• expired

AliExpress: 15% Cashback on Affiliate Items ($30 Cap Per Transaction) @ TopCashback AU


Cashback terms and exclusions

  • Cashback eligible on affiliated items only. Enter product ID or URL on this link to check eligibility "https://portals.aliexpress.com/linkchecker.htm", then click 'Get Cashback' to complete your order. A $30 cashback cap per transaction applies.
  • Cashback is ineligible on purchase of the following items: face masks, medical consumables, gift cards, virtual products, coupons, travel, ebooks, AliExpress Top-up, and any non-affiliated AliExpress products.
  • Confirmation of goods received must be made in your AliExpress account within 90 days of placing your order to be eligible for cashback.
  • A $30 cashback cap applies per AliExpress transaction (unless specified differently during promotions advertised on TopCashback).
  • Cashback is ineligible on purchase of gift cards and/or use of gift cards for payment.

Referral Links

Referral: random (4042)

Referrer gets $35, referee gets $10 (after $10 of earned cashback within 180 days of signing up).

Related Stores

TopCashback AU
TopCashback AU

closed Comments

  • +1


    • Exactly what I said haha

  • Has anyone elses stuff tracked at older rate of 5.5% of not 15% :(

    • +1

      Hi. Just checked and can't see a single order tracking at 5.5% since the increase started at 2:30am. Feel free to message me.

      • Nevermind showing correctly now thanks.
        Was a delay between getting the tracked email and having the transactions come up on site, so mistook the lower rate cashbacks from now-cancelled stuff ordered yesterday as today's.

        • Ye, caching delay. Thanks for confirming.

  • +1

    Anyone know if u can still use voucher codes and still get 15%? like https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/889500

    • as far as i understand, with topcashback you CAN stack with codes

      • cheers bro

      • @tightarse, can you confirm if cashback is elligible if we use the promotional codes?

        • +1

          Paging @Clear. He's the resident expert on AliExpress codes :)

        • +2

          Yes always if the item is affiliated. AliExpress strongly encourage coupon usage.

  • lol, made two orders with a bunch of items and conveniently the two largest items in each order somehow failed to track??

    I wonder if all the items that did just track will also eventually fail as well since I cancelled an item in each?

    (edit: obviously the two highest value items were affiliated products fwiw)

    • Okay so it seems that for some reason, Shopback hijacked only the highest items, despite clicking through on TopCashback several times.

      Repeating it after cancellation and clicking through had the same result. Very bizarre.

  • -1

    What are we buying, y'all?!?!

  • When I click on Aliexpress from TC site, it goes to "https://www.aliexpress.com/p/error/404.html". Never seen this before. Any problem at this moment?

    • +1

      It's fine don't worry. Click on the AliExpress logo and continue.

  • expired already?

    • Ended 6:59pm

      • Yeah that caught me out. Thought it would end at 11:59pm along with the $5 bonus :/

  • Gone back down to 10%… Damn, just missed out, should have bought before eating dinner lol

  • +3

    Absolute BS. Cant believe its ended already!

    • +2

      Same, i don't have time to browse and go through the whole cashback process until after 8 when my kids go to bed.

      • +1

        Exactly same situation as me! These deals that end at dinner time drive me insane

  • Yeah weird ended at 7.59pm , not 11.59pm I was browsing suddenly it poped up back to 10%

  • Anyone else tracked at some odd amount much lower than purchase price less coupons & gst?
    Edit: looks like it's from exchange rate.

  • Are we expecting another cashback deal for CNY?

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