• expired

Hy-Clor 1L Super Algaecide $7.89 (Was $33.40) + Delivery ($0 with OnePass/C&C/in-Store) @ Bunnings


Popular deal is back.

Credits to price hipster.

Concentrated, fast acting algaecide ideal for added protection against very stubborn algae blooms common in long hot summers. Designed for use with more substantial algae problems or high-risk areas, where greater protection is required. Super Algaecide is designed to eliminate resistant algae strains.

y’all’s may also be interested in Hy-Clor 2kg Alkalinity Increaser pH Buffer Soft Pack - $7.89 was $15.70

(Below Copied and pasted from last deal)

Hy-Clor 2kg Soft Pack Stabiliser $10.46 was $25.00
Hy-Clor 1L Water Clarifier - 1L $ 7.89 was $13.90

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Bunnings Warehouse
Bunnings Warehouse


  • +11

    Thank you Aldi, Competition at work.

  • +4

    Possibly good if you know what you're doing, and I'm guessing most users of this really don't, and that's how they ended up where they are.

    Make sure you know all your levels and what you need to achieve, and how this stuff will affect things.

    My guess is it raises cya/stabiliser levels, so pay attention to that among other things.

    • +1

      Exactly this.

      You don't need this stuff if you keep your levels in check, same with other stuff like clarifier too. Stabiliser not necessary but have to buy more chlorine obvs

      • Stabiliser not necessary but have to buy more chlorine obvs

        well I suppose if you have an indoor pool.

        • -1

          A pool cover pretty much removes the need for it too.

    • +3

      Pool shop, test for free, gives read out, tells you what to do exactly to get balanced pool. Job done.

      • -1

        YMMV but some Bunnings have a machine that you can DIY test too - the one at my local is broken more than its working

        • +2

          They have a machine? That's fancy. Is it DIY? How does it work?
          My locals just have the DIY dip sticks.

          • -1

            @dan76n: I never used it tbh
            I remember seeing little bottles to get sample water

            I now just use a regular pool guy

        • My Bunnings has a machine but you still need to bring water and then use the stripes there and compare it to the results on the machine to see what you need

      • I didn't even need that when I used to have a pool. Just bought one of those take home kits and did it myself, honestly not that hard.

    • +3

      I just let the pool shop test my water for free & then decline their overpriced chemicals. I have a test kit but usually cbf using it myself.

      • +1

        Yeah my local pool shop charges $15 for pool test but free if I buy chemicals from them 😳

    • +2

      Yeah you're in Melb, its different down there. Lots of rain & warm weather means chemicals are hard to keep balanced.

  • Doesn't work,just go buy chlorine

    • Any chlorine on sale? Time to clean the toad habitat..

      • 15L only sold for $20 ish..its cheap enough

    • +3

      Wear goggles when working with liquid chlorine is all I can say

      • Mask too to not breath in it (speaking from experience)

        • +4

          I love the smell of chlorine in the morning.

        • +2

          Also, do not eat or put on skin.

          • +3

            @OldBugger: And wear clothes and shoes you don’t care about … good bye brand new chucks 😭

            • +1

              @Jimothy Wongingtons: LOL I know what you mean! I've ruined so many tshirts and shorts. All with the tell tale white-pink tie-die design 🤣

              Never happens when I wear my old gear!

      • +5

        My eyes! The goggles do nothing!

        • +1

          Me, when I stupidly managed to splash liquid chlorine into both eyes when it splashed from pool back up into my eyes: WHY DIDNT I WEAR GOGGLESSSS

          • +2

            @Jimothy Wongingtons: I get splash from the Hydrochloric acid all the time, straight onto my face or hand… burns every time 😎

            • +3

              @Lizard Spock: Yeah, I had that splash once.
              So I now submerge (about 2/3rd of) the 15 L gallon within pool and its so easy to pour chlorine. Light weight and just drips nicely in pool. No more splashes.

    • it does work.

  • Thanks for sharing. Good stuff!

  • This works great for acne.

  • +1

    Alkalinity increaser is just bicarb, the same as from any grocery store.

    The stabiliser and clarifier are good value.

    • Way cheaper in bulk from the pool shop/Bunnings though. Same with salt.
      True ozbargainers cook with pool salt and bake with alkalinity increaser

      Price comparison with woolies:
      Bicarb soda ~$40/kg vs ~$4/kg for alkalinity increaser with this deal
      Salt ~$2/kg at Woolies vs $0.55/kg at Bunnings for 20kg pool salt

      • +1

        Bicarb is $3.50/ kg all the time at Coles though?

        • +1

          Ah, so it is… Dunno what I was looking at earlier 😂

  • Abyone know of this is gopd to use on solar panels and solar hot water systems?

    • What happens to your solar panel? Did it get algae? 😵‍💫

  • +1

    Nice one JW! Needed to stock up on all that stuff, really great prices.

  • It’s just quats, doesn’t feel right going in a pool and probably won’t do much. I’d shock the crap out of it and think about copper in the future.

  • +5

    Purchased 25 kg bag of Alkalinity Increaser (sodium bicarbonate) for $40. Don't buy from hardware stores or pool shops.


    Now if someone can get me a price for 20L Hydrochloric Acid (or bigger) because Bunnings now charge $63.88 , I'm having flashbacks of it only being $49 at one stage.

    • Do you know a store that delivers these bags?

      • Had a quick look, most stores either dont say or say pick up only. My god stores are seriously making up the prices. 25kg bag of bi-carb ranges from $29 - $120.

        • Try your local supermarket. In the cake baking section. Seriously doubt your pool needs 25kg of bicarb.

          • @rifter: ????

            Feel free to pay 100 times more the price in the supermarket. And since bicarb doesn't go off ….yeah over a year and a bit my pool does need 25kg of bicarb.
            It's also used for cleaning.

            Out of curiousity do you own a pool ? Are you able to do maths ?

            • @Noobist45: 65,000 litre pool. 16 years ownership. Have added just 4kg in that 16 years after initial install.

              Once correctly balanced only minor adjustments needed.

              As for maths, supermarket bicarb can be got for $3.50 for 1kg https://www.coles.com.au/product/coles-bicarbonate-soda-1-kg…
              That is $87.50 for 25kg. Well within your 25kg bag range. Definitely not 100x your bulk pricing. And, you only need to buy the actual amount you need.

            • @Noobist45: Without knowing the details its a bit of a leap but 25kg of bicarb in a year is a LOT of alkalinity. Coupled with the hydrochloric acid comment? Are you maybe chasing pH? You could just be chucking in a lot of extra chemicals you don't need to that are essentially cancelling eachother out.

              Or do you have a fresh concrete/pebblecrete pool?

              I get a lot of pH drift as well, and am pretty lazy with the pH adjustments as sanitation is managing but I would investigate if 25kg isn't hyperbole.

  • +3

    The active ingredient - Benzalkonium Chloride - is the same as is used in laundry hygiene rinses like Canestan. But the algicide is 5 times more concentrated.
    So buy the algicide and adjust the amount accordingly at a fraction of the cost of Canestan.

    • This may be a silly question, but won’t this turn the laundry orange, I think that’s what colour it is?

  • Cheers OP. Stocked up!

  • -1

    What's a 'yall's'?

  • For fish tanks too

  • Still have heaps left from this deal (https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/806421). Buffer can be found in Coles

  • I sprayed my sad looking driveway with this, diluted to Wet and Forget concentration in August and now it's looking better. Works nicely but it takes time. I think frequent dosing with water will accelerate the cleaning process this replicates the rain fall.

    When I used the pressure washer on the driveway it blasted off some of the concrete, I'm just going to spray with this every three months then see how it goes.

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