Guy down The Road from Me Has a Tinted Windscreen [QLD]

Obviously highly illegal, every time I see it it gives me the shits.
Random rant :(


  • +13

    They probably also downloaded Game of Thrones. I'd call the police

    • +5

      Yes first the police and then sue him. It's a clear cut case

  • +1

    Thanks, your post made my day.

  • +7

    Guy down the road; there has been an awful stench in my neighborhood since I tinted my windows.

    • +1

      How could you though, did you think of the children?

  • +7

    Road rules is just gambling till insurance decides not to cover you

  • +6

    I saw a motorbike with a red headlight once.

    Stupid is as stupid does.

    • I saw a motorbike with a red and blue flashing light, trying to catch. Huh! Burnt that bloke off!

    • Did it have a tinted windshield?

  • +1

    Normal in many asian countries.

    Must be fun driving at night 😂

    • +15

      That's why they always squint

      Edit: Before you neg, I am of Asian heritage.

      • -1

        I don’t neg that easily.
        Gotta do better than that to earn one from me.

        You will definitely get a few regardless though 😂

      • +3
      • +1

        My DNA includes 0.00361% Asianese. So I really do understand where you're coming from.

  • +5

    Nonsensical "random rant" posts give me the shits

    • -3

      this post got moved to this forum, blame the mods?

  • Can he see out the window?

    • +2

      Only if he parts he curtains.

    • The driver of that vehicle holds a Blind Person permit so is exempted to see out the window.


  • Thanks Karen!

  • +2

    I'm jealous.

  • +1

    Didn’t realise their were degrees of illegality

    • +3

      or shades of grey

      • +1

        Or tints of windows

        • +1

          New fully sick tint - 51 shades.

    • Depends who you are.

  • +4

    I watch some tik toks of this guy who films in public places says he's an independent journalist, he does it to piss people off then he raises a complaint if the police tell him to leave I kinda want him to be tasered, I think he probably has a tinted windscreen too

    • Is the phone you watch tiktok on tinted?

  • My dog gets very upset with the noise of the dishwasher…

    That's my random rant, if that's the purpose of the thread…

    • +1

      Does your wife sing?

      • +1

        I do… Do you think I'm causing a traumatic experience?

      • It is the rattling of the chains against the sink that probably sets the dog off

  • +2

    Tinted front windows make rants. Cheers.

    • +3


    • +1

      Diarrhoea when observing tinted front window windscreen makes scents, cheers.

  • Same OP with different accounts?


  • -1

    Diarrhoea if the driver wears sunglasses

  • +1

    it it gives me the shits.

    Toilet paper is onsale

  • The guy clearly wears his sunglasses at night. This is just the next step.

  • +2

    Couldn't be too dark if you can identify him.

  • What else would you actively notice about him to give you a reason to whinge, if not the windscreen?

  • +1

    The whole windscreen? Or the top part because you use to be able to as long as it was no lower than the sunvisors. Some cars if all the other windows have a really dark tint it may give the impression its tinted as the internal cabin is extra dark. Have you physically been within a few meters of the car?

    Now im getting tinting ads on my screen.

  • +3

    Had one, not that bad, wouldn't do it again. I got one done because I was sick of seeing everyones aftermarket LEDs and HIDs/poorly adjusted headlights/people driving with high beams on. Thought if I couldn't win that war, I'd just reduce the glare.

    The tinted windscreen actually made the glare worse, similar in the way a foggy/dirty windshield increases glare.

    Now I just wear my sunglasses at night, so I can keep track of the visions in my eyes.

  • +2

    Maybe mind your own business

  • +1

    Queenslanders doing dumb Queenslanders things entertain the other states, carry on.

  • +1

    What bothers me the most is crossing roads as a pedestrian and people with tinted windows try and wave you across but they forget they have tinted windows and i cant see what the heck they're trying to gesture.

    • That isn't what the middle finger means….

  • +1

    It’s QLD, anything goes. Move to the police states in the south if you can’t handle it

  • You'd hate South Korea. Just about every car has a heavily tinted windscreen. Perhaps other parts of Asia do it too? Gave me a real shock when I was there.

    Their road toll is pretty high, but the rampant speeding probably has more to do with that than the windscreens. It took some getting used to but I didn't really find it a massive issue. Very few high speed 'country' roads there like you get here, though.

    • Isn't excessive alcohol consumption and being inebriated the know factor in South Korea?

  • +1

    Could be a terrorist with stuff to hide.

    Did you report it to the national terrorism hotline?

  • Some vehicles do come with a slightlt tinted windscreen and this is legal.

    The guy who does my cars will tint a windscreen but you have to sign a waiver that he isn't responsible for electrical damage in the dashboard and you are aware that the tint is not legal. When I was there last he was doing a Corolla for a Private Detective who does many stake-outs

    • he isn't responsible for electrical damage in the dashboard

      How does a heavy tint damage your electrics

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