• expired

Inkbird Digital Meat Thermometer IHT-1X $18.99 Delivered @ INKBIRD


This deal is active again. I bought one from the previous deal for the BBQ and I think it has improved my cooking - everyone tells me my meat is delicious!

Note: ETA 8-10 Business Days

  • Dimensions:160mm x 38mm x 16cm
  • Temperature Measurement Range : from -50℃ to 300℃ (-58℉~572℉)
  • Temperature Accuracy: ±1℃ (±2℉)
  • Calibration Range: from -3℃ to 3℃(-5℉~5℉)
  • Display Type: FSTN Screen
  • Dimensions of LCD Display:40mm x 16mm
  • Waterproof Grade: IPx5 rated
  • Battery: 250mAh built-in lithium battery
  • Adapter: 5V>500mA

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closed Comments

  • +8

    Useful cooking temperate guide::

    • Poultry (chicken, turkey, duck): 75°C
    • Red meat steaks (beef, veal, lamb): 63°C rare, 71°C medium, 77°C well done
    • Mince, sausages & other processed meats: 75°C
    • Fish: 69°C
    • Pork: 70°C
    • Personally, I tend to cook sausages to 90C-100C as they do not look brown enough at 75C.

      • +3

        It’s not about the look, it’s about safe eating temperature.

        • +6

          I think we're in agreement.
          My point is that, while sausages are safe to eat at 75C, I feel a higher temperature is needed to get a more appetising colour.

          • +12

            @Dinjay: Youre mixing up internal vs external temperature, they aren't the same.
            If you want them more brown, cook it hotter.
            Internal temp doesn't have anything to do with exterior colour.
            You don't cook a steak to 180f internal to get a better crust, you just sear it at a higher heat.
            A thermometer is perfect to get it right though

            • @Phesto: I meant both inside and outside.
              My personal experience is that the sausages look/smell/taste better when cooked to a higher temperature - YMMV.

              You do make an interesting - I could try searing at a higher temp and then cooking to 75C at a lower temp to see if that makes a difference. Doing that while BBQing for a group may be difficult, so I will need to try for a small batch.

              • +1

                @Dinjay: I always sear mine then throw them in the oven to hit 75 - 85

          • +1

            @Dinjay: Just use the flamethrower from gugafoods. +20 points to flavour if you play the signature guitar music and say "I know it doesn't look good right now but.."

    • +6

      These are extremely conservative. Especially with techniques like sous vide you can shave over 10 degrees of some of those for lush tender meat, such as chicken breast.

      • +1

        Lol @ "lush tender meat"

    • +3

      63 degrees celcius for steak would be well done, wouldn't it??

        • +10

          what? this probe is for measuring the internal temp

          • @commiewealth: The info I wrote was directly lifted out of the healthdirect link above. I don't cook rare, so I am not sure how best to do that….

            • +1

              @Dinjay: That's referring to internal temp not external temp. The external temp of a seared steak would be in the hundreds

              • @Phesto: Thanks for the clarification :)
                There is still much for me to learn!

      • Strictly speak nah, more medium to medium well. Especially if sous vide where cook temperature is even and controlled. On a flame or grill its a whole other matter.

    • +12

      Those red meat numbers are miles too high. Medium rare is closer to 55.

      • I have one of these and used it a couple of nights ago when cooking a thick-as (3-4 cm) steak. I took it off the grill at 58° (I was aiming for 55°) and it was a perfect medium rare. Great little device, got mine from Amazon when on special for the same price.

    • +5

      If you follow these temps you're gonna get overcooked meat. Most meat will rise 10C after taking off the pan.

      • It seems you are right. I guess it's best to remove beef from the BBQ around 5C before reaching the desired temp.

  • Thank you OP, ordered.

  • +1

    Assume this can't be left in while in the oven/bbq?

    • I expect not - excluding the probe, the thermometer body does not feel like it would last in heat - not to mention the battery inside.

      • You could try something like the IBT-2X with the external probes.

    • +3

      no it can't. you need one with a remote probe and wire

    • +1

      Lol I melted mine these are fantastic to use just not for that

      • +1

        You can get wireless probe ones too. Amazon I got a couple of these for 60ish each from ebay and haven't had an issue. Replaced my wired ones and i use em in the smoker/bbq/oven/air fryer

  • +10

    everyone tells me my meat is delicious!

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    • +1

      Yeah I wondered about that too!!! Absolutely Everyone? Looks like he swings both ways and doesn’t spare the poor animals either

  • +1

    "this store can't accept payments right now"

    • +1

      I got this message too, but I hit proceed anyway and the payment went through

      • +1

        did your payment show as Chinese characters and show in payment as YINBOWUNX4? I did mine through Paypal for payment and delivery protection

  • I have used one of these for years, much better than other ones I have used from Bunnings etc.

  • They have an issue with connecting to PayPal and NordVPN is telling me it's a suspected scam website?

    • +1

      Same with me

    • +2

      I think I also got something similar when I used them. There are plenty of ozb deals for the same website, so I went ahead and bought a couple of things. Both items arrived without any problems.

  • +1

    I must admit, I like my Inkbird instant read being orange in colour. Easier to find when you need it quickly!
    Otherwise great deal for one of these.

  • +5

    Just a heads-up:

    It may not arrive before Christmas.

    Hopefully their website admin does!

  • +1

    "It may not arrive before Christmas."


    • +10

      😂 You put plastic in the oven?!

    • +2

      This is a wild guess and assumption, but, you didn't read the manual?

    • I may be wrong, but I think you just use it to check how it is cooking rather than leaving it in the whole time, esp with hood down on bbq or in oven

    • +3

      Err… Sir, you aren't supposed to leave it in the oven.

    • +2

      😂 You left it in??? Doesn't work like that.

    • +3

      Clearly a troll.

      Nobody who uses a Meater Pro would bother with this.

      • I have a Meater Pro (only a single) and prefer this for BBQ. Can check on multiple pieces, or a big fillet that varies in thickness.

        Meater only good for roasts, etc.

    • You might look into something like INT-11P-B as it looks similar to Meater Pro from what I can tell.

    • +3

      User error

  • Says temp range goes up too 300 degrees. Assuming this is OK to check temperature of oil (for deepfrying)?

    • Yes it is. Never seen deep frying at 300°

      • Yes meant to say deep frying temp is well within the 300 max temp. Mainly checking if it's OK to stick the probe in oil.

        • +1

          Yeah its fine to put it in oil. I've done it heaps of time for deep frying around 160-180°

  • +1

    if you go direct to the website this isn't showing, but this link still goes to the deal. Maybe they have sold out but the link is still allowing to purchase? Might take a while to get stock in that case

    • It comes up on search as OOS, so you might be right about restocking.

      • I bought one using Paypal for purchase/delivery protection, so will see what happens

  • +1

    I (profanity) love measuring things!

    • Me too, buddy, me too.
      I had to hold myself back from buying the really cool version for the moment. For some reason, I want to plot the meat temperature over time, but can't find a practical reason to do it.

      • +1

        Go for the thermapen one if you're looking for the best of the best probe temp

        • Interesting.
          Does it integrate with home assistant?
          I was considering Inkbird for data logging because of the HA integration, but I haven't delved in any further because I can't find a good use-case.

          • @Dinjay: The fact you can't find a good use case means it's pointless. This will be perfect for you. Explore further once you have a need for it.

  • +2

    Got one before. It’s magnetic so I put it on the door of fridge when I don’t use it. Convenient, also work well.

    • Yes! The magnet is a great feature. Mine lives on the rangehood.

  • +1

    Never heard of Inkbird but I sent them my money. Thanks OP

  • Thanks OP, missed out on the Amazon deal. Bought this instead

  • Novice bbq er here ,is it best to take the temp for a steak on the bbq (as it's cooking on the grill) or quickly onto a normal plate or hotplate for a more accurate reading ,
    for medium rare, also say for several steaks going,have a Weber family q .

    • I measure while on the BBQ - I just lift the side of the steak and then insert the probe through the side to minimise disrupting the cooking.

    • Fine to do it still on the heat. The sensor is only on the tip of the thermometer so inserting to the middle of the thickest part of meat is all you need.

      • Many thanks mate cheers!!

  • +1

    Paypal says the site isn't currently accepting payments. I might try again later.

  • Can anyone enlighten me on the differences between these two models IHT-1X and IHT-1P? Both seem to have the same specs ie 3-5s reading time, temp range, battery, form

    • +1

      Apparently the only difference packaging and colours according to the store rep in the previous deal post.

      • Thanks for the info

  • +2

    What's so special about this particular brand? There are plenty of similar thermometers on ebay and amazon for under $20

    • +3

      There are often generic versions of any brand product for cheaper and those might suit you better depending on your use case.

      Personally, I didn't have the expertise and didn't want to spend too long researching, so I bought mine based on popularity on ozb. So far it's been great, but it's my first so I can't compare to anythig yet.

      The Inkbird IHT-1P comes up on Amazon as a best seller so presumable Inkbird hits the right spot for value for money for many people. This version (IHT-1X) is supposed to be the same as the IHT-1P except for the colour and packaging.

    • +1

      Did some research and found that inkbird is probably very good at marketing on the internet. Apart from sockpuppeting everywhere (which was how most of their first posts on ozbargin got deleted) they also paid for 5 stars reviews on amazon.

  • +1

    Thank you OP! Got 1!

  • +1

    Thanks OP. Just grabbed one. I’ve got a decent one that is similar but not backlit, which I’ve sometimes needed. Rechargable is good too even though battery lasts yonks anyway.

  • +1

    Item marked as OOS now :(

  • +2

    I have an Accurite version of this which my Mrs loves because it has the meat temperature guide printed on the back which she finds immensely helpful.

  • +1

    Just a note - I believe INKBIRD likely processes their transactions outside of Australia, and I was charged an international transaction fee of $0.57 when I paid with my credit card through Paypal.

    • yes, I was wondering about that. I used my Bankwest Platinum through Paypal and was only charged the $18.99 and no fee as I thought the Westpac card might have attracted one

  • I ordered when it seemed like it might be out of stock, but I received it today

  • Looks like they're back in stock.

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