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[PC, GOG] Just Cause 2 - Complete Edition $2.99 @ GOG


Just Cause 2 - Complete Edition includes:

  • Just Cause 2 - Base Game
  • Just Cause 2 DLC: Black Market Aerial Pack
  • Just Cause 2 DLC: Black Market Boom Pack
  • Just Cause 2 DLC: Bull’s Eye Assault Rifle
  • Just Cause 2 DLC: Rico’s Signature Gun
  • Just Cause 2 DLC: Chevalier Classic
  • Just Cause 2 DLC: Agency Hovercraft
  • Just Cause 2 DLC: Monster Truck

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Also for more mayhem, Just Cause is $1.39 AUD

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closed Comments

  • +7

    Good old memories, it's a good game, had a lot of fun.

  • +4

    don't install the hack to have like unlim reach with the arm thing… once u do it u can't go back ;)

    also the pistol that can take out helicopters

  • +6

    Just Cause 3 is my favourite out of the series, but Just Cause 2 is still good. Getting all of the collectables in 2 and completely finishing the game is rather difficult though.

  • +4

    The size of the open world is quite amazing, super fun to just hop into a plane and just explore then skydiving out when you got bored

    The driving mechanics are very arcade-y, albeit fun

    Don't remember a lick of the story though

    • +2

      I have far more memories of exploring the LOST island and all the other cool easter eggs in this game than I do of any of the story

  • +5

    The AI charaters: "I cannot get a clear shot" - hiding behind a box. Ah fun.

  • -3

    How did they make a game out of that movie?

  • Great game

  • Eats Far Cry 2 for breakfast.

    • +1

      Legit. I went from playing JC 3 to playing Far Cry 4 and it felt like I was watching grass grow.

  • Great game I spent ages on this one back in the day.

  • +2

    People dunk all over JC4 but its a lot better now.

    JC2 still good though. I used to love piling lots of satchel charges all around and detonating them at the same time for that tactical nuke effect.

    • How is it better now? I found the story really boring compared to the others. The weapons were good though.

      • +1

        It never really got better, but the vehicles and weapons are good. Probably the only positive thing I can say about it.

  • +2

    Whilst it doesn't have all the toys of the newer games, it definitely was the most densely packed with stuff to blow up. The other games had so much more open space, this felt like you could go a short trip down the road and find something new. Definitely picking it up

  • +2

    The multiplayer mod was peak JC2 back in the day. It mostly consisted of everyone blowing everything up at the airport but added heaps of fun regardless.

  • Yes! This game ruled.

  • B O A T

  • Do no turn on decals and bohek - game crashes when there is lots going on.
    Yeah screw farcry series beyond FC2, FC5 new dawn, that all purple landscape, crap story and blandness!

  • +1

    Hahahaha! Bolo Santosi. Voice acting so bad it's good. I had her speech as my ringtone. "My name is Bolo Santozi.I am the leeduh of the revelooshunary ahmee known as the reeeepuhz".

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