Gooloo USB C broken

I have a gooloo gt3000 which i have used a lot. I use it daily for charging phones. The USB C port has gone a bit sloppy and charging is hit and miss. I used the compressor to blow out any dirt and that improved it a lot but it's still not perfect. Has anyone changed the port? Either by soldering on a new connector or preferably buying a new sub board from gooloo. Was it difficult? Where do I get parts?


  • I assume it's out of the warranty? better get a new one?

    It probably has… but have no idea without taking it apart.

    • I'm not sure about warranty, I could try. A through hole connector might be doable otherwise.

      • +1

        why not contact the manufacturer and ask them?

    • +1

      It was purchased 13 Aug, 2023 so just under warranty. I might contact them. Looks like there is no sub board, it's all 1 board going by pic towards the bottom of link below. Looks like the USB C connector you linked is at least close.…)

      • How much did it cost you? ACL should have you covered for a year.

        • ACL should have you covered

          Good luck trying to claim…

  • As a side note these are quite cheap on eBay at the moment at $111.20, cheaper than I paid.

  • I doubt you get parts. Why not open it up and take a look? Post the photos.

    Otherwise, try the USB-A port with Quickcharge. Or the 5.5mm socket to a car-lighter socket and charger.

    • Without USB C it's dead because you can't charge it

  • USB C is going to be a surface mount connector. Especially one that has the pins to enable fast charging.

    Take it apart and see if you are ballsy. It is probably quite hard though. I'd try drag soldering after removing the old one with a hot air gun. Apply plenty of flux to pads and drag across hot iron with solder. Use flux to clean up

    • I ordered some USB C connectors and will likely give it a go. It's not something I've done successfully before but anything is possible. :-)

      Pic of it here:

      • +1

        Good luck!

  • The USB C port has gone a bit sloppy and charging is hit and miss.

    Aside from fluff, it could be a weak solder joint damaged by flexing. You could try fixing the joint - much easier than replacing the connector.

  • So it took a bit of back and forth but I got a replacement. Gooloo were pretty good really, took some hassling but I was also bit slow responding sometimes. Ultimately they only had my word it was broken but still honoured the warranty.

    So my question. After pulling it apart I can see it has this small board that mounts the USB C. I don't think replacing the USB C connector is within my soldering abilities but replacing that board would be. It has 8 connectors to the main board which look to be standard DIP spacing. Anyone know where I might get one? It's a long shot I think as it looks like a custom board from Gooloo. Searching the part number just turns up Gooloo products.

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