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Earn 20x Everyday Rewards Points on Apple Gift Cards (Limit 10 Cards Per Day) @ Woolworths (in-Store Only)

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Nice offer here from Woolworths.

Basically 10% of the gift card's value returned to you in the form of Everyday Rewards points.1

Offer available from 15/1/25 to 21/1/25 on all denominations of gift cards listed. Available in store only at Woolworths Supermarkets and select Woolworths Metro. Scan your Everyday Rewards Card to collect 20x points. Excludes Woolworths Online and MILKRUN. Standard points will not be earned on amount spent on gift cards, but the relevant number of bonus points which you qualify for under this offer. Bonus points can take up to 14 business days to be loaded onto your Everyday Rewards Card from date of purchase. Refer to individual cards for their terms and conditions. Unless specified, a limit of 10 cards per day per Rewards Member. For variable cards where you choose the amount to load, limit of 10 cards per day per Rewards Member. Rewards Points $20 = 400, $30 = 600, $50 = 1000, $100 = 2000, $200 = 4000, Variable Gift Card $1 spend = 20x Rewards Points. TM and ©2025 Apple Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. While stocks last. Card image shown may vary.

Any questions, please refer to the FAQ. The FAQ covers gift card deals at Woolworths, as well as Apple gift cards.

Please note there have been multiple reports in past deals of Apple gift cards being tampered. Please refer to this FAQ for more information.


  1. The 10% calculation assumes you opt to redeem your Everyday Rewards points for Everyday Rewards Dollars (either through Money Off Shopping or Bank For Christmas). - Credits to WookieMonster 

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Here we go again—now I just need a cashback deal to seal the deal!

  • +2
  • +2

    Is 20x rewards only for first transaction of the day or can you make more than one transaction so long as its max 10 cards for the day? Can't find this info in catalogue

    • answering my own question. 10 cards per day, per member across more than one transaction per day.

  • Nice!

  • +1

    Can I use these giftcards to fund reoccurring apple subscriptions on my account?
    Say Storage, AppleCare, etc?

    • +2


    • I couldn’t renew or pay for subscriptions, apple care via apple account balance. Apple said you need a valid payment method for that. So, I would recommend double checking with apple support.

      • +2

        Apple Support online confirmed it will always deduct subscriptions via GiftCard balance first, and then from default payment method.

        • My experience is the first payment (if you decided to pay monthly) has to deduct from a card and the following month can be deducted from balance (GC)

    • +2

      Can be used for subs like iCloud, AppleOne, News, Arcade and Apple Music along with other subs purchased through the App Store but you can’t redeem for AppleCare online.

      • Yeah been paying for subs for years

    • +1

      Yea but you should use Turkish account for it tbh

      • ‘Turkish account’? 🤣🤣🤣🤡

        • Yea? That's what people do. Depending on availability: Turkish, Brazilian, Indian etc. Turkish isn't necessarily the cheapest but easily accessible.

  • Where can these be used? Only at an Apple Store?

    • -2


    • +3

      Apple Store, iTunes, Apple App Store

  • Can I use it for the India Apple account?

    • +2

      I think apple gift cards are region specific, so I doubt it would allow

      • +2

        Correct they are region locked to AU Apple accounts only.

    • The giftcards are only for Australia.

  • FYI, i did this last year and unless they have changed something (unlikely) you couldnt use these gift cards to purchase something in store or do an online order for pickup in store.. whatever you buy has to be delivered to an address, which I assume is part of their fraud control. Even the guys in store couldnt make the order work for me to grab a new MacBook, they could only have it delivered despite having stock avail on the shelf, their system just wouldnt process the order for pickup.

    Luckily delivery is usually pretty quick, but thought I'd mention it just incase someone has the same issue this time around.

    • +1

      Did you try redeeming as Apple Account Balance and then purchasing for store pickup?

    • +1

      It’s fixed now. I bought M4 macbook pro via apple account balance and payment method and got pickup for next day.

      • +1 this. Adding gift cards to you Apple account balance allows for using the $ along with any available cashback deal, both in store and online purchases to be picked up in store. I have done both methods of purchasing in the last week.

    • They have changed something. You can now add your Apple account to Apple Pay and you have it as a card / payment method for in store transactions. My daughter did it on the weekend.


  • Got a M1 Pro Macbook 16" from 2021. Looking at getting a new one to speed up processing/video editing.

    Anyone gone from 16" to 14" and happy with it?
    I have no issues carrying the 16" but I may be going overseas for a few weeks so thought a 14" might be better to carry around

  • +1

    HINT/TIP for anyone looking at buying.
    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not go through self checkout on these as there could be tampered versions.
    Go via assisted checkout and get them to verify/validate the card before you pay.

    • How to get the manned checkout operator to verify/validate for u?

      • Or you can just open it on the spot to verify before paying?

        • The issue is after paid and activated, if you dont use right away somehow the hacker can get access to it and redeem it earlier than the legit purchaser. Heck, even if you use it right away, there was a recent post in forum someone’s ADAGCHS where the apparently untampered code was actually invalid

    • I've never had an issue going through self serve checkout with apple gift cards. Done it probably 10 times without problems.

      • The cards need to be activated by the store clerk before they work. If this doesn't happen, the customer now has some very expensive cardboard.

        • Yes, the attendant always comes over and activates it before payment. There is a pop-up on the screen before you pay, saying the attendant has to approve the gift card.

    • if you take them back to coles would you know if they did anything to assist you are would they just be like tough luck?

      • +2

        you need to contact apple

  • Thanks OP

  • I bought like couple and to date i haven't faced any tampered card.

  • +5


    Open these on the spot. The serial on the cardboard needs to precisely match that on the card. They should activate instantly.

  • +2

    C'mon Shopback, let's see some 8% cashback deals.

    • 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • +2

    West Pennant Hills - all variable cards tampered with. I asked them to open when I purchased one, and not only did numbers not match, but half the code was scratched out and the card itself was a fixed amount $100 and not variable. They opened them all in front of me and cleared the shelf.

  • +1

    Woolies Town Hall - just purchased a tampered $100 gift card. Didn’t realise till I got back to office so will have to go down at lunch. What’s the next steps if Woolies is no help?

    • There's a full process that Woolies can tell you. They have a sheet with FAQs and who to email etc….

      • +1

        This is WILD!

        Why can’t they go back to the old school epay/dialtime vouchers where the receipt prints with the activation code on it? Previously, the “cards” were basically just cardboard envelopes that you could stuff the receipt into if you’re giving it as a gift.

        Giving an Apple gift card as a gift is tacky enough, I’m sure a slip of paper stuffed into a piece of cardboard isn’t going to upset someone.

        Someone like myself that’s buying the credit for myself isn’t worried about the cardboard so I wouldn’t take it.

  • +2

    woolies i went to had a sign on the shelf to direct apple gc purchases to the counter. They were stored in a cupboard.

    Checked all my codes when purchased just in case, but all good

    • just to be safe, redeem them as soon as possible, if it's for your own use.

    • which location was that woolies? I am looking for the locations with gift cards locked up to avoid all this chaos.

    • Which store/suburb was this?

      • I bought it in Templestowe Woolies ( they had quite a few cards in that box)

        Also i redeemed them already in an apple store

    • That’s what they should do with all giftcards. Store them behind the counter. They used to do that, don’t know of why they changed it around 5 yrs ago or so. Bloody scammers‼️

  • Got a $500 tamper gift card, very scary

    • which store/suburb was this?

      • Top Ryde shopping centre nsw. It is a joke why not make a website auto generate the code when purchased.

        • 100%. When card is made validated by checkout, it needs to give code to redeem. Apple shouldn't print code on card. stupid of them!

          • @foogle: They all do. Same with the Ultimate ones.

            • @INDYVADER: Not true. At least for Apple gift cards. They have the redeeming code already printed inside the pack, That is why scammers are able to record the code on the sheet and wait for it to be validated. Then if they redeem it using the code before you, you can’t redeem it. If code was generated when card is validated then there is no way anyone will know that code except who bought the gift cards

  • “In addition to the above terms and conditions, by participating in the Everyday Rewards program you agree to the Everyday Rewards Terms and Conditions. You will not collect points if collecting those points would cause you to exceed 4,000 Everyday Rewards dollars as set out in those Terms and Conditions.”

    What does this mean? Offer has a $200 per day limit? Or does it mean any additional purchases at the store on the day will not earn anymore points?

    • +1

      $4,000 reward dollars not rewards points, they are different.
      2000 points = $10 reward dollars
      $4,000 reward dollars = 800,000 points

      …you’ll be fine!

  • Oooh thanks, I read that as points and not dollars

  • Woolies Liverpool Westfield’s have had tampered cards since December.

    Still happening when they took off shelf and only sold behind counter.

    • Is the code on the sheet inside tampered or is there a different value sheet inside?

      • Different value inside eg. $100 card has $20 sheet inside.

        My missus was watching staff member check and was throwing them out if it didn’t match.

        • Wow! The extent to what these scammers go to!

  • How can someone temper with these? Can’t you tell if the sticker has been ripped off the package?

    • The sticker and everything is perfect. It must be something happening in the factories

  • All Apple giftcards were taken off the shelf at all 3 woolies near my house. Asked staff when will stock be replenished, and the response was not anytime soon. She told me that there was an issue with the supplier of the giftcards, and they are under investigation. My best guess is that the tempering happens at the supplier’s end.

    Bummer! No “10%” discount before school starts.

    • Which area postcode ?

        1. Hornsby, Thornleigh, Cherrybrook.
          Auburn WW even took off the 20x Reward Points Promo sign
        • That’s why the card code numbers aren’t matching properly. Hornsby and Thornleigh Woolies had those problems.

  • Most high denomination gift cards are gone at 4 Woolies I went to.

    Only $50 or less left.

    • Which Woolies were they?

      • Sydney north

  • Same in SA!

    2 of the 6 gift (variable amount) cards I purchased had issues. Inside card didn’t match the packaging slip. Rang the Apple help number printed on the back of the slip, still in the process of getting the funds into my Apple account, but I trust this shouldn’t be an issue as Apple were able to see that the cards were active, but not redeemed, so they blocked the cards from being used.

    There is something VERY ODD about it all. I thoroughly checked my cards and slips. There was 100% no evidence of tampering, no slits, no cuts, no worn out numbers, seal in tact, these were flawless. Just the wrong genuine card on the inside. I thought maybe it’s a bad batch from Apple, but it gets weirder, one of the gift card sets (slip and inside) was manufactured in 2024 the other 2021. So it’s been happening for years.

    Spoke to the manager at our Woolies, they since had opened and checked every Apple gift card they had in stock. They found mismatches across 5-10% of their gift card stock and from every denomination of card!

  • just got 7x $200 gift cards, no issues thankfully. woolies dollars already in my account too

    • Can u buy these cards on the mobile app, to get the 20x points, or do u have to physically buy in store?

  • Now I understand where people get all these Apple gear new sealed in box for sale on Facebook. Basically scammers rotting the vouchers, buying Apple gear and selling them for real money on Facebook / Gumtree.

    • 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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