I know, I know - if you pay peanuts, you get peanuts, and I already knew TPG’s customer service was below average when I signed up with them.
Here’s the short story:
• Nov 20: I requested to cancel my NBN connection with TPG (I was paying $60/month instead of the original $74). The cancellation date was set for Dec 20, covering their 30-day notice period.
• Dec 3: I was charged $60 for the billing cycle from 10/12 to 10/01.
• Dec 10: I was charged $74 and got an email saying the connection would be canceled in 10 days. I called them, and they confirmed it was an overcharge, including a cancellation fee, even though I had given proper notice. They said they’d manually process a refund on the cancellation date.
• Dec 20: My connection was canceled, but no refund.
• Jan 3: I called them to chase the refund for the overcharge. They said no refund was recorded in the system. After checking with their billing team, they said they’d refund $74. Then, I asked for the unused portion of the billing cycle refund (since I only used 10 days of service). They put me on hold and eventually agreed to refund that portion too. (Still waiting for the refund to hit my bank account.)
I’m pretty sure they overcharge intentionally, even when customers give proper notice, knowing most people won’t notice the extra charges on their bank accounts. Not refunding the unused portion initially also seemed deliberate until I asked for it. In a world with most systems are automated it’s surprising they still play these ‘oh we missed that transaction’ cards.
What a set of scumbags. Beware if you’re planning to cancel your connection with them!
Way too much overuse of scam on this site when it’s not a scam but an error or disagreement of terms and conditions