• expired

Ozito PXC 18V Window Vacuum Cleaner 3.0Ah Kit $69 + Delivery ($0 C&C/ In-Store/ OnePass) @ Bunnings (Limited Stores)


Now only available in some NSW and VIC Stores,.

This looks to be a promotional item and in limited stores, The bargain in this deal is that it includes the new sealed 3.0AH battery which is $79.98 on its own.

If like me, you don't need the charger, just sell it off straight away. I have no trouble selling them off quickly for $10 on FB marketplace.

Unfortunately available so far in a limited number of stores in NSW, VIC only. Hopefully they have more stock and roll them out to other stores soon, so may be worth checking back on nrby later on.

Stock checker, https://nrby.in/bunnings/0658993

Credit to Lazy1 for pointing out this stock checker is possibly better. https://bunnings.youinstock.com.au/search/0658993

From comments below, it looks like Bunnings site is doing its weird thing.

Stock number, I/N: 0658993

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closed Comments

  • +3

    Page not found, think the item has been pulled from online.

  • +1

    Now 404s. It partially loaded, then gone…….

  • +1

    available for me - I was able to add to cart (Taylor's Lakes Vic store)
    (direct link)

    • Interesting, if you have your store selected and it is "unavailable" at that store, it 404s.

  • +3

    yep location based, go incognito and you'll be able to see it.

  • i love this shxt, so useful. got one bosch for mum, and got a cheap copy one from kogan for myself.

  • Delivery showing as +$10 for me. Im guessing free if you have One Pass.

    • I got for 3820

      Item not available for delivery in this area. Please enter an alternative postcode or suburb for delivery.

  • +6

    Works for me in vic, though a squeegee with the correct technique would also achieve streek free, be much cheaper, take up less space and not need to be charged, but open to hear from first hand experience with this

    • I am pretty handy around house but I never achieved streak free with ease using the more expensive karcher one. You need to learn the technique and be careful. Not sure about this one but looks identical.

    • +4

      And also a lot quicker with a legit old school window cleaning setup. Plenty of youtube videos to practice a solid technique that gives awesome results. I might go and clean my windows now. Thanks for the inspo.

    • +1

      You can save yourself $68 and just get this: https://www.kmart.com.au/product/spray-squeegee-43390144/

      • -4

        Anko? No thanks, even for free, I would avoid touching that junk brand.

  • +1

    Interesting that when I set my store as Warragul 3820 it shows "Unavailable". Yet, stock checker says they have 8!

    • +1

      Same for Bennetts Green 2290. Stock check says 8 available but when setting that as the store on Bunnings website there are none available.

      • Same for Bennetts Green 2290

        This is my local, and tells me the same.

        It shows unavailable at all near-by sites, with 2 extensions.

        possibly a different information source between the website and where nrby get their data.

  • +1

    Vacuum for windows? What vacuum needed for windows? I'm a little confused

    • Step 1 - Wash the window with soapy water
      Step 2 - Use Vacuum on Window to suck soap water
      Step 3 - Clean window and area with less spears

      • +1

        Oh.. I didn't know we need to suck… I just use the spears to wipe down like I wipe my car windows lol

    • +1

      Also good if you have condensation issues

  • How does it work? The webpage doesn't really say. Is it sucking water from window/mirror into a reservoir, for emptying when done?

  • +3

    N I C E

    • +3

      I had to wait nearly an hour but knew you would come through with the goods.

      • +6

        My bad , setting up kids birthday party today

        It’s been tough day but I think I’ll still be able to sink 8-9 tinnies of xxxx gold

    • +2

      ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • Looks good, all stores have no stock, but it shows can buy it online, I just buy one, see if they send it.

  • My browser never shows these items. Set Firefox to incognito/ private mode, sign into Bunnings/one pass, search the item, got it delivered for free via one pass

    • +1

      Thank you - was able to find the item but couldn't get it to be delivered to me as I am from QLD..

  • +1

    If like me, you don't need the charger, just sell it off straight away. I have no trouble selling them off quickly for $10 on FB marketplace.

    There have been a number of cases reported where Bunnings will not do a warranty without the whole kit being returned.

    Not sure if they match serial numbers, or if you can toss in a charger that's the same, but something to consider.

    I made the mistake of buying a spare charger when I first decided to go all-in on Ozito. Since then I've bought kits that have come up cheap, so now have more than I need …

    • Yes, probably worth keeping at least one spare for this reason. I do have a spare but, if I had kept every charger from everything I have bought, I would have about 10, lol.

    • Thank you for sharing this vital information with us. You obviously have more money than sense 🤷

      • -6

        Dunno why you're butthurt I can afford to buy things I want rather than need. Maybe work harder or something, less time on the internet maybe?

        • -5

          Grow up little child

          • -4

            @KirKoloft: I'm grown up enough to afford a spare $69 (hehe)

            You'll catch up Kirk soda don't worry, one day you'll be at my elite level of on a whim Ozb purchases

            • -1

              @Dvbargain: I feel sorry for your family and friends, hopefully you'll grow up one day

              • -1

                @KirKoloft: I'm good thanks, I don't equate being grown up to a complete lack of humour with a stick up my bum lol

                • -2

                  @Dvbargain: You've proven your foolishness and lack of maturity by writing these stupid comments.
                  Grow up

                  • -3

                    @KirKoloft: What does being grown up look like? Please inform me sir maturity.

                    I aspire to be king Charles III level mature

                    • -1

                      @Dvbargain: Refraining from writing stupid comments would be a good start.
                      Good luck

                      • -2

                        @KirKoloft: We can both only try our best Mr Kirk Soda 😂 don't take life so seriously mate!

                        • @Dvbargain: They're pretty uptight for a self-identifying vagitarian lol.

                          • @rokufan: Is a vagitarian like..a straight male?

                            Let's be clear, the guy above is uptight, like so so uptight, but I don't have anything against vegetarians haha

    • +3

      Upvoted for the classic Ozbargain statement/meme. Not sure why people dont understand the humour any more.

      • Lol yeah nothing original here, except for the level of butthurt, this is a bargain with battery and charger!

  • Is the battery the same that works on the drills and etc.
    It kinds looks different in the pictures

    • +1

      Yes, works with everything else. Its the new sealed 3.0ah, just a different colour for some reason.

  • +3

    For those interested
    I find this stock checker more useful then nrby

    • I think you are right, it seems to be more accurate and up to date. Will add it to the post. Cheers.

  • +1

    I tried it incognito….can find item that way, but won't allow either delivery or click and collect

  • Thanks OP!

  • Any reviews on how it actually performs? Sounds like most are buying for the battery / charger rather than the actual product

  • Does this come with just a charger or charger+battery?

    If so, the 3AH battery and charger is worth about $69 already.

  • +1

    Does the product work when upside down? I had one from Kogan and it was great until it started making horrible sounds. When taken apart, I can see it had rusted most of the motor and metal sections. Thus, the water must have been sucked into that location.

  • How would that compare to the Karcher Window Vac WV2PLUS that I bought for $99 last year? Still doing well though.

  • I don't think this is a 3AH battery but 2.5ah

    My order says Vacuum Window Ozito Pxc 18v Kit 1x2.5ah Pxwck-300s on the receipt

    • +2

      Yeah my order has the same description. I think its just a clerical error. Go to guides and documents, The second manual is for the 3.0AH sealed battery.. The 1st is for the tool and the 3rd for the charger.

      Plus when you look at the battery, it has the same release button and charge level display as the 3.0AH and 4.0AH sealed batteries. For some reason it's just a different colour. All black with a blue line around the bottom, rather than being red and black with a red line around the bottom.

      The 2.5AH is completely different.

    • It looks to be the same size as the 2.5ah pxc batterries, whereas the 3.0 are usually pretty similar or the same as the 4.0 ah.

      • Incorrect.
        The sealed version only comes with 3 and 4ah; reportedly it is the new cell that is more compact.

      • The new sealed 3.0AH and 4.0AH batteries are 5 x cells in a single row like the 2.5AH battery but have higher output cells.

      • +1

        I have posted this on prior thread but its a good reminder of the differences in the battery outputs.

        Specs for power output in watts on the batteries from Einhells website.

        2.0AH 450 watts.
        2.5AH 720 watts
        4.0AH 900 watts
        5.2AH 1260 watts
        6.0AH 1350 watts
        8.0AH 1350 watts

        The new sealed batteries.
        3.0AH 900 watts
        4.0AH 900 watts.

  • +4

    Wondering if i should buy this or open the box from this deal in 2016:

    • +1

      lol peak OzB (buy first, consider later)

  • Picked up one in store Bunnings Campbeltown a couple of hours ago. They still have plenty.

    • Is it any good ?

      • +3

        I haven't used it yet.

  • I cannot find stock anywhere for delivery.

  • Special promotion item not available for delivery, picked one from bunning Campbelltown they have about 20 in stock

  • Interesting that it isn’t available in many stores. Does anyone know if it will be more widely available in future?

  • I picked one up from Watergardens, VIC this afternoon after I ordered it as express click and collect using OnePass. When I asked the click and collect guy, he said all sold out this morning.

  • Looking for this item in Newcastle, apparently in stock.. will report back!

    • Ordered one just now, click and collect from glendale. Was also at Bennetts Green

      Will see how it goes

      • Yep wasn’t in stock at Bennett Green on the day I posted. Website shows “8” available but staff couldn’t find any.
        Back in stock now, plenty available across various stores

  • +1

    Most of Bunnings promotions now take you to the "Error 404" Page. A common trend now.

  • Anyone found stock

  • +1

    Seems to roll out to more stores now.

  • +1

    I've bought and tried this on my bathroom mirrors and shower screen, yes it comes with 3Ah battery and charger.

    I apply some Windex then scrub using a rag to get rid of tough soap buildup. Then vacuum up the water with window vacuum, seems to work well with correct technique, it seems to be working upside down when I've tried it but to avoid streaking I find applying it sideways for that bottom part of the shower screen works better.

    I haven't tried the other window vacuums but this product seem to work okay.

  • None in WA :( I've been eyeing the equivalent einhell one on Amazon. Reviews look good

    • Do you know what battery the Einhell uses?

  • Awesome. Picked one up today, mostly for the sealed battery because I usually use the Ozito pump to inflate the kayak then throw it in the back. Window vac is a bonus

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