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Samsung Odyssey G91SD 49" DQHD 144Hz OLED Curved Gaming Monitor $1,199 Delivered @ Samsung EPP & Education Stores

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Repeat of the previous deal

Copying the description from there (credit: Apostle0748):

40% off "RRP", but price seems alright comparative to the price.

Dazzling color and definition in OLED Dual QHD
Dive into shadows with purer black levels of VESA DisplayHDR True Black 400
Fast-paced action for smooth gameplay in 144Hz refresh rate
Need to have Samsung EPP/EDU access, I don't think the following is needed anymore but here is the list: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/wiki/tggc_access#samsung_epp_ed…

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closed Comments

  • +16

    HODL - wait for the 240hz to come down.

    • +8

      Bingo, this is the deal they keep pedalling so people think they're getting value if they impulsively checked.

      More deals later this month, and new models being announced in the coming days.

      • You reckon this will go on discount soon? https://www.samsung.com/au/monitors/gaming/odyssey-oled-g6-g…
        Its $1500 now but Ive seen it go down to $849 with trade in plus further discounts

        • +1

          Yup: it's been lower, and they announced a 500Hz G6 OLED yesterday.

      • I was thinking of getting a cheap OLED soonish. How long do you reckon I should hold out for?

        • This time of year probably 10-15 days, but it could hold out until March or April if they skip that sale.

  • Will it too hard for the neck?

    • +1

      Not at all.

    • +3

      Slightly better than two monitors. Just keep chair pointed at the most looked at thing. Same goes for multi-monitor setup, if your chair is pointed towards the middle and you watch a movie on left-most tab, you’ll end up hurting your neck.
      With games, you have to experiment. Some games keep some UI elements on far sides and if you’re looking at them more than middle, it will get a bit uncomfortable.

  • +3

    Is it great for WFH such as spreadsheets and browsing. I want to connect 2 sources at the same time, my personal and my work laptop, will that work?

    • -4

      I dont think it turns into 2 seperate displays

      • My 45" Lenovo display does… Would be surprised if this didn't have that feature.

      • +1

        Then use free Mouse Without Borders to move cursor between them.

    • Oled at 1440p has noticeable text fringing issues at this PPI, wouldn't recommend for productivity. I still get bothered by the text fringing on my 4k 32inch oled, it's absolutely much more noticeable at 1440

      • The LG ultragaming 4k 32inch?

        • yes, that one. It's not that bad by any means but can definitely be noticeable at times

      • Have you enabled 4:4:4?

    • +2
      • Edit * You can have Picture by Picture mode using two inputs at their native resolution. according to samsungs website.
        But as tries mentioned, the oled colour fringing issues would mean a near pink tinge on every single black line and character.
    • +1

      I believe so as my much older CHG90 49" can. Scroll down the product page and see if you can find "Picture by Picture" listed.

      Note that when in this mode, you can't have two different refresh rates. It'll default to the lowest (at least in my own experience).

    • +5

      I've been using the G95SC (Odyssey G9 OLED) for more than a year now in my home office. I'm primarily on MS Teams, Outlook, lots and lots of spreadsheets and browsing too. My desk has a depth of 0.8m but the panel is about 0.4-0.5m away from my eyes (mounted on arms) when I am seated dead in front of it. I don't have text fringing or aliasing issues even on thin Windows fonts (black on white background or vice versa). But I am using BetterClearTypeTuner and colour calibrated the panel which helped a lot.

      I work around 8-9 hours during the day (Mon-Fri) and game for about 2 hours almost every night (more during the weekends if I have time). I have yet to see any screen burn or screen conformity issues. I have my Outlook on the left, Chrome on the centre and MS Teams on the right permanently on desktop. Then I have 2 Spreadsheets side by side on the other desktop. Most of my apps are in dark mode but Chrome is white background all the time due to the company app not supporting it. No issues.

      My model can support PbP (2 sources at the same or even 2 video signal from the same machine) so I suspect the G91SD should support it too. I'd do some research just in case if I were you.

      • As per your advice/experience along with others stated above, ALWAYS do your homework before dropping any considerable amount of money on any item you're interested in. Even if it takes a couple of months, there is always another deal that will pop up.

        • -1

          Not sure of your point here, there's a better price if you wait? What if i wait ten years? Better price then? /s

          • +1

            @nikoris: I think they meant don't rush into something without researching it just because you're afraid you'll miss out on the current deal.

            • @BinaryPirate: This is exactly what i'm trying to say lol. I'm not the best with wording things on the best of days lol. Thankyou for clearing that up BP! 😀😀

        • +1

          But if I blink, I will miss Muzeeb

          • @FFx0: Lmao yeah i don't think there will EVER be another deal like that!! Wish i got that deal myself!

      • +1

        I picked one of these up on black friday for $999. Happy with it. You can use 2 inputs and have it output both onto the one screen, but it acts as two monitors.

        Can you tell me about BetterClearTypeTuner. I downloaded and installed it, what settings do you find useful? Am I correct I can only change the contrast?

        • Can you the same mouse and keyboard for the two inputs?

          • +1

            @Bargains hunterr: If you're talking about the G95SC, it does have a 2-port USB-C hub (data only). There is no KVM support. However I added an external USB-C hub switcher that automatically switches when either one laptop/PC is turned on. When both is turned on, I just press the button on the hub to switch between the two. For video, the G95SC supports auto video source switching but only for the last detected video source (when both is on at the same time). Therefore when both video signal is on, I would use the remote control to switch between the 2.

            Again I would check if the G91SD have the same behaviour.

        • +1

          I am currently on RGB and contrast set to 1200. Make sure to check the box 'Enable Font Antialiasing'. Then restart the PC. I've seen another Reddit post recommending 1500. You can try that too.

      • So you just have everything side by side horizontally normally? So it's all sort of long and tall portrait sort of layout? I would have thought I'd be snapping things to corners more, maybe browser on the left side full height of screen then teams top right corn, outlook bottom right corner… something like that. Planning to get 42" or bigger when I move and have more room for it. In the meantime I've been thinking I'll just get a 32 4K, but also wondering if 34" might be better for side by side stuff. Some people say curved is no good for productivity.

        • +1

          I configured mine to have 3 virtual desktops.

          The first one is for communications. It is split into 3 equal sized sections (from left to right): Outlook, Chrome and MS Teams.
          The second one is for Excel related work. It is split into 2 equal sized sections (basically 2x 27" 1440p) where I have two spreadsheets put side by side. Where required I could organise them on top of each other for the full length.
          The third one is for Powerpoint related work. It is split into 2 equal sized sections side by side. Sometimes I have this configured for Word where I can have 3-4 documents placed side by side. Very helpful when I am doing research and referencing other material.

          I used to have a single desktop split into 5-6 separate sections where I just snap apps in and out of. But I think it is a recipe for screen burn. I still do this once in a while especially when I join/present in high profile meetings. Having the ability to make quick changes, research on web and communicate with my peers all in the middle of a meeting is extremely helpful.

          • +1

            @Davesday: Cheers, good to know. I'd definitely run multiple desktops if I had a bigger monitor.

          • @Davesday: Out of curiosity, for your 3 desktop setup, how many laptops do you connect to the monitor?

            • @FOX: I only have 2 machines connected to the monitor: 1 desktop and 1 work laptop. I do have a third connection prepared in case I want to connect my MacBook or my Steam Deck. To prevent any confusion, by desktop… I mean virtual desktops from within Windows 10/11.

    • +1

      If you're just using it for work maybe don't get it. OLEDs, especially at 1440p, have issues with text rendering because of Windows. Your eyes may adjust but they do look very noticeable when you're swapping from IPS monitors. These are kinda more for immersive gaming where you're not reading too much stuff. Not to mention general burn in worries with using it so much with static elements.

    • personal and my work laptop

      This sounds dangerous.

  • What sort of Video card would you need to use it for Gaming ?

    • Surprisingly it isn’t very taxing which makes sense as DQHD is a bit less resolution than 4K. I could run a few online FPS games at target 160fps max quality on a 4090 that is capped at 40% power. On Cyberpunk it could run at between 110-140fps max with DLSS at full 100% power. I’m on an old Ryzen 5900X CPU so anyone with a newer CPU could do better.

      So I’d imagine a 4080 should be very comfortable since this monitor can only handle 144Hz refresh rate.

  • The quality control and warranty seems to not very good according to Reddit. How’s everyone finding things? (I’ve been looking at the 57”

  • I've had the 57" since it was released and it has been flawless with no issues , awesome display and close to OLED in picture quality.

    I had the non OLED 49" before and I think the curve is not enough , when I purchased the 57" with the greater curve it really made a big improvement to the immersion , it surprised me as I wasn't expecting that much of a difference due to the curve but now I would not purchase an ultrawide monitor without this much curve , it really makes that much difference to the immersion and in my opinion worth it for the curve alone.

  • It's only 250 nits
    Not spending over $1k on a display that's not as bright as displays a third the price.

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