Ajinomoto Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) is a flavor enhancer which has been used effectively for over a century to bring out the best flavor of food
Ajinomoto MSG Seasoning 500g $4.99 + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $59 Spend) @ Amazon AU

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Wait till you see the size of them G
rains with the Tren-bowl-in
My secret ragù trick. 250 gr lasted me 15 years fyi
maggi seasoning is better than this lol
that said i'm not a big fan of MSG in ragu. just go heavy on the tomato paste and parmesan later.
Isn't Maggi seasoning 90% msg anyway?
Coming here just to search for this kind of comment!
I woud get this but I'm still salty over the last batch
What was wrong with it?
Wooooooosh… .
Mono sodium glutamate.
OMg, theres like so many other salts though K, or Na?
Nah … you're sandy!
@Uncle Roger approves 👍
Fouiyohhh bought 800
Scientifically proven to enhance your Glutes
Should have bought 88 more
Yumm yumm
You called me twice.
Uncle Roger, nieces and nephews approves
King of flavor
Got some a little while ago and… I couldn't taste any difference??
I know I've got a rather terrible sense of taste but I was expecting something. Even treating the bag like a Wizz Fizz didn't do anything for me. Is this one of those 'only if you've got the genes' kind of flavour?
it’s a flavour enhancer not a flavour, make a batch of food, split into 2 cook one with and one without, then taste the differences , beefier beef, tomatoier tomatoe, broccoli ear brocolli, chicken jerk chicken, it’s the secret ingredient in chicken salt msg.
Well, you literally just said what the issue is
If it did nothing then it wouldn’t be in everything. Look at your cheetohs and such, msg is in all of it.
Major ingredient in KFC seasoning.
That's a you problem.
Makes my mouth salivate almost instantly if I "Wizz-Fizz" it. It defiantly has a "taste". It's tastes like the essence of Soy Sauce, Beef Stock, Nori, Vegemite etc etc.
Thank for the insight. Maybe the batch I got was no good then? I was expecting something super potent like beef stock but there was nothing at all
MSG provides umami, which is more a 'taste' rather than a flavour, just like how things are bitter, sweet, salty, etc. That's why it's used to enhance the flavour of the dish you are adding it to, not necessarily imparting it's own 'flavour'. Hope that clears things up a bit.
After I tasted some straight up, its presence in stuff like KFC and Twisties became more apparent to me tbh
Despite the downvotes you got, I tend to agree with you.
I have to sprinkle it HEAVILY into my spaghetti bolognese to notice any difference. Maybe we both bought a bad batch or something?
I'm with you. KFC fries salt and Chicken Crimpy remind me of it's soft, buttery, all-over mouth feel. I guess you need to think of it as a flavour enhancer not a flavour. Kind of the way salt is added to sweet things to enhance the sweet sensation.
Sweeeeeeet senssssaaatiioooooon.
People must REALLY like their MSG if they think my differing opinion is worth a down vote lol
But I do really want to have it blow my socks off! I just haven't got that experience yet…
Picked up a kilo yesterday at the local asian grocer for $8. Made in Indonesia instead of Thailand but all under the same Aji no moto licence.
your link literally concludes with this:
Bottom line: Take the claims around MSG with a grain of salt
Is MSG bad for you? Eaten in small amounts and as part of a meal, MSG likely won't have a negative effect, so long as you're not one of the small subset of people who are sensitive to it. But since it's often used in conjunction with other, less-healthy or highly processed ingredients, you may want to limit your consumption of it and skip the ultra-processed foods where it's often found.
Nice job contradicting yourself with that article 👍
Fail at comprehension of the link you posted
Did you know that consuming just one packet of Ajinomoto could reduce your life expectancy by approximately 1.5 years
Nowhere does the article say that
according to a 2023 Health and Safety Report?
The article isn't even a Health and Saftey Report and it isn't even from 2023
I think you need to stop snorting MSG.
Better luck reading your next article buddy
My life expectancy just reduced 1.5 years reading that drivel.
Not very smart now are ya
Did you know that seed oils are actually perfectly safe according to health.harvard and all the concerns about eating them are actually misinformation!
This directly contradicts scientific evidence that seed oils produce carcinogenic byproducts when heated, something so well accepted that several countries have laws that control how long you can reuse the same oil when deep frying - none of these countries are in the anglosphere however.
Why is this relevant? Because msg allergy has long been shown to be false, but health.harvard likes to spread bullshit, I'm not particularly sure why
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19389112/I bet camping in this site waiting to write such comment has cost you more than 1.5 years of life expectancy.
Even an AI wouldn't hallucinate a conclusion like this after reading The linked article.
Nice one, genius
Bro, what a
deal tostart the new year!brother many things you eat contain MSG, Tomato, Cheese, etc… meat pies, chips (chicken salt) and stuff lol.
if it's that bad that would have banned them altogether. food and safety standards is really high in Aus, it's not like the FDA where they allow all kinds of crap on the market.
Sounds very organic.
MSG naturally forms in fruits such as tomatoes.
Poisons naturally form in snakes, fruits, and vegetables. Still, could be tasty though.
Eat a highly venous snakes poison glands and report back.
vibes based organic assessment is as (in)accurate as one would expect
KFC uses this on all their chips and chicken. Tastes so good.
Did someone say
KFCMSG?KFC chips is so bad lol. Maccas FTW!
HJ has the worst chips tbf. so onioney
Kfc > HJ > Maccas
Hydrolyzed vegetable protein (HVP) in your McDonald’s with free MSG biproduct!
free MSG biproduct
A delicious product and a coproduct from our finite collection of objects
King of flavour, the cocaine of cooking.
Thanks, Op. Got 100.packs..
Only thing that was missing to start my Asian restaurant.OOS
Thanks OP! Picked up a bag - apparently MSG is an amazing seasoning for steaks.
Out of stock!
Was just able to purchase it on back order.
always miss out on this. People really must love their msg. btw how much past it's best before is okay to keep using it?
Errr … salt … stored properly … few centuries at least.
Figured a form of glutamate wouldn't be something I could put it in my will
Try again now. 2-4 weeks dispatch.
Back in stock
Thanks, got some to use as a Pre-wok out