a 60GHz WiFi Link.
That's pretty good. Leaptel 1000/400 $165/m for 12 months is about as cheap as it gets. Do you need the 400Mbps upload?
@Twix: Not really, but it is bloody fantastic. Had it when I was working for someone else and had NAS + phone system from home. But its great to have even now. NVR Backup, Syncing, Uploading Large Web Files, Video calls with no problems.
My Ubiquiti Dream Machine in the last 24 hours recorded a max upload of 90mbps at one moment with network traffic.
what speeds UP/DOWN do you actually require ???
400 UP … for residential use == rarely needed (even for WFH / video calling can get by on far less).
unless business case.But you really didn't state that in OP … only when ppl started digging.
if TRULY for business use … then should be comparing against business plans - NOT residential plans.
I always use budget ISPs, never had a problem. Tangerine/More is good for me and I mostly use those. Currently on Southern Phone with a promo though. I always use BYO routers. I think if you have FTTN/FTTB etc, you will have dropouts, I have only used FTTC & HFC so no issues at all.
@I Smell Pennies might help in this.