Need Some Advice for a Cheap but Reliable Phone Number (preferably 1300)

Hi folks

I am setting up a new business (one-person) and like to have a reliable and yet cost-effective phone number.
I saw those 1300 numbers and the prices vary a lot. Ideally, I would like some sort automation and call redirection to my mobile, if not available, voice memo and these things to help me manage the calls effectively.

It would be great if you can share your suggestions and experience about the services that you use to handle client calls and inquiries.



  • +13

    To call a business on a mobile number these days is a non event compared to 20 years ago.

    I wouldn't waste money on a 1300 number just for redirecting. Perhaps try and get a gold mobile number or a catchy number for example 040MSPAINT.

  • Crazytel. Search the Ozb deals

  • +1

    No one remembers business phone numbers anymore like back in the day. Everything is so easy to search up online that you'll just be wasting your money paying for 1300 number.

    As long as you have a website with a phone number to contact you people will be able to reach you when they need to. What is important is the business name that people can google.

    Having said that the most memorable number is still 13 11 66 pizza hut delivery.

    • +9

      Or the Reading Writing Hotline - 1 3 00 6 555 06 is one I remember.

      • +9

        Why did I sing out that number just like the ads. FFS.

        • Hahahaha, exactly!

      • +4

        My favourite is firteen firteen firtytoooo

        • +1

          It was firteen firty firtytoooo.

          • @MS Paint: 😱 I blame the kid with the cool haircut at the end of the ad

      • +8

        Can't forget about 0118 999 881 999 119 725 … [long pause] 3

        • +5

          "Hello, Emergency Services? Which country am I speaking to then? Oh bugger it, I'll email them…… Dear Sir stroke Madam…….."

    • +1

      I’m a ‘481 11 11 Pizza Hut delivery’ phone number person

    • 13 30 32
      We come to you

      Edit, damn was beaten to it already.
      Didn’t recognise it in its true form haha

      • At least you got the number right. Much better recall than old fart coxjon.

    • -4

      The web site should also include a way to send a message or contact online as most do.

  • +6

    I have a 1300 number from Teleca for my SMB with is a one man operation. $40 a month, comes with an IVR and redirects to my mobile with other call tracking. They have a $20 a month offer for new customers I think.

    When I added the phone number to the website, I found a huge increase in calls. I also didn't want my mobile to be super public or get random texts. I then setup my Voicemail to be more business like. Sometimes I get voicemails, sometimes I don't.

    My 1300 is just a random number that is relatively easy. Don't need one of those catchy ones like 1300 MARKETING that were popular years ago.

    • +1

      Thanks mate :)

    • -1
      • -5

        aLrEaDy MeNtiOnEd!1!!

        JFC… Really? What does it matter? You going to go around policing every users comments? Are you worried I might steal some "imaginary internet points" or something? What's your end game here? What is it you are seeking? Fame? Fortune? An apology? A retraction? Are no others allowed to have a similar idea? Of all the petty bullshit… This is on the same level as those morons on YouTube that scream "First!" or "If you are reading this in 2038…"

        And I didn't mention "that" phone number, just OP should consider a more "memorable/unique" number and I gave an example of something that people remember. And this just proves the point that a phone number that is unique or memorable works if two people can come up with the same example.

  • I paid $750 for 1300 000 MAX

    looking at that now, I probably need to shell out for 1300 MAX MAN and sell penis extenders

    Anyway, once you own that number you can transfer it around to a low cost provider an forward it wherever you want.
    But initial purchase can be expensive, or not depending on what you choose

  • +1

    Having a 1300 number shows a level of professionalism and organisation that doesn't come with a mobile number, eg:

    • In time, if you would like to sell the business, you can retain your mobile number and let the 1300 go with the sale.
    • If you later employ staff, you can change the redirection/IVR to suit your new requirements and not have to advertise a new mobile number.

    1300 gives you flexibility to grow with your business.

  • -2

    i would skip 1300, just aim for a nice 8 digit landline number, you can use the number for incoming/outgoing calls off any mobile with a webex app or similar.
    voicemail is standard with voice to email as standard as well, you can add a hunt group and ivr if you want, you can use the number for incoming/outgoing calls anywhere in the world and if you avoid taking calls at pool bar or beach no one will have any idea your not in the office, all you need is a local sim card with decent data in what ever country you are in. 13 and 1300 numbers are a thing of the past unless you are aiming for corporate image and have money to waste. You can ask voip provider for a list of double and triple digit numbers to choose from before you purchase.

    • your


      unless you are aiming for corporate image

      You're welcome.

      • -1

        i bet your fun at parties karen

    • -1

      The problem with a local number is that you can forget about portability. That is a huge problem if it comes up.

      • not sure if you are referring to exchange boundaries, if so they are long gone its all in the cloud now.

        • Thank God for that. Back when I was working this was a great source of misery for me.

  • I'm a partner with Breezeconnect. If you can't get any joy with all the good suggestions above happy to see if I can help out.

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