• expired

LG 65" OLED EVO C4 4K UHD Smart TV $2320 & Bonus $200 VP Gift Card + Delivery ($0 C&C/ In-Store) @ Videopro (Excl. TAS)

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Got an email saying Videopro were doing 15% off all LG TVs for today only. I guess price matching the JB Hi-Fi sale for Perks members?

Seems like a good price… If my lounge room wasn't so bright I'd be buying this in a heartbeat but I guess am holding out for a 75" C855 at sub-$1900 if that ever happens.

Think this price is the new ATL? And if you consider the value from the gift card… will likely be for a long time.

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closed Comments

  • +6

    Amazing price.

  • +2


  • The c855 have mostly been cleared out already i was told. The 85 inch was at its last batch at JB.

  • +1

    77 c4 with a $300 gift card isn't bad either

    • $4054 + $90 delivery (for me) with bonus $300 gift card.

    • Would have been amazing to get this, but unfortunately, VP won't deliver to my area. Got a close enough deal with a price match + delivery from TGG, no $300 gift card though :(

      • Enoy!

  • Question: OLED is better than Mini LED? or not much?

    • +3

      yes much

    • +1

      Not quite as bright as some Mini LED but better in pretty much every other way.

    • +1

      This is a religious debate. Neither one is better. I don't know how many times people need to say this. Where will the TV be located? Dark environment for OLED and bright environment for Mini LED.

      • +1

        The new OLED panels shown at the consumer election show earlier this month are MUCH brighter than the current models.

        • Yeah, this year will most likely bridge the brightness gap between OLED and Mini LED but Mini LED is getting brighter as well. Keep in mind that manufacturers have been known to wildly over quote these figures so we need to wait and see real world results. Anyone who makes blanket statements like "oLeD iS bEtTeR" has never owned a Mini LED. The black uniformity is remarkable.

          • @Maths Debater: OLED is certainly better. The Sony mini LED’s are pretty good, the TCL’s not so much.

            • @eccaz: I have WOLED, QD-OLED and Mini LED and always favour the Mini LED because the other 2 just look dull during the day. The reflections are very distracting and annoying. At night though, I would be lieing if I said the OLEDs didn't look better.

      • Well that is where one or the other is better, a brightly or dimly lit environment.

        OLED is objectively better in native contrast, viewing angle and response time, but not as bright as some Mini LED.

        Because of this, Mini LED can be better in a very bright room, provided you aren't watching from a wide angle.

      • C4 is quite bright in any case.
        The room the 65 is in has floor to ceiling louvre windows, then both side walls a 180cm window, and then triple sliding doors either side of the dining area. No curtains or blinds.
        I was concerned about the brightness issue, risked it and realised the risk is overblown.

        • +1

          Just be careful if there is sunlight directly on the OLED screen as the heat and UV can damage it over time.

        • I dunno, I am displeased with the A80J and S95B for daytime viewing and the peak brightness isn't that much less than the C4. I can tolerate movies/series but if I'm playing a dark game, forget it. I was close to pulling the trigger but the C4 panel is too dim for my liking. I wanted a G4 but LG are f'ing dreaming with that asking price. Let's see how the OLED brightness wars turn out this year.

    • Mini led draws more power

  • Can you apply PERKS discount after price matching with JB? Any luck?

    • No unfortunately

    • +2

      You can, call the store asking to match the price, which they will, then ask if they can send the payment to your phone, from memory it's called jb direct (it's been a while since I've used it). Once you get a text from JB, you can click into it to pay, and add your 15% off perks code.

      • That's the same system as price matching online uses though
        In the past you can use a $XX off code when price matching but not a XX% off code

        • It's been a while, someone can hopefully confirm

          • @PR0r: A couple of people have confirmed, it doesn't work

        • +1

          just confirmed, no luck

          • +1

            @theFunGuy: Damn, sorry then, thought it might have been helpful

  • How long is the grift card valid?

    • +4

      Funny AF typo

  • Would jb match the gift card?

    • +1

      Ask them?

    • they didnt for me but still works out cheaper since I could pay with 10% off gc

      • Is the 10% gift card deal expired?

  • What a great deal. I have the 77" C4 and it's a fantastic TV.

  • $2320 save $410?

    Is there a new lower rrp?

    • +1

      it was $2730 earlier today

  • Props, great first deal.

  • it says gift card whilst stocks last, chances of getting one?

    • Without the gift card jbhifi price match would be better - can one see if the gift cards are still available before purchasing?

      • Why would it be better? Just from a returns perspective?

        • Jbhifi is literally next door; videopro has additional delivery costs, reducing the GC value. Never bought anything there, any experiences you could share?

  • Did a JB price match via online chat and got a link but cant use the perks code with it as well :(

  • +1

    I’ve been wanting the G-series for a long time but this price is incredible. For anyone in the know, is it worth the price difference over a deal like this? I’m currently using an LG B8 and while we mostly watch TV at night sometimes during the day it can be a little dim.

    • It'll be a massive upgrade

    • +2

      I don't think G series is worth it unless you watch TV in a very bright room. It's just so bloody expensive.

      C4 is already about 30% brighter than B8. Here's a comparison: https://www.rtings.com/tv/tools/compare/lg-b8-oled-vs-lg-c4-…

      • +1

        Appreciate your thoughts, thanks a lot. Ended up pulling the trigger, yay

  • +1

    "WhAt aBoUt TcL?"

    • +1

      The OP already TCL’d himself!

  • This is awesome. Bought my last OLED from these guys.

  • got it for $2210 with $10 jb hifi coupon and discounted gift cards through work.

    • picked it up yesterday, looks great cheers!

  • +6

    Got JB to price match this along with gift card.
    $2386 incl delivery + $200 GC. Steal!

    Got 2 for me and my mate.

    • Dang! Their live chat only matched the price for me! Did a store do that or live chat?

      • +1

        Called them and then in-store.

        • +3

          Thanks mate. Your comment prompted me to call their number to ask for a deal for the second time today - he couldn’t give me a gift card but buckled when I said I’ll just purchase from VideoPro then and knocked the $200 off. $2120 in the end

          • @MBix: Any chance you can post a receipt? Might try to see if I can get the same price tomorrow.

            • +1

              @corgi-runner: Shoot me through a private message mate and I'll send it there

              • @MBix: Sorry mate, had a change of heart but appreciate your efforts!

    • online or in-store?

      • Thats the question. I only got a price match without gift card

  • -3

    TCL 75"C855 was selling for $1,720 at Good Guys during BF.
    Don't know if they will get more stock in.

    • Yuck

  • Also make sure you read about the C5 announced as CES. It sounds like a major update over the current TV.

    • +5

      Guess it also comes with a major price update compared to this deal 😅

    • +7

      C5 is NOT a major update from what I've read regarding picture quality or sound. From the 3 sites I read the C5 only adds extra AI functions and improvements plus a new remote control that some see as a downgrade. You may be referring to the G5 over the G4?

      • +1

        Hmm ok I thought the 5 series was having brand new panels across the line up which did away with MLA. But if it is only the G series, I apologize.

    • +1

      That’s what they say every year. Yet a C4 is almost indistinguishable from a C1.

  • Last time video pro had a gift card deal on their C4 sets, good guys online price matched no problem and took the gift card amount off the total.
    Got my 77 C4 for $3800 last December that way.

    • That’s a pretty good price.

  • -5

    Thanks but probably best to wait and see Gerry's deal. Always better

  • +2

    JB live chat were able to get this down to $2,120 with a bit of persuasion.

    • Isn't it oos?

    • Any chance I could grab your receipt to try a match?

    • That's a cracking price! Please share your receipt!

  • JB just bumped their price back to over 4k lol 👍

  • Placed an order just as this deal went up and was showing “in stock” then now it’s on “back order” I called them to see if my order would be affected.

    Was told that the sale was more popular than they thought and could be about 5 weeks until they get stock in.

  • Welp, looks like a few people might be SoL. I suspect their inventory is inaccurate and they oversold stock they didn't have. I guess you could always wait 5 weeks.

  • God damnit been holding out on a price for 65" OLED. Still would have had to convince the wife though.

    • Work on her now. Show her what she could of had and the price. It should come around (maybe not quite as low) in the next 2-3 months.

      • Perhaps not $2,120 but I think we'll see $2,320 on runout.

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