So I'm talking about churning credit cards. My salary is about $174k with some small bonuses and if it matters my partner is on about $90k but I'm the one doing all the credit card applications. Have PPOR mortgage. My history is not really of a churner, as I've slowly closed cards. E.g. closed Amex Platinum after a full year, closed a free coles CC after 1.5 years, currently have a NAB Signature (15k limit, want to keep) and an Amplify (6k limit, want to churn). So current total limit is $21k. I do not have any negative history with credit whatsoever.
Should I wait until April when I can close my Amplify or do you think I'm good to keep applying for other CCs? And if so should I stick to ~$6k limit cards or am I in a good enough scenario to go for $15k limit cards for higher sign up bonuses? Also do you guys look into what parent bank issues cards for certain banks and try not to double up with them (e.g. Virgin and Citi cards are typically issued by NAB)?
Thanks and let me know your experiences :)
Considering you are on $174k income … (you are yet to say if have house mortgage) …
Then keep applying/going.
Eg. Currently on $110,000 - $130,000 (with roughly $90,000 still to go on mortgage) … Yet total on all CC's == $55,000 limit.