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Dreame L10s Pro Ultra Heat Robot Vacuum $1299 + Delivery ($0 C&C) @ The Good Guys


Bought it for $1371 last week on the commercial site and thought I snagged a bargain, but just today noticed this deal. Doh!

There's also a possibility of getting it for $1289 if you get the price beat popup on the site click the price check button: https://ibb.co/Bq4Tn4S

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  • +3

    Any comparisons to roborock q revo models?

    • I was trying to find that comparison website everyone links in the comments. Would like to know as well.

    • Very comparable features and tech specs. these were the factors that i could conclude when buying the l10s

      • performance - both great
      • looks and design - L10s dock is better looking to me and is a fully enclosed dock
      • aftermarket parts and accessories - roborock slightly ahead
      • mobile app - both great
  • This looks quite similar to Q Revo MaxV

    • +3

      I think I'll hold off for Q Revo MaxV

      • +2

        apparently discontinued

        • Yeah, one last batch coming in to mobileciti though

          Next step is Q Revo Master but too much to spend

          • +1

            @impoze: Yeah.. will buy Q Revo master in 2 years time haha.. Q Revo slim is the all the new rage now.. sigh..

  • This one is almost the same as the l20. Got it on Black Friday for 1.6k and quite happy with it.

    • this one or the L20 for 1.6K?
      I believe this one was around $1250 at TGGs on BF

      • l10s is the predecessor to L20 - dock is way more compact and comes with almost all of the same features

        • One of the things I noticed about the dock of the L20 is that the dock has a lot of wasted space. The walls are some 5cm thick and just hollow

      • +1

        My bad for confusing wording. I got the L20 for 1.6k

  • -1

    Any good? Which better ones?

    • I have the Eufy x10, happy so far, does a good job cleaning once I've worked out what it might get snagged on. App UI is subpar compaarwd to other brands.

  • +7

    Bought this one for $1.6k about 6 months ago and very happy with it

  • +2

    @frugaljerk you can try contacting commercial to ask for price difference to be refunded. I bought about 4 months ago using Westpac commercial for $1371 and noticed it’s only $1241 via CBA staff site and was able to get the difference refunded when I called them (1 week after purchasing)

    • +2

      Thanks for the tip! The commercial people wouldn't do it over the phone, and told me to go in store to refund it and rebuy it at the lower price. Thankfully the helpful ladies in store were more than happy to oblige!

  • How do you check the maximum height of rugs / carpets that it is able to traverse?

    • it can 'climb/jump' 20mm

  • +3

    I have this and its great for wood/tile floors. I find it cleans the rug well, but it does not lift the mop high enough, meaning the edges of the rug have gone black from mop dirt.

    • Thanks, I was worried about this happening. Might wait for the L40 (or significant discount on X40) which can drop their pads before tackling carpet.

    • +7

      To avoid this problem, there is an option in the app to specify vacuuming before mopping. This will vacuum all your carpeted areas first, while the mop is still dry, before wetting the mop for hard floor mopping later on.

      • I didn't know that was a thing, I will look into it. Thanks!

  • +1

    Don't forget extra $20 off if you have access to an edu email

  • +1

    any alternative for floor cleaners once the original runs out?

    • Would also like to know. The original is way overpriced and not that easy to find other than on Dreame's own website.

    • +1

      I've been popping in a half cap of Coles Ultra Disinfectant Eucalyptus in a full water tank for the last 12 months with no issues.

    • +1

      I am currently using the "Hygieia Multi Floor Cleaning 1L Solution Concentrate for Robot and Floor Cleaners", claim to be safe for pets.

      Got mine from catch, was the cheapest I could find at that time.

    • +2

      Woolworths everyday market stocks dreame detergent for $19.99 for 500ml. You can stock up when there is an upsized cashback offer. I got 3 bottles for $59.97 ($45 after 25% cashback with TopCashback) last August. Need to spend min $50 for free shipping.

      Works out to be $30 per 1L which is cheaper than what JB etc stock the 1L bottles for ($40). I was conscious of using non dreame detergent as it could void the warranty but I think as long as the detergent is not foaming it should be fine. Will probably look for cheaper alternative once I’m out .

    • What does non heat mean? Big price difference…

      • +1

        The non-heat doesn't heat the water when washing the mop. However, it does use hot air to dry the mop.
        The biggest difference, I think, is the extended mop. Not sure whether that's worth +$300 difference.
        The Heat version also sucks better (7000 vs 5400)

        • Appreciate it. Non-heat doesn't look bad at all then.

  • These have great reviews. Ordered can't wait for it to arrive.

  • I wish vacuum wars had reviewed this as its hard to trust other random reviews when many are paid or got free samples.

    • +1

      Thehookup did a review of best vacuums for 2024 (not paid or sponsored) where the L10s Ultra (non heat) crushed it.


      I based my l10s pro ultra heat purchase on this as it's essentially the l10s ultra with a few extra bells and whistles

      • hm might push me over the edge from Q revo maxv as as that will probably be around $1268 ATL as well for the last batch.

        Don't want to jump up to Q Revo Master either..

      • I have the Ecovacs T30 pro still within the 30 day return window, cost about the same as this, has better specs on paper. More suction and hotter water for the mop washing, plus vacuum wars rate it high than all the Dreame range except the L40.

        • Where did you buy from?

          • @impoze: Good guys was on sale before xmass

        • I thought about it but had some a bad experience with ecovacs T20 Plus. It would lose map constantly and the app was laggy with limited settings.

          Hope the T30 has improved!

    • Rtings reviewed it.

      • Its not the exact same model as has a camera and no heat. I used to like rtings for TV's but dont trust their vacuum section as they barely do any reviews and mostly strange brands except for roborock.

        • Oh really, that's interesting cause they rated it quite highly, almost influenced me to go with thr Dreame over the Eufy X10. Happy I went the way it did.
          In some ways I find Rtings too 'objective' in that they measure things that the average consumer might not be able to notice. I do like them for the info they provide, but always good to get actual experience ce of a product as well.

  • This or L20 ultra for same price?

    • can you please share , where you are getting l20 ultra for same price ?

      • +1

        It was some months ago, already got it but just interested to see which is better

    • Currently you cant install Valetudo on the L20, might never be added. While it can be install on the L10 ultra heat. If you want the peace and mind by reducing risk of hack, the L10 ultra heat with Valetudo wins out.

      Security should be a concern of all robot vac. For a device that can be remote control, has camera and connect to the internet, I want my device secured.

  • Can these traverse a small step (about an inch) to my laundry?

  • +2

    There's also a possibility of getting it for $1289 if you get the price beat popup on the site: https://ibb.co/Bq4Tn4S

    You can just click the 'Price Check' button under the price.

    • Yeah I realised that after I posted the deal…

  • Does the side brush extends for corners?

    • no, it doesn't have this feature

    • Brush no, but mop extend.

  • +1

    How does home assistant integration work? Does it work locally?

    • +2

      I've Valetudo'd it and then it works via MQTT and this map card. Not many vacuums are Valetudoable anymore. I'm very happy with it after upgrading from the original Xiaomi Robovac.

      • Can you share any details about your experience? Where did you get your pcb done etc? I’m assuming you are in aus.

        • +1

          I bought the PCB from jlcpcb.com and parts from AliExpress. The two issues I had were dodgy MicroUSB cables and the base station firmware getting out of sync with the robot (had to do a second "upgrade"/install via SSH). I also faffed around a bit with the HA card config to get the same functionality (eg. option to change to/from vacuum-then-mop and how much water to be used). The documentation is good, but the Telegram support groups are a bit spicy (in order to get people to RTFM). Fortunately, I didn't need any support. There also appears to be a PCB sharing Telegram group.

          • @AmexReferralPlease: Thanks. Is the camera also exposed to HA? How about the dock sensors?

            • +1

              @Man10United: Potentially obstacle images only. What dock sensors? Low water, full dustbin? I haven't hit that scenario yet, or if I have, it's only the vacuum has spoken to me.

        • I might be able to help you out with the breakout boards, PM me.

  • The L10s Pro Ultra v2 has been released in other markets for almost half a year, yet there's no hint about when it will be available in Aus

  • I have a sizeable outdoor patio that is tiled with 1200 x 600 tiles, obvioiusly have some outdoor furniture how do you think it would go in this space?

  • +2

    Can vouch for this unit! I have had it for the last couple of weeks after my Ecovacs sh*t itself. Mapping and navigation is a night and day difference and this gets the job done a lot quicker. The mop washing and refilling is handy but it does involve more maintenance, especially with mopping mad cleaning section. Pet hair tangles can be an issue but can be easily cleaned out. The tri-cut brush doesn't really make a difference compared to the rubber brush. Overall good vacuum and mop combo with minimal maintenance. Would recommend to anyone in the price range. Happy to answer any questions.

  • agreed! i thought robocavs were a gimmick until i got rid of the ecovacs and got the dreame!

  • +1

    Pricing is still coming up at $1255 with CBA staff Goodguys Commercial for those that have access and missed out. Alternatively, you could try contacting good guys and see if they can price match this. I shared the screenshot with a few ppl on ozb late last year and they were able to successfully price match.

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