• expired

Yoto Mini $99.99, Yoto Player 3rd Gen $124.99 Delivered @ Yoto Australia (15% off)


Link to Yoto Player: https://au.yotoplay.com/yoto-player

Also stacks with referral 10% of discounts

Cards are also currently 5 for 4.

It's a "summer sale" so not sure when it will end.

Referral Links

Referral: random (63)

Referee gets 10% off 1st purchase (min. $99 spend). Referrer gets 1500 tokens (worth $15) per order.

Related Stores

Yoto Australia
Yoto Australia


  • +3

    The price of books makes audible look affordable…

    • +5

      Books are free at your local library…

        • +12

          I didn't say to borrow books from your family.

          The library is a free service, paid for by councils using ratepayer funds.

            • +3


              It's not really free then, is it?

              Yes it is… You don't pay a cent.

              • -3

                @jv: What Council area are you in? No rates? …Some people live a charmed life.

                • +3


                  What Council area are you in? No rates? …

                  Most library users are not ratepayers…

                  • -4

                    @jv: Landlords don't pass on costs of doing business to their renters in your neighbourhood?

                    • +3

                      @tenpercent: Don't know.. Ask them…

                      Rate payers are a small percentage of library users…

                      • -2

                        @jv: Ignoring the fact renters are still paying for it via their rent which goes into paying council rates, I'll revise my original statement to: It's not really free then. A small percentage of library users pay for all the books, the building and the staff.

                        • +2


                          Ignoring the fact renters are still paying for it via their rent

                          Libraries are for anybody to use, not just renters and ratepayers…

                          • -2

                            @jv: Ok ok. I concede. It IS free for the unhoused and people who don't live in the area.

                            • +1


                              It IS free for the unhoused and people who don't live in the area.

                              Not everybody who lives in a house is a renter or ratepayer. Most people aren't

                              • @jv: Oh I forgot about kids. They are basically free, right? All the food, and clothing, school uniforms and other stuff, toys and games and sports equipment and extracurricular activites… totally 100% gratis, right? Someone needs to tell this guy the cheat code to get it all for free.

                            • +2

                              @tenpercent: And, you know, children, young adults living at home…

            • +3

              @tenpercent: have you borrowed any books from local library ? Do they charge you money to borrow books ?

              • -2

                @HolyCr4p: So if I pay for something and don't use it, I haven't really paid for it?

                • @tenpercent:

                  So if I pay for something and don't use it, I haven't really paid for it?

                  Yes, like most OzBargainers you would have done that.

                • -1

                  @tenpercent: read my comment carefully or you should gone to specsavers

        • +1

          are cars free if you can borrow them from your family?

          Yes if they are allowed it :P

    • Use MYO cards to load up your own content and cards

      • Agree.
        Now just need an ozbargain deal on the MYO cards

        • Cards are buy 5, get cheapest free at the moment.

  • Harry Potter: The Complete Collection

    • +7

      How does ANYONE buy that, that is INSANE pricing for 7 books in audio format

  • How do you unsubscribe to alerts besides the email ones?

  • +4

    For anyone who has purchased one of these or is thinking of purchasing one, you can make your own cards using generic NFC cards from aliexpress/amazon. The prices they want for the cards are insane.

    • Agreed. But I heard yoto may ban your account if they find out you're using unofficial cards? Is that true?

      • +2

        Only if you're sharing your playlists containing copyrighted material. People were doing mass sharing of playlists and then got surprised when their accounts got locked.

        Ultimately they can't see what the card is, its just a cloned nfc tag.

        • I'll start by saying I don't doubt what you're saying, but any idea how you know this for sure ?

          • -1

            @FredAstair: Explain to me in technical detail, how a yoto player could tell the difference between a legitimate Yoto card and a functionally identical cloned nfc card of the same type?

            Yoto sell make your own cards, so the concept is supported, and so unless you can come up with some way they could tell one NFC card from its identical clone, then that is how we know this for sure.

            • @dekekun: NFC cards have a unique hardware ID, that doesn't get cloned. So I guess technically Yoto could keep track of the hardware ID's of all their cards.

              • +1

                @happykamper: Yep, and they do for the "download" portion of the card - where the card reaches out to the Yoto server to download the playlist.

                Once the playlist has been locally cached on the Yoto player, you can then use the player 100% offline, so thats where you can then swap out for the cloned cards, as the device itself isn't checking the hardware ID, as thats done in the cloud.

                • @dekekun: Yeah that's been my experience too. I have to use a genuine "My yoto card" before I can get the clone to work.

    • Do you have any links on how to do this? The yoto reddit seems like you can't get it done.

    • @dekekun something like this? https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005007169819928.html?spm=a2…

      Anything special required to load them or is it pretty simple?

    • +1

      old news. it's all the new gen now

      • i'm aware, its in the link text. just best to check when the item arrives

  • +1

    I bought some cards few days ago from the Yoto Austrlia website and the charge on my credit card was in GBP with description Yoto UK so beware there could be international fees on your card used to order. Luckily my card waives international transaction fees.

  • +1

    I don't know how this works as I haven't bought it yet, but apparently you can stack the trial subscription discount on top of the referral.

  • +2

    I bought this during Black Friday for my preschooler and this is one of the best purchase IMO.

    It did cut off her screen time and she's actively looking for her "radio" at times.

    • Yeah I got my 3 year old one for Christmas, and I think it helped him get used to reduced screen time.

    • The boss did this for ours (BF), they emailed they couldn’t make Christmas delivery so then gift carded the overall purchase and still sent the whole order which arrived a week after Christmas.

  • Is this thing as pointless as it sounds? What am I missing here?

    • We bought one recently after contemplating for few months. I think it is about giving kids some power within the boundary set by parents.

      Prior to Yoto, our kids (4 and 2) had to ask us to put something that they want. Eg frozen CD, something on Netflix, YouTube (we dont have AD free version - so they had to ask us to turn off AD every single time). With Yoto, they can choose which card & which track to play & it is AD free.

      We also love the availability of French content through Yoto. We are a trilingual family & it is difficult to source languages other than English generally.

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