• expired

[Android] Free - Bloons TD 6 @ Epic Games Store App


This game is now free via the Epic Games mobile app.

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Epic Games
Epic Games

closed Comments

  • +13

    "The Epic Games Store on iPhone is only available for European Union customers"

  • One could say that this was an ā€œEpicā€ let down!
    Canā€™t install šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø

    • It worked fine for me.

    • +4

      if you see Something went wrong error then keep trying. It will eventually install

  • +1

    Thanks, worked fine on android. Dungeon of the Endless also free.

  • -4

    Guess I got the inside scoop, I've been playing Bloons Tower Defense for free for decades online.

  • +1

    EU only šŸ’€

    • +12

      Only iOS devices have that limitation

      • +4

        But this was posted as being available on iOS, this was posted as an Android only deal there would be no problem with the post, and we would not be having this discussion

        • +8

          Sure, but conversely making the statement it's EU only seems to apply to both when it doesn't so payton's comment is more useful than the one they were replying to.

    • Netflix works for iPhone

      • +1

        That isn't the issue, Netflix games still download from the App Store. This is a separate storefront.

      • Bloon TD 6 Netflix is also in the play store. Not sure why I would download more bloatware on my phone

        • This is an option for iPhone users who have Netflix. If youā€™re on Android then move along.

        • Netflix version is delayed updates by around 20 days

          Netflix version is tied to your Netflix sub and will stop working if you cancel Netflix

          Netflix version could be removed if Netflix rights to the game expire like what happened with GTA Netflix.

          • @Agret: You forgot the most important one
            Netflix works on iOS

  • Looks like dealbot is going to monopolise the android epic game deals too
    Greed is good

  • Need this free for PC or switch to get the kids off the sma screen

    • +1

      Could you install an Android emulator in PC?

    • Samsung Dex or even Windows Phone Link work great.

    • it was free for pc 2 years ago lol…btw just wait for next steam sale….it will just cost $1.

  • Dungeon of the Endless is also free now if you want to edit that into the post when you fix the title to remove iOS

  • +4

    Good deal for a good game but on android you can download most paid games/ apps for free anyway if you know how to sail the seas šŸŒŠ ā˜ ļø

    • Not dangerous? Afraid because im using online banking.
      Well maybe use different mobile lets call it sea mobile :)

    • +1

      Is tpb still up? I haven't sailed for a while but I'm a pirate till I die.

      • +3

        I don't think the OG is up but HappyMods apk is a decent play store alternative if you're after apps.

        • Any other apk's you recommend on HappyMods

    • This is why I have to have the game manual nearby every time I play BTD6 to answer the copy protection questions, it's the only remaining effective antipiracy measure companies have leftšŸ˜«

  • Any way of downloading epic app on iOS outside of EU the OzB way?
    Can anyone PM if not appropriate to post?


  • +1

    Isn't this game already free in the Google play store? Or did i buy this before so it shows up as an installl option.

    • you might have claimed it free before. It show $10.99 for me

    • +1

      it was free on play store like 5 years ago

    • I just searched my emails and apparently I bought it on a Steam sale in July 2020 for $1.45

      If you have a PC grab it during the next Steam sale, the game uses a shared account so your progress is kept in sync between the PC and mobile versions.

  • +17
    Ninja Kiwi's Bloons TD 6
    • Thanks, I've been waiting for this convenience.

    • +1

      Thanks, that let me install purchase on iPhone with VPN.

      edit: actually, I could purchase both versions on PC from the links, just clicking Yes to proceed despite "already having some of the content".

    • Where did these links get found? Trying to find if there is a site like steamdb for epic store? Would like to know so I can claim mobile games from browser in the future.

      Is there a link to the storefront for each platform?

  • +2

    Do I need to play the first 5 before this one?

    • no

  • Netflix users can download for iPhone

  • I installed both, are they in my "library" like on PC? Or do I have to leave them installed to keep them?

    • +1

      i think it is permanently in your library once you added it.

    • +1

      On the home screen of the epic store the button should change from Install to a cloud download button. You also get sent an email for each "purchase"

  • I'll attempt to create an Apple EU account.

    I would consider switching my current account, but I have a remaining gift card balance. From what I understand, purchases no longer work as an EU payment method is required.

    • +1

      I haven't seen any reports of doing that working but you could try creating an EU account and using that location spoofing method people in the 711 thread use and also connect an EU VPN. Maybe those 3 things would be enough to get it working? It might also check your carrier sim so might have to remove sim card and use wifi while attempting.

  • Why do I need to install this apk via a direct download? Seems a bit suss.

    • That's how all third party stores work on Android, after the initial install then its registered as installed by Epic Games Store and it will be able to automatically update it in the background as long as you've allowed Epic Store to run in background (disable battery optimisation).

      • I wonder why Epic Games didn't list it on the Google Play store?. I mean i thought it would make it look more official and trustworthy.

        • +1

          You can't put third party app stores in the Play Store and the whole point of them doing their own store is to avoid Google taking 30% of all profits from what they sell.

          Even if they were allowed to put it into the Play Store anyone who downloaded from there would have their payments go via Google instead of Epic and Epic would have to pay that 30% cut to Google. Defeats the whole purpose.

  • Works on Pixel 7 Pro.
    Does not work on Pixel Tablet.

  • +1

    I found one problem with the Andrioid version. It wouldn't allow me to copy and paste my username and password. It's a huge long password so it was real tedious.

  • +1

    Instant checkout on IOS in case Australia allows third party AppStores

    Dungeon of the Endless

    • Any idea where these links originate from? Would like to be able to get them myself for when the giveaways change.

      • I grabbed them from a Discord that I joined. They post alerts for free games. Iā€™m not sure where they get the links from

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