• expired

2 Chicken Royale for $5 Pickup Only - App Required @ Hungry Jack's Participating Restaurants


Sweet offer from HJ’s.

Offer expires 20 Jan 2025. Not valid with any other offer or discount including Jack's App Deals, Shake & Win, other Reward Vouchers and promo codes. One discount per customer, per transaction only. Single use only. To redeem at cashier, reward must be scanned at time of purchase. At participating restaurants only. Voucher may be withdrawn at any time at Hungry Jack's discretion.


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closed Comments

  • +13

    Rubbery chicken.

    • +1

      IKR… I had one from their other $5 app deal (the small meal one) and didn't like it.

      Originally I wanted to get the $8 whopper, cheeseburger and small sundae meal but the ice cream machine was out of order so the girl couldn't even put the deal through and swap out the sundae for something else. I see that deal has expired now :-(

      Hopefully the small whopper jr meal for $5 deal comes back… quite like that one as I can swap out the soft drink for a bottle of water. The $6 whopper jr plus medium thick shake deal was also good but is a problem when the ice cream machine is down too.

      • +1

        Shake and Win deals have $2.50 Hopper Jr. and $4 Hopper these days.

        I had $4 hoppers two days in a row around Xmas. It helps to have multiple accounts.

        • +2

          I remember when their Shake and win had free Whopper. Found a way to hack the app to win every Whopper every time. Good times.

          • +1

            @nightelves: what was the hack?

          • +5

            @nightelves: Yeah. Remember all those times when people would line up and pay $10+ for a meal. I would pull out my phone, claim the free whopper and survery chips/drink/cheeseburger. The same person would serve me everyday and eventually got sus

          • @nightelves: Have they removed all freebies from Shake & Win now?

        • Do you have to hop to get the order put through?

    • +1

      The deluxe chicken burgers are better from HJ, juicy hunks of breast.

  • +4

    Werry Rubbery

  • +3

    There app is so crap.

    Has anyone got to almost the end and it says

    "Something went wrong , sorry we are unable to continue with your request please try again after some time"

    Happened a few time over few months

    • +5

      It is ALWAYS signed out. How hard is it to fix after 5 years…?

      • +1

        I know aye, that happens also

        Qnd the bad part they day they cant sell you an app offer in the cash register/ in person

        • KFC is the same, with inability to honour in-App deals over-the-counter.

          • +2

            @whyisave: KFC at the Hyperdome (Logan, Queensland) put my app order through because I couldn't get the app to pay. I tried three different methods and even PayPal failed.

            The person on the counter had to get to manager to approve the sale. The manager was happy to do so saying they know how bad the app is.

            The food wasn't good there. Nice staff though.

  • +4

    I must be in the minority because I had one a month or so ago and thought it was about on par with a McChicken (and much cheaper).

    • +2

      You are blessed! Enjoy while it lasts.

    • Same

    • +1

      Same. Mine have all been pretty good. Not really sure what people are expecting for $2.50.

      • +2

        may be a bit less rubbery, more chickeny chicken? :)

  • +3

    Id rather not have indigestion for the next 24 hours.
    HJs is absolutely horrible these days

    • +3

      All fast food is junk/horrible, let's be honest, but what can you expect for this price? I mean it's processed chicken at this price, for starters ;)

    • +2

      Nexium for the win. Certainly not recommended for long term usage.

      • never need it for 99% of other foods, just Hjs

        • For me their southern tenders do it but the tender wraps are fine. So weird.

        • I get it too. I think it's the sauce/mayo that does it.

  • +6

    It taste so bad I feel sad for all the chicken that died for this.

    • +14

      Maybe not real chickens, possibly rubber chickens

      • +1

        Thank you guys. Feels more therapeutic now; I thought it was just me chewing that rubbery thing. I wouldn't eat it for even $1.

    • Don't feel so sad, they died of old age…

      • And then dug out of their grave 20 years later presumably…

  • +1

    Good deal for Charles

    • +2

      That name sounds like royalty. Are you royalty?

  • +8

    Can I take this opportunity to vent about their grilled chicken burgers?!

    Bring back the ones from 15+yrs ago!!!

    • +1

      And remove turkey bread from muffins

    • +3

      Great opportunity. I was working there as my first job 15 years ago.

      Bring back the original Cheesy Bacon Tendercrisp!

      • Ikr, and don't get me started on them swapping out the crumbed onion rings for the battered nonsense they serve these days

    • +1

      While we're at it bring back the quad stacker. Once upon a time I would try to eat two quad stackers in one sitting

    • +2

      So damn true! Oh how I miss that grilled chicken patty 😞

    • +3

      I dream about those grilled chicken burgers. We dont know how good we had it back then!

    • +1

      Love the OG grilled chicken. I even miss the perri perri chicken burger (tender crisp?) before they introduced all their crappy "fried" chicken stuff to the menu.

  • Thanks OP.

  • Is that manufactured ch*cken?

    • No this isn't the vegetarian burger.

      • I know it isn’t. I assume it’s the one that doesn’t taste like chicken burger, though.

  • Its cheap for a reason.

  • Sounds like that synthetic car tyre crap blend they put in car tyres these days.

  • -1

    I don't believe that this is processed chicken. I have had a few and found the chicken very moist and succulent, at least on par with Grill'd chicken burgers.

  • Chicken burgah

  • I apologise for not posting but hasn’t this been on the app for about the last six months?

    • Received deal email at 11:15 am today — deal not on app, participating restaurants only.

  • +1

    Here's a review https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qU_OM9W8wfo think i'll pass

    • Bland, mega processed, hardly any flavour—perfect burger for Shallow Hal.

  • Is this work also if you flash two senior cards at counter for two coffees? good snack lunch deal for senior if it is.

  • +3

    These are just terrible. I'm all for a cheap feed, but you'll feel disgusted with yourself after eating this.
    I shouldn't have any regrets at the beginning of 2025, but here I am.

  • +2

    had this yesterday - worse burger you could possibly buy - gave me the usual , bloated stomach and the hershey squirts!! good old jack givin us something back.

  • +3

    The burgers are microwaved at Hungry Jacks

    • I find these patty's very crispy, which a microwave cannot achieve

      • Its a convection microwave.

  • +1

    928 calories in these two burgers 🍔

  • +1

    There's no better fast food for $5 in 2025

    • +2

      Anything is better than this. Grab a sausage roll from a bakery instead.

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