Seeking Info on Replacement Electric Bike Battery for VALK7

Hi everyone, I’m looking for a replacement VALK 36V 10Ah battery for my VALK7 electric bike.

I’ve already contacted Mytopia, but they’ve informed me they’ve had no stock for the past two months and are unsure when they’ll receive new inventory. Couldn't find a replacement on Google

If anyone knows of a reliable seller or alternative source where I can purchase this battery, I’d greatly appreciate your help. Any recommendations or advice would be fantastic!


Thanks in advance!

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  • Do you mean MX7?

      • If you can't find it in with that search term, you might look at getting the old one re-packed with new cells. Or even just bad cells replaced. The shop just needs a spot welder and test gear.

        • Thanks a lot.
          Actually only the first cell is bad and provide a red light.
          Do you know where I can get it re-packed in Melbourne
          Or a link on how to find a person to do this.

          • @DanS: Sorry, you could ask local shops or forums. I've just seen YouTube videos 😃

            • @bargaino: Repacking battery packs needs to be a business thats easy to access these days. The vast majority of battery packs are just full of standard batteries cells in different configurations.

              Seems nuts you need to buy a new battery when one cell carks it.

  • 👍👍

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