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China Southern: Sydney/Melbourne to Seoul via Guangzhou from $564/ $586 Return [Feb-Jun] @ Beat That Flight


Spectacular prices to Seoul from $464 Return. Flights are via Guangzhou, China and include checked luggage, food and entertainment.

Also compare with the Singapore Airlines prices, if the dates suit you.

Sydney to Seoul (10 Feb - 30 Jun) from $586 return
Melbourne to Seoul (10 Feb - 30 Jun) from $564 return

Example dates - you can change to your own dates and find more, these are just some that I've found

Sydney - Seoul on China Southern return

Dates: 10 Feb 25 - 30 Jun 25

Melbourne - Seoul on China Southern return

Dates: 10 Feb 25 - 30 Jun 25

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Also consider having a look at our current best found prices by other users by city - Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, Darwin, Hobart, Cairns, Canberra.

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closed Comments

  • good time to witness all those chaos down there

    • Chaos? Turn off your TV lol, just returned from China last Tuesday and the only chaos was when I went straight to buffet at Bankstown after landing.

      • +1

        I think he means President Yoon Suk Yeol

        • Think he meant Canada.

          • @Fredfloresjr: I think he meant Jeju Air

            • @jv: I would fly Jeju any day over China Southern

              • +2

                @slipperypete: the runway was certainly slippery pete :)

              • @slipperypete: I think I'll wait for the official "air crash investigation" episode before deciding…

                South Korea does not have a great track record with preventable disasters.

                • @jv: I'm surprised that someone has compiled a list. Why…

                  At least they are transparent about these things.

                  • +1

                    @smartProverble: What are you implying? "transparent" about these 'things'
                    Is Wikipedia new to you?

                • @jv: I used to train China Southern pilots. I'm sure they're better now as that was over 25 years ago but it wasn't a comforting experience.

                  Korea had a terrible reputation, to the stage the only way they could get insurance was to have an experienced Western pilot on the flight deck. However, since they got a huge overhaul in training and Crew Resource Management they have become pretty good

                • @jv:

                  I think I'll wait for the official "air crash investigation" episode before deciding

                  yeah, it should be entertaining. I've been following it closely as I used to fly the 737. Looks like lots of bad decisions. I think they shut down the wrong engine following a bird strike and it all went downhill from there

                  • @slipperypete:

                    I think they shut down the wrong engine following a bird strike and it all went downhill from there

                    I hope not….

              • +2

                @slipperypete: You are wild choosing a low cost airline over a full-service carrier.

                • @ATangk: yep, as crap as the service is the chinese airlines actually has a decent safety record if you care to look it up.

              • +2

                @slipperypete: ANY day?

        • -4

          I think he means President Yoon Suk Yeol

          The Dan Andrews of South Korea…

          • -2

            @jv: It’s true. I’d say he’s worse. He literally brought Victoria to financial collapse. Economy is horrible. Taxes are horrible. Whenever socialist get to do what they want after 10 years you get this. Exact same happened it Canada. Trudeau and Dan Andrews are literally the same and the outcome is the same

            • @mustang87401:

              It’s true. I’d say he’s worse.

              But as you can see from the -ve votes on my comment, Stockholm syndrome is alive and well…

      • -2

        Chinese always seething and getting butthurt in the comments as soon as someone insinuates anything negative. In this case your English language comprehension was so bad you couldn’t even tell it was about South Korea. Just relax and stop defending China like your employed by CCP

  • -1

    OP do you know how to search for Adelaide to Guangzhou direct flights in April next year? They are doing a direct flight now but none seem to come up, they all have connections.

    • +2

      Usually flights are up to 12months in advanced not longer from memory

    • It's only available between Dec to Feb.

      • Are they stopping them after Feb?

  • Can't workout the multicity thing if I wanted to stay Guangzhou for a few days.
    The price jumps to $700.

    • +1

      China Southern seems to have different pricing for customised stopovers. I booked a ticket last year where it was cheaper to stay in GZ for a few days.

  • +3

    Recently flew China Southern to Vietnam and back and they were pretty good, even better compared to some Qantas intl flights I have been on.
    Way better leg room it was similar or better IIRC that Singapore airlines even, really nice food options we had preselected meals and very good crew all in all.

    Only thing that sucked was kind half open smoke areas near some lounges that made it smell of cigarettes.

    Nice, clean airport as well at Guangzhou.

  • Why is it cheaper to fly to x via GZ than it is to just fly to GZ?

    Any carriers regularly have GZ/Shanghai sales?

    • Its cheaper because direct flights are considered a premium product. So they cost more.
      China Southern regularly has sale fares to Shanghai, they're not direct flights though. I dont know where you are flying from but from Sydney & Melbourne they currently have fares to Shanghai in the $500s return,

      • Did you have a link?
        Want to book for March

  • Why do so many Melbourne deals seem to skip April? What's in April? I thought Japan deals might skip it because of cherry blossoms but surely that doesn't apply for Korea? I must be missing something…

    • +3

      South Korea also has chery blossom season :) Plus April is easter and school holidays.

  • We just want to go to Guangzhou so is there any issue with just getting off and returning from Guangzhou and forgetting the Seoul flight? Crazy how the return flight to only Guangzhou is so much more.

    • +1


    • +1

      people do that; but with caveats.
      You can't check in luggage, as the luggage will be flown through to seoul without you.

      Airlines will cancel your return flights if you don't complete your flight to seoul.

      So unless you don't need luggage, and the return flights to seoul via guangzhou is significantly cheaper than a one way direct flight; then it's not a good idea.

      • You can check in luggage, you just request to have your luggage checked only to your transfer location.

        I've checked people in who requested this (was over a decade ago I worked on the desk)

        I've also requested luggage be short checked.

        That said though, ymmv with how you go. I had no issues, and no customers ever had issues with it. I haven't short checked luggage for years; last was flying to London but I only wanted Amsterdam, flights were cheaper to continue to London than just to AMS; but it worked for me.

  • +1

    Martial Law: 👋

    • can't wait for them to make a k-drama out of it

  • -3

    It’s a great price but the airline has declined a lot over the last 5 years or so. Before Covid it was better. Now the planes are pretty dirty, not well maintained inside. Service lackluster… etc.

    • Agreed although I'm a A-B kinda guy, as long as I get there alive cheaply..

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