• expired

50% Off All-Access Digital Annual Subscription: $100 (Normally $200) @ The Guardian


Got this in my email today:

Time is running out to claim this rare opportunity to save 50% on an annual all-access Guardian subscription.

Subscribe before midnight on December 31 and enjoy a $100 saving.

  • Unlimited, unmetered access to the Guardian app
  • Ad-free reading on all your devices
  • Exclusive newsletter for supporters, sent every week from the Guardian newsroom
  • Far fewer asks for support
  • Unlimited access to the Guardian's new cooking app, Feast

Hopefully the link will work as is (I stripped the non-essential parts from it).

Update: I've removed the expiry because the offer is still available (at 6:40 am, 1 Jan 2025).

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The Guardian
The Guardian


  • +15

    Calling The Guardian "fake news" is proof that our society is beyond repair.

    • +5

      The Guardian is one of the worst. Even the BBC and CNN have higher standards. It's difficult to mention those propaganda rags without experiencing some reflux and a little vomit in the mouth.

      • +8

        You need to see your doctor, although I doubt they can help.

    • +3

      And people negging the deal purely on political grounds.

      They're making a mockery of OzBargain standards on invalid negative votes if any are enforced.

      • +4

        Negging based on, The Guardian, doesn't deliver what they say they do. They deliver disinformation and propaganda, not journalism, not analysis. Please see OffGuardian

        • Now try using English.

        • Thats your opinion, not backed up by evidence. If u dont like the deal then simply don’t partake in the deal instead of in here bitching about irrelevant points to the deal.

  • +3

    Not expired. Just signed up to the $100 offer and it's almost 2am.

  • +6

    Lol at the lefties being convinced to donate their money to billionaires propoganda machines for literally nothing in return.

  • +2

    I'll consider to subscribe only if they pay me.

  • +6

    Left wing garbage. You couldn't pay me enough to read this propaganda

    • +3

      Good thing no one's offering to pay you to read it then!
      Bunch of snowflake conservatives 😂

  • +14

    Wow, what a cesspit. I think the mods need to take down some of this stuff. I keep seeing angry men complaining about wokeness on every single post, regardless of product . The word has lost its meaning.

    While I don't agree with everything the guardian writes I do think it's worth getting of you read a lot of news. They cap their monthly articles if you're not paying.

    I think the quality of journalism is a lot better than the rubbish you read from the Murdoch press.

    • +9

      100%. This is what ozb has become unfortunately. Every time a Tesla or other EV deal is posted, there are 250+ comments within hours. I wonder if the mods set a new rule for no political and offtopic discussion (as in, not about the actual deal price and availability), how that would go.

      I think it’s worth adding links to mediabiasfactcheck.com for people to check out. They rate the Guardian as left-centre, not hard left as various people here say. Those people should read the website and see how they came to that rating. But I suspect those people will not and instead mistakenly write off mediabiasfactcheck as some left wing political website.



      You can also look up the Herald Sun, the Age, The Australian, etc to compare.

      Personally, as I said earlier in this thread, I stopped reading the Guardian months ago due to the political bias. But I think they are a good journalistic organisation and their website is nice to use (unlike ABC, Inkl, etc). I donated to them years back and read it daily.

    • +5

      100%. Mods were useless in resolving the numerous reports I made ('no action taken'). That is a political action in itself.

      These types of junk comments need to be better resolved or it'll turn OzBargain into a cesspit.

    • It's about time the mods disabled comments on deals for woke left wing products.. Like how The Guardian does.

      • +4

        Everything I don’t like is woke!

        • Same as everything you don't like is political bias!

  • +3

    Link still active. Just joined.I subscribe to the Sydney Morning Herald and now the Guardian.I too am happy to subscribe to papers other than the right wing biased Murdoch press.I am just amazed at the anti left wing attacks in the comments here.

  • +2

    Wow, these comments!
    I am a big fan of the Guardian cryptic crossword. It can be done for free on the browser but I would like to do it on their app as it works a bit better with screen size etc. Does anyone know if this level of subscription allows me to do that? The past few times I was tempted to subscribe, you needed the top tier subscription to get the puzzles, and this is the only bit of the subscription I'm interested in. I don't mind paying a smaller amount of money in the hopes that the setters of the crosswords are paid enough to keep setting! (SMH cryptic is best as Guardian is usually too hard but I think their subscriptions are more)

    • ahh, apparently the Guardian Puzzles app (which had good crossword experience) is discontinued and one must do the crosswords on the main app - you can't get any of the other puzzles on that app, and the main app has the same problems as doing it on the browser in your phone - can't see the grid and clues on the one screen, etc.

      Other puzzlers - the Telegraph has $5 for the first yr offer (if you try to open a crossword this will pop up, otherwise you get $49/yr - I have no idea if the $5/yr only has puzzles and nothing else, if so that suits me perfectly). Independent has $1 for 6 months. Reddit says the crossword app experience for these should be OK, so it's just whether I can get used to the setting styles. The Independent cryptic is available free online so I could try before committing to an app (which will save my progress and be more convenient for doing puzzles out and about or in transit). Telegraph cryptic appears not to be available free online.

  • +5


    OzB showing its rear end today

  • +3

    The rightie telling other people they are right and opinion about this news outlet is factually right. LOL 😂 you can’t make this stuff up.

    • +5

      You think the guardian is ‘factually right?’ ROFL.

  • +2

    The Guardian are a leftist, anti-semitic, anti-Christian, anti-male, pro every trash progressive cause trash of an organisation that is anti-free speech except for their outrageous bile.






    • +7

      Good morning to you too. I hope this new year will brighten your mood :-)

    • +2

      The Guardian are a leftist, anti-semitic, anti-Christian, anti-male

      All of those are true.

      All but one of those annoy me.

      The remaining one is why I read it. As a correspondent to Ha'aretz wrote some years ago:
      "Jews can’t support occupation, genocide and ethnic cleansing then shout “anti-Semitism!!”, because then anti-Semitism becomes a moral obligation of the first order. If Jews support Zionism then anti-Semitism is justified, moral and necessary."

      And the rest of the mainstream media does not have the moral courage to stand up for what they claim are their principles on that subject.

      • +1

        Now why doesn't that surprise me. Have you considered the possibility that the Guardian and Ha'aretz are not showing moral courage but rather the same bias that you might consider applies to the other media.
        In other words your championing a source that fits neatly into your own ideas and beliefs.

      • +1

        The only occupation, genocide and ethnic cleansing is from Israel’s opponents. Jews have been ethnicity cleansed from all the neighbouring states, even in the Arab parts of Israel Jews are not safe alone.

        Zionism is simply a desire for a Jewish state, you complain about this while advocating for another completely intolerant murderous Islamic state, one of many.

        But yeah, go with the progressive line that Israel should allow its enemies to group, arm, prepare and plan to attack Israel and be left alone to do it.

        • you do realize that Jews are one of the biggest ethnic groups in Iran right?

    • +4


      Losing your marbles over a screenshot of a mock headline posted from a parody account.


      • +3

        It’s funny though because it’s true. People can’t tell the difference, it’s completely plausible.

        This is where The Guardian is today, even the most outrageously woke headline is believable from them.

        Here’s another woke headline that would probably be to too unbelievable for a parady site


  • +1

    Ha, Android vs Apple is old news now , Guardian vs Murdoch is where the OzB action is.

    I don’t mind the Guardian, the actual news is ok , and the entertainment section is good.
    It’s very open about its left wing credentials so at least you know what to expect.
    The opinions section can be fashionably lefty to the point of being comical.
    Not sure i would actually pay to read it , but im glad some people do , as presumably this keeps it paywall free.

    No news is entirely unbiased. Read two opposing sources and make your own mind up. That’s about all you can do.

    Twitter started out being good for breaking local news and announcements. But it mostly turned into a giant left (now right) wing opinions column. Its ok as a secondary source i guess.

    And of course Elon is marketing it as the “real” source of truthful news, he owns it and makes money from it. it would be weird if he didn’t hype it up.

    • +1

      It’s very open about its left wing credentials

      The problem is not being leftist; the problem is being faux leftist, supporting technocracy at every step of the way.

      so at least you know what to expect.

      True, if you know it isn't actually leftist, but a corporate technocracist propaganda outlet in leftist drag.

    • +4

      X only seems right wing now because before Elon bought it right wingers and conservatives were simply banned for the tiniest of infractions or criticisms of liberals.

      It is now balanced.


      The difference now for progressives and the establishment is stark!

      • It’s not balanced. I’m sure you won’t be convinced otherwise, though. You only believe CNN when they say something you agree with, otherwise they it’s fake news.

        • +1

          Go to Bluesky and say anything right wing and see how you go. You will find the typical progressive authoritarianism and refusal to accept differing points of view.

          You probably think is a fair and balanced site.

          • @Grok: So you’re unable to refute so you bring up a different social media site? I can see where this is heading.

            • +2

              @HamesJoffman: CNN are hot trash as well, their ratings are in the toilet. So if even they admit X is more balanced now that should say something,

              X feeds you what you are interested in, follow, search or read right wingers it will feed you more.

              Follow lefties and you get more of that.

              So you want X to start banning people you don’t like?

              • +1
                • @HamesJoffman: Complete rubbish.

                  Few if any people are banned. No-one has the right to be prioritised. The story is a complete beat up from haters.

                  The bans from BlueSky are legendary, that is what the left do.

                  • +1


                    …. from haters.

                    Haters is a term I would more associate with your ilk.

                    • @jackspratt: No-one hates more than the left, their ideology can’t handle critical analysis. The left is the home of cancel culture and social ostracisation.

                  • +1

                    @Grok: Enjoy your delusion.

                    • @HamesJoffman: You’re in a bubble.

                      In any case, There is no need to believe any media today. I don’t. Everyone has the opportunity to see the same evidence as a journalist, often more. Almost everything is online, X is not censored for example, first hand raw footage or data is often there,

                      Don’t trust, verify yourself on the touchy subjects. For example, if the media says someone said something, go check. Listen to it in full context.

                      Often the media will outright lie if they are against the person or organisation.

                      • @Grok: Again, the irony still lost on you.
                        Good luck, babe!

                      • @Grok:

                        X is not censored for example

                        Try saying Zionists are racist ethnosupremacists 😉

  • +5

    Cheaper (free) at https://web.archive.org/

    And you don't get spam emails then :)

  • +6

    Most biased and low quality news outlet, not worth $0

  • +7

    One sided news site which does not give readers much opportunity to comment about their bias, shortcomings or failures to tell the full story. This is a good deal if you are only interested in groupthink.

  • +3

    The left's attempt at fox news

  • They wanna me paying for their horse st, oh, sorry, that’s an insult to the horse st, at least they are nutritious to the soil….and theirs are …%]%]%{^. No thanks…!

  • Hilarious how many money-obsessed Sky News-frothing boomers there clearly are using this website to snap up "bargains" who can't help but have a big whinge about "wokeness" the minute they get the opportunity to do so.. 😂

    • Boomers? Why does everyone resort to this crap when people don't agree with them. I dislike the guardian, but do sometimes read articles from them if I have nothing to rage about that day ;) and am no way near a boomer. There are young and old people with left and right views.

  • +4

    Defund the ABC. Let them beg like The Guardian.

    • +6

      Send me your bank details - I'll refund your 11 cents/day.

      • +4

        each working Australian pays about $88/year in taxes for the government to brain wash them. At least Fox and The Guardian don't force people to pay.

        • +3


        • +2

          The irony appears lost on you.

      • -3

        I know you tried to cook by minimising the financial impact and saying "11 cents per day" but I legitimately would rather the 11c per day and so would the other 26m Australians. We don't need the extreme left brainrot.

        • +2

          What are you talking about?

          It is literally 11 cents/day (in round terms) for every Australian - that is a fact, and is not minimising anything.

          And you certainly don't speak for the other ~26.7 million Australians.

          Brainrot (sic) indeed.

          ps you are also welcome to send me your bank details.

  • +1

    Yeah, no thanks. They are almost as bad as bbc, telegraph and nyt whitewashing Zionist genocidal crimes in Gaza. Stick to independent journalism.

    • 💯

      Everything corporate in the West is owned by Zionists.

  • We subscribed recently and found that my wife devices couldn’t use the subscription in my name. ie. Guardian does not use Apple family sharing. What bs! That’s like having a newspaper delivered to your house but no one but the subscriber is allowed to read it,!!

  • -1

    “Far fewer asks for support”
    So you give them money but they’ll still beg you for more? Hah no thanks.

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