What Happens to DoorDash Shoppers When They Pick The Wrong Grocery Item?

So I ordered a $15 platter from Costco via DoorDash, and was delivered and charged for a $40 platter.

I selected wrong item delivered on DoorDash and also sent them the photo, and was immediately issued a credit for the full amount (i.e. effectively got a free $40 item)

Are there any repercussions to the driver who likely made an honest mistake?

I'll tip the driver though, since I was more than happy to pay $15 for the item delivered.

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  • +1

    Yeah same experience buying few items from coles they picked wrong item i got full refund and keep the item.
    Did they get fired or didnt get pid for that order?

    Also twice they mixed up the delivery food, its not my name on the bag but too late the driver went away. I got full refund ie free meals

  • +14

    They’re murdered

    • -4

      This isn't America bro

      • +5

        Say what you want to your conscience

  • I assume DD is like most services and picked by Store staff, ready for the driver to collect.

    If the order is incorrect, take pix and contact DD,ML, UE etc.

    DON'T give it back to the driver, as they will lose money taking it back(especially at Peak time), whilst the company sorts this out. Keep it, and give it to friends or save it for later.

    I had this issue last year, and despite my attempts at Subway store (staff seemed more distracted sharing a baby) to confirm the order, they said it was the only one. Recipent could have scored $50+ worth of food and drink. I had to take it back, park in a major shopping centre… AGAIN, go up an escalator than elevator, to take it back. Worse thing is, whilst I was taking it back, 2 more orders came in for the same store….FFS. I knocked it back

    • I don't think Costco orders are pre-picked. Not yet anyway.

      Hopefully I'm wrong, but I believe the dasher went in and gathered items and made a mistake. This is based on the updates in the app, dasher arrived, dasher is sourcing items, checking out etc.

    • Wrong assumption.

    • +23

      We don’t tip as this ain’t America! I will tip for exceptional service or if it’s pouring rain or 40 degrees, but for a standard order from maccas on a Tuesday afternoon and it’s 20 degrees outside why the hell would I tip..

        • +1

          Start a charity?

        • +8

          If I wasn’t lazy and didn’t order via the app they wouldn’t have a job at all..

        • +9

          They probably had to deliver your food with soggy chips from 2 blocks away, where they had to find a legal park, walk to your residence, ringf a doorbell or intercom, go up a lift, and drop it off, ALL BECAUSE YOU ARE possibly LAZY?

          Isn't that the job they signed up for? Don't they also accept each individual job knowing how much it pays beforehand and where it's going to?

        • +11

          All I’m hearing is you want a tip for doing the job YOU choose to do in life.
          I don’t get tips in my customer service job, nor do I expect them. And I won’t tip others either.

        • +6

          It is not the responsibility of the customer to pay the driver a consistent income.

          Delivery apps should increase their fees, until everyone is happy (customers, restaurants and drivers). Until then, you shouldn't participate if you feel hard done by.

        • +6

          That's literally what they agreed to do when they took the job.

        • +3

          I think maybe you need to look at a career change.

          • @2esc: Hence why I haven't driven for 3 months. ;)

            All I was just trying to portray what it can be like a driver. ;)

      • +2

        I will tip for exceptional service or if it’s pouring rain or 40 degrees

        I don't expect average service as the norm so I don't tip for the service being carried out as expected.

        If anything, I'd be interested to see what sort of service we'd receive if we could give a negative tip for poor service.

        The variations in weather are all part and parcel of the working conditions of the job that are taken into account when taking on the work.
        I have worked as a driver in the past (not food delivery) and I did the job to the best of my ability and I accepted that good and bad weather will happen as a normal part of the job.

    • I tipped the other day when I noticed the driver was at a burger place for over half an hour waiting and they were messaging me updates. I think when you look at the app you get a bit of a sense if a certain order is inconveniencing them. I think they get paid the same rate whether they are waiting or driving, but it still must be boring and frustrating for them to wait for so long.

    • +3

      They shouldn't tip. There was a price quoted to do the job. If the job is done you get paid. We aren't in America.

  • +2

    Just a beating the first time, then one knee for each subsequent failure.

  • The driver will likely receive a 'contract violation'. Too many of these and they can be banned from delivering

  • +4

    I ain’t tipping sh1t in Australia. Ever.

  • +1

    wait, so we can use doordash to buy from Costco without a membership ?

    • +1

      Yes, but not worth it, you pay a pretty substantial markup.

      Adding your Costco membership, you get pretty much Costco prices, and it ultimately works out cheaper if you buy dd cards at 20% off.

  • How much does a driver get to go into costco, find the stuff your ordered, line up to pay behind families with two full trolleys each, then drive to your house?

    • No idea but I imagine if it wasn't worth their time they wouldn't accept the costco jobs.

  • perhaps affect their profile ratings depending on severity of violations ?

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