• expired

20% off Coles Mobile Recharge Vouchers ($25 Value for $20, $30 for $24, $195 for $156, $240 for $192) @ Coles (In-Store)


20% OFF Coles Mobile Recharge vouchers

Existing customers get 20% off $25, $30, $195 and $240 vouchers only.

Offer ends 21/01/25.

Recharge voucher are available at any register, selection from screen, details printed on receipt. Vouchers expire 6 months from purchase.

Found on Page 43 of the upcoming Coles Catalogue.

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  • +1

    Your turn boost

  • Your turn Amaysim

  • No discount for discontinued plans?

    • +1

      Turning off Auto Recharge will usually trigger the renewal discount if there's any, usually 1-2 months before renewal is due.

      • True. I've been doing this for years for my annual plan.

        Set a calendar alarm, repeating yearly, to turn off auto renew shortly after the renewal date.

        Then, exactly one month before your plan is due to expire, you'll receive an email titled "{Name}, want 20% off your next recharge?" (the bits in curly brackets I have edited out).

        Text of the email is:
        "Get a 20% discount on us

        Hi {Name},

        We hope you’ve enjoyed using your {Price} Coles Mobile Plan over the last year. Your plan is due to expire at 11:59pm AEST/AEDT on {expiry date}. As a thank you, we’d like to offer you 20% off your next recharge, when you recharge on any 365 day plan by {expiry date} for service number {mobile number}.

        The easiest way to take advantage of this exclusive offer, is to:

        • Log into your Coles Mobile app or online dashboard before {expiry date}
        • Turn on AutoRecharge
        • You're all set. Your plan will automatically recharge at 11:00pm AEST/AEDT on the day your current plan expires with the 20% discount applied."

        They will also send you SMS reminders as well.

        Note: I have everything ticked in my account's "marketing preferences", I think that's necessary. They don't send spam, just notices like "your roaming credit is expiring" or "Your plan has been renewed, here's your receipt" and things like that.

        • +1

          Not guaranteed though. I've never received a recharge offer email or SMS from Coles Mobile, despite having all the marketing preferences ticked, AutoRecharge switched off, and currently 6 days remaining. Last year my $120 plan expired without an offer and I ended up recharging with the discounted $150 plan.

          • @Thrift:

            I've never received a recharge offer email or SMS from Coles Mobile

            Do receive other emails from them, like your receipt after recharge?

            I wonder if it's dependent on how much a customer uses the service? My phone gets very light call usage, and never gets even half-way through the included data.

            • @Russ: I've only received service related emails ("Was this you?" login notifications, "Coles Mobile Plan Change Confirmation", "Usage Report", "We're sorry for the recent outage") from "The Coles Mobile Team", no marketing/promo/offer emails at all (with all marketing prefs ticked).

              And my latest Usage Report for the past year shows even lighter usage than you!

              • @Thrift: That's weird, I've received the discount on three of my four annual renewals (listed below). Maybe ask them through online chat why you're not getting the offer, and remind them a month before your renewal.

        • +1

          Received renewal discount in previous years but not last year (December 2024 renewal). Had marketing preferences ticked and auto renewal turned off

          • +1

            @ozearlybird: I've just checked my old emails, and you're right, there was one year I didn't get the discount.

            Joined December 2020 on $150 plan
            December 2021 paid $112.50 (-25%)
            December 2022 paid $120 (-20%)
            December 2023 paid $150
            December 2024 paid $120 (-20%)

            So I didn't get the discount in 2023. That year there were a lot of long phone calls on the phone, as I had a relative in hospital for an extended time. Normally the phone makes very few calls, so I wonder if the discount is only offered if you don't use the service much.

        • +1

          I have found grandfathered plans no longer get this email. That was my experience.

          • @rxjb: Can confirm that's the case.

          • +1

            @rxjb: I'm on the no-longer-offered $150/year plan, and received 20% discount a month ago (paid $120).

            It did drop out for one year (2023) for me, but was back in 2024, see my other comment for details.

            Perhaps take it up with Coles using online chat.

            • @Russ: Do you know when they grandfathered the $150 plan? My plan is grandfathered by the time I come up for renewal, so that could indeed be the reason.

              • +2

                @Thrift: The $150 plan was last listed on OzBargain a year ago:

                Three months later, I can find an OzBargain listing with a different plan, and people complaining of the price rise:

                So I'd guess it was discontinued between January and March 2024.

                • @Russ: So, you're still getting the recharge offer after the plan has been grandfathered. I'll try chat and see if they offer anything.

                • +1

                  @Russ: Ha, I just received an SMS and email. No offer, just an expiry notification 2 days out.

                  Your recharge is expiring in 2 days
                  Just a reminder that your Coles Mobile recharge for service number ### will expire in 2 days on 19/01/2025.
                  To stay connected, simply recharge via Coles Mobile app or online dashboard.

                  Online chat said they wouldn't do a discount on the $150 plan recharge, "Unfortunately, this plan does not include a discount offer" and to "switch plans to receive the 20% off".

                  Also found in the FAQ that the $150 plan was grandfathered in Dec 2023. (Though my 20 Jan 2024 $150 recharge changed me to that plan.)

                  The $20, $150 and $200 plans will be discontinued on 6 December 2023 and will no longer be available for purchase by new customers.

                  • @Thrift: Try again, saying "I've heard from several other people on this same plan, that they received an email offering a 20% discount if they turned on auto-recharge. Why haven't I received that email?"

                    Good luck!

  • the $195/140gb starter pack is $149

    so ICYWW

    $20/25 plan 28days 42Gb
    $24/30 plan 28days 52Gb
    $156/195 plan 365days 140Gb
    $192/240 plan 365day 210Gb

    pretty ho-hum

  • Perfect timing!


  • Perfect timing for me too. Thanks

  • Does this include the grandfathered $120 recharge voucher ($60 data plan)?

    • +2

      During the last sale, I was able to buy grandfathered vouchers. Was also able to pay using discounted coles gift cards + flybuys.

  • +1

    These promotion 20% off recharge do not include $120 an $150 plan. I see. They discontinued and whoever remains on these 2 exiting plan need to pay full amount without any discount. How smart are they??? Increasing all the price and get the discount as always 20% off with only new plan.

    Simply keep using or change another provider. When this March 25 due lets see!!! The last time the promotion 20% off all recharges but this time 20% off only for new plan not exiting plan

  • Can i still receive text messages while over seas with this sim. I do understand I wont be able to send messages without a data roaming pack (like boost).

    I need text for otp

    • +1

      Yes you can receive SMS when roaming overseas without roaming pack.

    • My experience is mixed. I have no issue to use Coles Prepaid SIM in Malaysia, Bali and Thailand, however, I couldn't connect to any network in Singapore. I contacted Coles Mobile customer support and I was told they can't offer any support if unable to connect to network overseas.

    • Android has a feature that will let you remotely access the messages app, and send and receive SMS messages remotely.

      For your purposes, wanting SMS access while overseas, you'll need to have a spare Android phone that's moderately recent, put the SIM in that phone, and leave it in Australia while you're overseas. You'll also need to ensure that the phone battery gets regularly charged, it obviously will stop working if the phone battery goes flat.

      Read this article, it tells you how to use a web browser to remotely access the messages app on the phone you left in Australia. Note that although the article says "using a PC", it's just using the web browser on a PC, and works equally well if you use the web browser on the mobile phone you'll be using overseas, even if that phone is an iPhone:


      Of course you'll need to have a data connection on both phones for this to work, so connect the one in Australia to WiFi or mobile data. For the phone you're using overseas, you can also use WiFi or mobile data, but to use mobile data you'll need a local data SIM or roaming data from an Australian telco.

      Possibly this won't work if you're travelling in a country that censors the internet; I don't know if Google's remote access will work in that case. But as a backup, you may be able to message a friend or relative in Australia who is looking after your other phone, and ask them to read the SMS for you.

      Of course you should test this before you go overseas. You don't want to arrive overseas and then discover you didn't set everything up correctly. Like connecting the phone in Australia to your home WiFi, and then asking a friend to look after the phone, in their house that is out of range of your home WiFi.

      When I went overseas recently, I left my spare phone plugged into the USB port of my mother's kitchen TV, so I knew it would get charged every night when she watched TV while cooking. And I connected the spare phone's WiFi to my mother's home WiFi network.

      Note there could be security implications for this. If anyone steals your overseas phone and is able to use the web browser, they will be able to send and receive SMS messages on the phone in Australia, and they could potentially impersonate you to your bank or to anyone else. Make sure your banking apps are secured, or they'll have full access to your bank accounts.

  • Can we apply the voucher before the current plan expires so as not worry about losing it or remember to apply later?
    Thanks a lot

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