These guys sell decent backpacks and outdoor gear. They share similar values to a Patagonia type brand.
Sent me this promo code (newzoralian25) as I had stuff sitting in the cart that they were obviously using to entice me to buy.
Hope it helps someone
25% off + $12.50 Shipping ($0 QLD C&C) @ Zorali

Last edited 20/01/2025 - 12:58 by 2 other users
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Any recommendations on brands for sandals? there is a lot of mixed reviews out there I cannot seem to decide
ozbargain alert: "patagonia"
me: checks post
post: not patagoniaThanks op. Interesting company. Spent 10 min looking at their site, they are an outdoors club as well as clothing and equipment maker. They go on and on about their passion and commitment. Looks like a lot of their apparel is made from recycled materials. Their product pages are loaded with information, photos and videos including from reviews. Eg.
That’s a good price for a double layer warm fleece. Even with out the discount.
I’m always skeptical of brands that give away big discount codes like this. Zorali gear isn’t all that special and I believe there are better options for the price