TPG Tried to Scam Me - Beware

I know, I know - if you pay peanuts, you get peanuts, and I already knew TPG’s customer service was below average when I signed up with them.

Here’s the short story:
• Nov 20: I requested to cancel my NBN connection with TPG (I was paying $60/month instead of the original $74). The cancellation date was set for Dec 20, covering their 30-day notice period.
• Dec 3: I was charged $60 for the billing cycle from 10/12 to 10/01.
• Dec 10: I was charged $74 and got an email saying the connection would be canceled in 10 days. I called them, and they confirmed it was an overcharge, including a cancellation fee, even though I had given proper notice. They said they’d manually process a refund on the cancellation date.
• Dec 20: My connection was canceled, but no refund.
• Jan 3: I called them to chase the refund for the overcharge. They said no refund was recorded in the system. After checking with their billing team, they said they’d refund $74. Then, I asked for the unused portion of the billing cycle refund (since I only used 10 days of service). They put me on hold and eventually agreed to refund that portion too. (Still waiting for the refund to hit my bank account.)

I’m pretty sure they overcharge intentionally, even when customers give proper notice, knowing most people won’t notice the extra charges on their bank accounts. Not refunding the unused portion initially also seemed deliberate until I asked for it. In a world with most systems are automated it’s surprising they still play these ‘oh we missed that transaction’ cards.

What a set of scumbags. Beware if you’re planning to cancel your connection with them!


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  • +133

    Way too much overuse of scam on this site when it’s not a scam but an error or disagreement of terms and conditions

    • +17

      Agree 100%
      Its more like poor internal communication or functionality

      ie terrible customer service as is well documented

      Nothing intentional here

      • +4

        Is this proper use of the reply function? Well done champ, uncle borris is proud of you.

        They grow up so fast.

      • +4

        Nothing intentional here

        Maybe. Odd how it's often so much easier to sign up than to cancel, though!

      • +6

        Bullshit, TPG has been doing stuff like this or keeping refundable deposits for over a decade. It's 100% systematic and intentional.

    • -1

      The only scam here is OPs title.

    • +2

      I feel like people have forgotten what the word scam means. It requires intention on behalf of the guilty party.

      Remember Hanlon's Razor:

      Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity

      EDIT: Just checked OP's post history. The definition of the word "scam" is not all they don't understand.

  • +6

    I've had a totally different experience with them.

    Saw a deal posted for new subscribers only and they signed me up even though I was an existing one and got a better connection for less money which I can downgrade for free once the promo ends.

      • -5

        I've been with them for 18 years.

        If they overcharge me honestly I would probably be fine with it considering:

        • I can't remember the last time I had a dropout.
        • I used to 2x my monthly download quota when I had ADSL by queuing up a bunch of downloads on the last day of the month.
        • I'm currently getting 900mbps down and 110 up for $70 a month.
        • +1

          I'm currently getting 900mbps down and 110 up for $70 a month.

          On what plan??

          • @mboy: TPG Fiber FTTB Max Plan.

            It's advertised as 500mbps down and 25mbps up but they over provision it.

            Note this is Vision Networks FTTB not NBN FTTB.

            The plan is a month to month contract with 12 months at $70 then it goes up to $90.

            I've noticed there are other retailers offering 6 months at $39 so I'm thinking of moving over just to save $300. Or I might try to get TPG to match it.

    • What a great policy. Others could learn a thing (superloop…)

    • +1

      ive been with them for 20 years, i can only go from my experience, i've never had a drop out, solid speeds, and any problem i have had has been handled quickly, my line was once severed by someone and they told me they would do their best to get it fixed, said it could take atleast 3 weeks, i took 2 days

  • +5

    Apart from the rigmarole to cancel and account (do they really need that many 'relationship' managers to cancel an account🙄), I never had a problem with TPG overcharging or not paying a refund when due. The few dollars they get from an overcharge would not be worth the flack they would get from the ombudsman and bad PR. It's likely you struck administrative incompetence.

    Keep pursuing them. Make sure you do it via email, so you have a written record if you do need to take refer to the Ombudsman. If they call you or offer to call, tell them, "I prefer we deal via email so we have a written record".

  • +17

    Hashtag Whyputaunnecessaryhashtag

    • WatchingTooMuchLoveIsland?

  • +8

    Wait.. am I on Facebook again? This looks like a Facebook post but everything is white and orange.

    Anyway, yes TPG is garbage. They were garbage 20 years ago and they still are today. I think you managed to chose the very bottom of the barrel. It looks like you got out so that's some good news!

    Superloop are okay. Aussie Broadband are often recommended. I've been with them and they are reliable.

    • +4

      Superloop has a 30 day hard cancellation also. You say you want to give 30 days notice and they will cut you off at that 30 days. Aussie does not.

      • +1

        Yep I got caught by this recently. My last 3 ISPs never had a notification period so I never suspected it. I had moved house too so effectively paying for something I cannot even use.

    • -4

      not from my experience, they were solid 20 years ago and they are solid now -

      • I'm taking about a reliable connection. No dropouts, constant speeds at peak times, usable support and so on.

        • +1

          that is exactly what i am talking about, i can honestly tell you, i cant remember 1 single dropout in the 20 years i have used them, it just doesnt happen, as for speed, it doesnt change, it is 900mbps all day every day on ethernet, and 500-600mbps all day everyday on my laptop(faster on my phone), support has also been very good, i am going to guess as far as dropouts and constant speed, we must live in different areas which i guess will give us different experiences

  • +11

    This is what happen when company outsource their service to overseas…

    • +3

      This is what happen when companyAustralia outsource their services and sovereignty to overseas…

    • +1

      Not entirely true, youi insurance plays somewhat a similar game, service is local but they are tricksters.

  • +11

    I can beat that: Nov 18 provided 30 days notification to cancel (on Dec 18), and on Dec 18 received a notice from them "we are sorry for the delay in actioning your cancellation request, we have processed it now and as per our terms and conditions we will cancel your service after 30 days on Jan 18".

    Obviously after I called them I found a person to reverse the decision and accept the original cancellation request date (as it was their processing delay not mine), and they've promised a refund although as yet I don't recall seeing anything come through.

    Plenty of people are adverse to contacting customer service and would have just let it slide and I guess that is how they make their money but effectively playing for a 60 day paid cancellation period to me is beyond the pale.

    • +7

      I found out making a complaint with TIO is much easier than trying to chase these scummy and incompetent internet providers. I only give them one chance to make it right. Otherwise, I’d rather spend 10 min filling in an online form than being mucked around when trying to call them again.
      Within a week, someone (likely from Australia) would call and apologise and offer me at least what i asked for on the complaint.

      • +1

        Agree. I do the same.

        If the correct government process is followed it's amazing how good can be.

  • +5

    I had similar with Optus, they sent me a modem even though I didn’t request one. It has a monthly rental unless you stay with them for 24 months which I contested so they said I could keep it for free.

    After I canceled in 6 months sure enough they charged me for the modem.
    Attempt 1: we’ll credit your account
    Attempt 2: sorry forgot to credit your account
    Attempt 3: we’ll follow up with accounts
    Attempt 4: escalating again
    Attempt 5: success

    4h of my life I’ll never get back 😒

    • +7

      Next time, straight to TIO after attempt 1 or 2 (depending on how nice you are). Less time and headaches and they also get hit with a fine.

  • +7

    I got overcharged by Optus some years back. I called them multiple times and refused to pay the extra amount. My bills always showed I was owing $60+. After 8 months or so they called and threatened with collectors so I thought f it and paid.

    Then eventually switched to other Telco and after 1.5 years I received an cheque in mail from Optus stating that I have overpaid. Oh well :D

  • +10

    "I know, I know - if you pay peanuts, you get peanuts, …"

    I believe the saying is actually, "If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys"

    • +2

      In a world with most systems are automated it’s surprising they still play these ‘oh we missed that '

    • I think they are quoting the optimistic monkey variation of the quote, aka ^

  • +4

    I know someone who moved house, moved their TPG connection via calling them and telling them they were relocating (this was a while ago), so they relocated their deal and all…. then almost a year later they realised they were being double charged, both for the old address and the new one - one was billed about the start of the month, and one about in the middle of the month direct debit on a credit card used for everything, so with the transactions still being spaced a couple of weeks apart, it wasn't immediately obvious they were charging twice.

    It was only a long time later then they logged in to look at something in the account and saw the billing info. It took a bit of effort to get a refund, at first they argued they hadn't received a request to cancel the old address, so would cancel it going forward but not give a back refund i.e. blamed the customer, and it had to be escalated - this person had to find something to show they specifically contacted them about relocating and they had to check no one had been using data against it - and it was many hundreds at stake!

    • +1

      Wow, almost a year to realise you’re paying twice every single month….cant say your friend isn’t at fault.

      • +1

        I'm with you. Checking your credit card and bank transactions once a month isn't a luxury but a necessity these days.

        A year to realise the overcharge does show some fault with the end user here for sure….

      • I at first said this to him, but then he explained the transactions never appeared near each other - they happened to be spaced fairly evenly 2-2.5 weeks apart. If you are looking through a list, and expecting to see a charge of that amount from that supplier and there are none others nearby, its going to seem completely normal where you have no reason to be suspecting anything wrong with your mundane internet bill. Different story if you just noticed another one in the last 20-30 transactions or so. It would depend on how extensively you use your credit card, this person I know uses it for every single thing and is not as frugal as me so would use it more, plus with a spouse with shared cardholder, so there are literally hundreds of transactions per month.

        • Each to their own. I check my transactions every week or so. I had 85 transaction on my card (wife and son use it also) for the month of January. We also use it for everything.

          I make sure they're all accounted for. I will even text wife or son if I don't recognize something.

          I had two disputes last year that the bank reversed for us.

          It takes me about 15 minutes each week. I'd rather that than get ripped off though.

          All the best.

  • +3

    Doing business with a company who bought iinet when it was at gutter level performance support and trust wise??
    That's what I call a flaming stick in the eye. From a stellar beginning westnet (and hence now TPG) became the visible standard in how NOT to run a business. Even based on how many faceless offshore ppl have access to you,your life,your data and financial details? Yep/nup. Never ever/ Why would you. It could be free and I would still say no.

  • +5

    Very similar happened to me when I disconnected. It isn't a scam, they're just crap.

  • +3

    Never attribute to malice that which is explained by incompetence.

  • +3

    I left and would not go back to tpg for these tactics. Their additional charges such as phone deposit, mobile phone port out fees. Plenty of other providers about that don't do this and you have to argue with them to get these deposits and port out charges refunded. Best to just avoid them.

  • +3

    When Dad was leaving westnet about 3-4yrs back, he had been a customer for over 2yrs but had upgraded his plan 6months earlier on the advice from Westnet that it wouldn’t reset his contract. On receiving the leave request, they charged him a contract break fee.

    Anyway, we had all the written evidence that he wasn't liable for the exit fee, submitted the ACCC complaint and Dad got his money back.

    Why did TPG have to buy up some of the best ISPs of the 2000s?

    • +2

      Why did TPG have to buy up some of the best ISPs of the 2000s?

      Probably because they were crap and needed a refill before investors find out.

      TPG been used as a cash cow to take over Vodafone etc so basically people are just funding them for their corporate expeditions. Companies who seem to only grow on basis of acquisitions never end up well.

  • +1

    Did David Teoh, consider himself the Elon Musk of telecommunications?

  • +1

    Having billing under staffed and under resourced using unfit for purpose systems so customers get double billed etc is more and more common. When a company sees customer service as a cost, we get screwed. Adobe, I'm looking at you.

    • The difference in this case is our govt is allowing company after company to have our services located overseas, where our data,ID and financial details are accessed and collected by total strangers.It should be illegal,period.It costs consumers inestimably, and contributes to lower employment rates here( higher profits for companies) .I am so sick of hearing Nimrods justify this model as being "good for our super".What utter BS.

  • +7

    The fact that you need to give notice to an internet provider is surreal. Notice for what?? What a scam!

  • +9

    I'm surprised at the comments about this not being a scam.

    If I had a shop and short changed every customer and it was up to them to correct me is that not a scam?

    Can I just say oh it's up to you to notice.

      • +3

        How isn't it the same? It's almost exactly the same. If you want an even more exact comparison, it's like leasing a car for 2 days, but they seemingly consistently charge customers for 3 days unless you jump through a bunch of hoops to get your 1 day refund.

        • +2

          Thats right.
          The family is worth billions dont forget.
          People really think they dont know whats going on? Are they running TPG from their garage? Give me a break.

  • +3

    The old saying is "if you pay peanuts, you get monkeys".

    I know a few people that went through this exact scenario with TPG and they ended up contacting the ombudsman about it. Sounds like TPG is still giving the same sub standard customer service even after being reported to the ombudsman, what a sham…oops I mean shame.

  • -2

    We’ve been with TPG for nearly 10 years with FTTB and we have had no interruption to service, excellent speeds, and fantastic customer service.

    • +3

      Same experience. Over 12 years of consistent service and fairly quick outage resolution in the neighbourhood, tech support were usually knowledgeable and polite.

      It was only when I churned to another provider that TPG decided to continue to bill me for the month in advance, despite TPG sending me an email to acknowledge that I will be cancelling the service the month before! As though two different departments cannot communicate to each other in the same company, too complex?

      Speaking with customer support they notioned that I am supposed to give 30 days cancellation notice (after 12 years and being on month to month basis I suppose I should ASSUME I need to give 30 days notice to my landlord…) and they weren't going to refund me month in advance but eventually after 1 hour of being on the phone with them they decided refund what was owed.

      I'm also glad to be away from TPG Marketing, regularly emailing and calling me during the day to try get me to switch to Mobile NBN because 'discounted promo'.

      My advice is if you do decide to churn, call or email TPG to give 30 days notice of cancellation, and start with your ISP in 30 days (if their offer allows you to start in 30 days).

    • I thought I was similar, but I noticed the FTTB service quality deteriorate in the last year (dropouts and lower speeds at peak), and then they increased the price twice to almost double within a year. I signed up with a competitor and called to cancel TPG and they offered me the original rate, my response was "too little, too late". I've now got 1Gbit/s FTTB instead of their 100Mb/s FTTB from another provider, I'm happy with the price, and I wouldn't have known about this if TPG hadn't tried to simultaneously lower the service quality and increase prices.

      Similar to the OP, I also had multiple problems with cancellation and ended up having to go via the TIO. I won't consider TPG again now, which seems wild from being an advocate for over a decade. Very disappointed with what TPG have become.

  • Their actual service maybe OK but their customer services were terrible to say the least… top down from the owner… never trust them …. not going to use them even if they pay me to, period.

    • You know Teoh isn't the owner anymore right?

  • +1

    Based on what's been written, your premise that it is a scam is laughable.

  • +1

    The real scam here is the 30-day cancellation period TPG and other ISPs impose. Sorry but WTF is that?! Processing an order in the NBN portal takes all of about 5 minutes as it's entirely automated (or I suspect it still is as it was when I used to work for InteriiTPG), so the minute a cancellation is requested, the service should be able to be cancelled straight away. If the service has been cancelled NBN aren't charging the ISP for another month, so why do they get to charge me? Superloop tried to pull the same shit on me 6 months ago and I forced them into "waiving" the 30-day notice period.

    • Thanks for clarifying that. Was wondering whether it was an NBN thing (30 days notice) but you've clarified it isn't.

      In that case I DO agree that the 30 day cancellation thing is a scam.

  • I called TPG and said that I was paying too much for my ADSL, they reduced it by $20 a month for the next year with no contract, no lock in, nothing. I definitely think they don't have the greatest service but don't think they're scamming. I have no loyalty towards them because their service is nothing special, but they're fine in the scheme of things.

    • You still have ADSL??? My last customer finally got transitioned last year after his ADSL dropped below 3Mbps.

      • sorry, i meant nbn, my bad.

        • +1

          All good. The NBN coming through your phone line is VDSL (uses some fibre in it's infrastructure and newer exchanges). ADSL is the old mainly copper only network from the exchange. VDSL generally up to about 100Mbps (at my cusotmers I see more average of about 70 though), ADSL1 was about 8Mbps, ADSL2 up to 24Mbps.

          NBN VDSL is Fibre to the Node (Green boxes in your street), then uses the old copper going to your house. This was supposed to initially only cover no more than 800M or so but I've seen copper runs of 1.5Km or more.

          The further you are from the green box, and the older the copper basically the slower you go.

          Might be worth seeing if you're in a FREE fibre upgrade area.

          All the best.

  • -5

    What a troll post. Utter BS. Hold your horses and they will get the refund to you.

  • -1

    Just remember this and your life will (might) be more pleasant - "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity/incompetence"

  • -2

    without reading the TLDR I seem to recall that TPG charged you in advance, so when you want to cancel they're gonna extract another month's worth out of you

    so yeah - is it a failure to read the fine print - then "OMG how did that happen … !?!?"

  • +2

    $8 billion market cap company triest to scam some guy. You caught them, that's how they make their billions, they just scam people $60 at a time hoping no one realizes. Then they use that money to advertise to other people to scam. What a ponzi scheme.

    OP you said you were cancelling with them. How long were you with them for? I suggest you go through your entire bank statement to check if they charged you 2-3 times without you noticing over the period you were with them as it would be even less likely you would have noticed them charging you extra and they can skim even more money from you.

  • +1

    The real scam is paying in advance and also 30 days cancel policy. Its 2025 people if you cant see I tra sfered to anothrr provider and stop billing me .

    They basically offer you $10 x 6 months discount at the front of the contract and then recoup a % of that when you leave because you transfer to early.

  • You generally every now and again have to spend hours with their team but I've had them credit me and give me a free modem for nothing…

    Slow, annoying, but I got what I wanted and more in the end.

    I'll stay with them.

  • The moral is ,if you pay peanuts you get peanuts monkeys offshore support.
    [ who are paid peanuts.It's a business model ]

  • -1

    Monthly internet agreements are calculated monthly and if you pay in advance and opt out part way through the month it won't be calculated until the next invoice day, at which time a new invoice with a negative balance will be generated. No need to get upset this isn't happening in the middle of the month, it's just automated system stuff.

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