Decent Quality Honey from Coles/Woolworths

Hi everyone,
I'm looking for a honey that's a decent quality and legit. No preservatives, sugars, etc. Doesn't have to be fancy. I know the stuff you get from local markets is better, but currently thats not an option.
I just want a good tasting honey, with the health benefits, and isn't artificially affected.

Is the Coles Finest range any good? It's $7.50 for 400g.

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  • +6

    Don't buy it from Colesworths!! Plenty of backyard beekeepers all around the country!

    I pay $8/kg in the Sunshine Coast.

    • +1

      yep. There's a group in Hornsby and their honey is so unique, it's amazing.

      • Do you have a link?

  • I find the Pure Peninsula Honey you can get in Victorian Woolies to be pretty good.

  • B Honey is actually decent. It's 100% pure Australian honey with a smooth taste.…

  • +8

    No preservatives, sugars, etc

    Since when supermarket honey got preservatives, sugars, etc?

    Do you even know how to read the ingredients list? Lol

    • Just another Americanisation.

    • +3

      Legit concern re dilution and possible contamination: Australia's biggest listed honey company and some of the country's largest supermarket chains face accusations of unwittingly selling "fake" honey."…

      • I'm a bit confused here, Isn't that a case of single malt vs blended in whisky terms not diluted??

        That goes with most products, eg Bega cheese, from imported milk or OJ with imported OJ but Australian Made

        When the ingredients say 100% honey, then it should be 100% honey or it's a case for ACCC.

        Or difference between 100% honey vs 100% bee honey, sneeky.

        • I'm a bit confused here, Isn't that a case of single malt vs blended in whisky terms not diluted??

          What part of something other than nectar from bees did you not understand?

          almost half the honey samples selected from supermarket shelves were "adulterated", meaning it has been mixed with something other than nectar from bees.

          Honey is the most falsified food product (next to olive oil).

          When the ingredients say 100% honey, then it should be 100% honey or it's a case for ACCC.

          You seem to have a lot of faith in the ACCC… Perhaps in govts in general… Were you on planet Earth 3-5 years ago?

  • +2

    looking for decent honey from colesworth is like trying to find decent coffee beans.

    You do know you CAN get products from other places right?

    You can even get locally grown honey depending where you are.

    No preservatives, sugars, etc

    You need to look up what honey is, my guy.

    • What, you bored with being a coffee snob, and now you want to be a honey snob?
      Why not go into wine, cognac and cigars? The scope for snobbery is boundless!

      But you made me laugh on the sugar :-)

    • +1

      grown honey

    • Often you can find decent coffee in the supermarket, just need to check and decipher the date codes.

    • I'm convinced your expertise in the FIGJAM area is even more impressive.

  • +5

    If you buy the 100% Australian honey, any brand, you are reasonably safe that you are getting the real thing.

    But the supposed health benefits of honey are unclear, and so we cannot know if all, some or no honeys really have them. We don't know what the active component is.

    Why are you asking about preservatives? Honey is full of sugar, a natural preservative. I never heard of people using preservative additives (as opposed to adulteration with cheaper syrup). Which ones have you seen?

    Is the Coles Finest range any good? It's $7.50 for 400g.

    I'm sure it is. That is just a normal price for honey, so give it a try.

  • +6

    No preservatives, sugars, etc.

    If you don't want sugar, you shouldnt be having honey.

  • In my experience, Coles Finest Red Gum is extremely good. It's easily my preferred supermarket honey.

    Yes I'd rather buy from a beekeeper but reality is 95% of the time I can't.

  • +1

    Most states have an org who reps apiarists and honey sellers. Contact them and get some options.

  • +1

    A lot of you do not have taste buds or are ignorant as to what is going on for years now.
    I was using a brand name honey until one lot become runnier and not quite full taste.
    current supply is aldi's as they regularly test their products.
    For super high quality & price try Geek THYME honey from Greek deli's only.
    try this…

  • I've tried most of the honey from Coles and Woolworths and some good choices are Beechworth and Nate's Pure Australian (this one is only in Woolworths).

  • +1

    Honey may not be honey, from the big 2 or from corporate honey producers. Go small beekeeper honey when you can:…

  • +1

    Beechworth is pure Australian Honey,available from either store

  • Just go to a Health food store.

  • Honey is a Scam

  • depending where you live.

    Oh and some backyard people feed their bees sugar water.. so do look for organic honey from a well known producer.

    • Why would they do that instead of letting them get free nectar? Does it increase yield?

      • yes and they charger a lot…

        stick with the organic and away from supermarkets.

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