TRS Claim for Invoice > $1800: No Middle Name in Invoice While Passport Has Middle Name

Hi, I want to claim GST back on my iPhone 16 Pro Max, but the invoice does not include my middle name, whereas my passport does.

My first and last names match those on my passport. Will this be acceptable, or should I request Officeworks to include my middle name on the invoice?


  • -2

    Not a big deal, they’ll let you through.

    • -3

      I have successfully claimed GST with -
      1. Tax invoices with no name on them.
      2. Only my initials
      3. Slightly misspelled name
      4. $299 Bose earphones + $2 gum (took a punt anyways to meet the $300 threshold).

      Never had a claim denied.

      • +5

        That's because a name on invoice only applies to items above $1000. Anything below can be some scrunched up receipt from behind the couch.

        • Those 4 instances were all from different times.

          Plenty of iPhone/Macbook claims using receipts that had no names on them.

          • -1

            @Gervais fanboy: Wouldn't work today.

            • -1

              @JimB: Worked for someone I know 2 weeks ago via Melbourne airport.

              Receipt with only my initials was allowed 6 months ago, I got it done myself.

              • @Gervais fanboy: Surprised it works.

                get a valid paper tax invoice in English with:

                your name (and only your name) as it appears in your passport if the invoice is $1,000 or more
                a description of the goods that allows us to match the goods to the invoice
                the retailer's name, address and ABN (ACNs and ARNs not accepted)
                the amount of GST or WET paid (or total price including GST)
                the date of purchase

                But why take the risk of it getting rejected. Not hard to add your name to the tax invoice. I think you need to confirm this when you register your claim online.

                • @JimB: I understand and I am familiar with the rules too but op didn’t ask for the rules around this, they could have just gone through them on the TRS app instead. Or they could have gone to OW and gotten their receipt sorted.
                  But they didn’t do any of that and decided to post their post instead.
                  So I shared my own lived experiences as I believe that was the more relevant response here..

  • -3

    Just tell em you don't have tiktok account and you'll be fine

  • +2

    If it's not too much hassle and you have the time, you might as well get Officeworks to create an invoice with your middle name on it for peace of mind.
    You will most likely be fine, but the rules do require your full name as it appears on your passport.

  • +1

    I claimed TRS on an iphone in December without middle name on apple invoice and it went through fine.

  • It will be fine.

  • +1

    Update : Hi everyone, I was able to successfully claim the GST on my iPhone 16 Pro Max, even though the invoice didn’t include my middle name.

    • -2

      Ohh, shocker.

      People here with 0 insight been negging me for telling you just that. Losers.
      @duckie THIS

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